Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hey! ISIS Still Exists

Yes, it's a fact. They are still killing and raping girls and women and Christians alike. Donald Trump is going around talking about polls and calling Ted Cruz a liar while all of this is happening. 

Let's move on people. 

We need a president who will not make deals with people. What ever happened to the old saying, "The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists"? Obama's has done it, so why can't Trump? He's the master deal maker, don't you know. I want to know what other deals he will make. Even he has said that some things will be non negotiable, but will they really? Will the liberties given to us by God, be up for grabs? 

Right now, Donald Trump is calling Ted Cruz a liar and he is once again trying to politicize 9/11 by taking a position on the "NY Values" comment made by Ted Cruz. He talks about how he loves the fire fighters and the police after what they did. What does Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton and Michael Bloomberg have to do with 9/11? Seriously? How anybody can relate what Ted Cruz said about the "NY Values" and the leftist policies, is crazy. They don't have any relation, what so ever. 

I guess the zika virus is gone, and ebola is back. Isn't that interesting? 

Companies have been boycotting States like North Carolina and Georgia over recent laws that were passed. What laws, do you say? A law that denied transgender individuals the right to choose which bathroom they wanted to use. So, let's say that I decide to use the woman's restroom because I am suddenly transgender, or I say that I am. Who will tell me different? I am what I am, otherwise you are a bigot. I think I could argue that in court, as the woman I could have potentially raped tries to file charges. See, there's a problem here. People don't get to decide if they can use a bathroom one day, and use a different bathroom the next. Our rights come from God and this "right" to choose a bathroom is absurd. But, it's being labeled anti-gay and what not so companies and other state institutions are boycotting the States. Even, my beloved Coca-Cola. Well, I'm boycotting then as well. All it will take is one guy to take advantage of the situation and somebody's little daughter will be scared for life. No thank you. 

Oh and, the Republicans that Donald trump helped get into office, are not helping out debt situation. 


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Okay Kasich: It's Time To Drop Out

Look, you got 14% in Wisconsin. Some people might say, hey, that's not bad at all!! Well, in a three way race, he didn't even get 1/6 of the vote in that state. 33% being a near perfect third, he managed to get less than half of that. 

You cannot win. 

I'm still shocked he won Ohio, me being from Ohio! He cannot win the nomination. He got $700 thousand from George Soros. If you don't know who that is, I'll leave a few links for you. You can do further research. The summary: he has promised to destroy capitalism and, essentially, America. When a man willing to destroy America gives that amount of money to a presidential candidate, it's time for us to let him go. 

Now, Ted Cruz won that state but it wasn't long ago when he was doomed to lose. Times change and he won in a near landslide victory! I say let's do this to more States. There are still about 2400 delegates left unclaimed. I think it's time to take control of this election and really behind Ted. 

I call to you, #NeverTrump folks! I call to you, blue collar Democrats and Republicans alike. It's time to destroy trump and his policies that go along with him. Sure, his wall idea is great. Sure his nationwide open carry idea is great. Sure his tax plan is great. But when it comes to visas, the tariffs, the personification of the mob, his views on Israel, his views on healthcare, he plans to make deals as opposed to stand up for what he believes in. What does that tell you about this man? He doesn't have a firm foundation. You would never build a house on sand, so why have a president who acts the same? When looking at Trump with a more opened eye, he is in fact more liberal. We must realize this. 

There is only one man who has time and time again, and yet again last night, who can be rallied behind and who can bring conservative minded individuals, as well as Americans in general. 

That man is Ted Cruz. 


Oh, and Bernie won last night as well. Maybe that's a good sign for our socialists friends on the left. 

Two links on George Soros

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Democrat America: Karl's Dream Realized

This could be a continuation of "Communism In America" but I can't remember if that would make this blog 4 or 5 of this series so I decided to think of it as a spiritual successor of those posts. 

Minimum wage in some States is now higher than what I made in a long time. We can expect inflation to rise as well as unemployment. When did a man or woman stop dreaming of anything bigger? I would not want to work at Burger King for the rest of my life. I would not want to pump gas into people's cars for the rest of my life. I would not want to work as an intern all my life. At some point, I would love to not have to rely on somebody for my income. I want to rely on myself, eventually. But there are some who would. 

Why not strive to be a doctor, or an animal doctor, a painter, a famous singer? why not reach for the stars, literally by becoming an astronaut? Capitalists for years have said socialism, communism or marxism what ever you decide to call it, breeds laziness. This is becoming more true by the minute. 

We have gotten to the point where people are wanting a minimum wage of $15 per hour. Heck, we have people wanting a minimum wage! Forget the amount! The fact that people want to be paid a standard amount for any kind of work basically says: I can be as lazy or productive as I please and I do not have to worry about my pay getting lowered. Ever have horrible service at a store or eatery? Somebody is thinking what you just read. 

We have a group of people who are perfectly fine with not wanting to take the leap into higher education to make more money in life. 

Heck, now that California has $15 per hour, what's the need for a college degree? As soon as I graduate, I would have spent tens of thousands of dollars for a pay not much higher per hour. I might as well save the money I would have spent at school and just stick with the $15 per hour. Oh wait! We have a president saying he will make college free too?! Sign me up! 

This laziness is incredible. 

I've been to Denmark. 200 Kroner is $40 here in the US. Their money has a bigger number for a reason! It worth nothing. The people have nothing. That's why the crime rates are so low over there: there is nothing really to steal from anybody. 

One last point: I'm all for fitness, but I don't feel like owning a bike as my only mode of personal transportation. 


Monday, April 4, 2016

What Does The Word Life Mean To You?

That is the question of the day, at least in my world. 

It's a question I ask all of the liberals. You say that you are anti-gun because they kill, yet you believe it's a woman's choice to abort a baby, even though that's killing somebody or something. You also support 'black lives matter' while disagreeing with 'all lives matter'. What it it were a black, unborn child? Would his or her life matter? 

Some would say their life hasn't happened yet, so we cannot call them a living human being. It's a kin to what I call the lava vs magma situation. It's magma only until it hits air, and then and only then, we can call it lava. It's a fetus until it hits air, and then and only then we can call it a living, human being. 

Even with my analogy, making a case for something so absurd is, frankly, stupid. 

Let's look at what a fetus is. It actually comes from the Latin word meaning offspring. Who are ye children? They are your offspring! (yes I meant the ye)

Saying that the baby is not a baby, when the words originality means offspring, your fruit, your child, proves yet another point: the left changes words and definitions around.  My personal favorite is the bastardization of immigrant. There's a difference, a huge difference, between immigrant and alien. Let's play by their rules for a bit: we are a nation of immigrants, but we are not a nation of illegal aliens. People wanted to come here to live in the greatest country on the face of this earth. They thought America had gold streets! Isn't that amazing? 

I had a talk with a liberal teacher at my high school, back when I ran for mayor of my city. We got on the subject of nuclear bombs but the discussion was on technology. Just because we have the technology to do something like kill people, is that really a technological achievement? Should we be proud of that? More importantly: is it moral? 

So I raise this final question to everybody reading this blog: just because we can kill things inside a living woman, does that make it moral? Should we continue to do it? 

All men (women included) were created equal, justice speaking, in the eyes of our Constitution. The rights are not granted by any human but by our creator. Even if you don't think that baby inside the womb is a living human being, it was created. It does exist. 
