Monday, January 11, 2016

One More Year Left

So much has changed.
The year is 2016 and what are we to be proud of? So many issues confront us every year. And what did we fail in the year of 2015?
We have not stopped global warming, we have not stopped the islamic caliphate from growing, we have not stopped the rise of Trump, we have not raised our world education level, we have not ended poverty, we have not stopped North Korea's intent to get a really really big bomb, we have not lowered the unemployment level.....we have not achieved any one of these in 2015, even with the extra government spending.
1.1 TRILLION dollars for this year.
We have not made education cheaper, we have not made medical bills cheaper, in fact, I moved to a new state, even though I loved my healthcare, I could not keep it. My bills have increased and my healthcare actually got worse. I know I'm not the only one.
What have we achieved in 2015?
People are not talking about the great Polar Vortex of 2014 anymore.
I asked a friend of mine to check his check stubs. He could have an additional $400 in his pocket. Instead the government takes it all. Why? It doesn't seem to be fixing anything? In fact, even with all the government spending, the stocks have been plummeting! I read that Oil Barrels are now $30/ barrel because of communist China's stagnating economy. We have a president who refuses to acknowledge that they are a world power now. He fails to see the 1930's are happening  again. He fails to stop Global Warming. He fails to stop the Islamic Caliphate. He fails to stop Trump. He fails to raise our education levels. He failed to stop poverty. He failed to stop North Korea, and I'll add Iran to that as well. He has failed on unemployment, instead he ok's and promotes foreigners to do "jobs american's won't do".
Socialism promotes spending by saying that things are "free" when they are not. People who are against the ideology say it promotes laziness. We have a president who is saying his policies are promoting laziness when he says there are jobs "american's won't do".
So does that mean he has failed?
Yes. More ways than one.