Friday, February 5, 2016

The Difference Between Socialism And Communism

Socialism. Communism. Leninism. Marxism. Stalinism. These are all extremely scary ideologies. Let's take a brief look into each one and how they compare and contrast to each other because I feel it is of supreme importance. Especially now with the condition of the republic.

Let's start with socialism. A simple definition is: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, ofcapital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. Well, that sound pleasant! It's just like what we were taught in kindergarten: sharing is caring. Although, "social organization"...what's that mean? You see, in a socialist society, you are "paid" by what you need, not by what you want and that is based off of your set of skills that you are able to contribute to the society. Now, because of this, there's no need to buy things for the sake of buying things because you want them. Things are essentially rationed for you as an end result. Who decides what skills you have and how much of something you need? The government, naturally. See, the people cannot work for themselves, therefore the cannot be left to decide on things by themselves. There is a natural higher archy put in place to keep everything in order. Who decides who is the higher archy? The government. You trusted them to get you there so it's fair that you can trust them to see this through. Now, because things are rationed out amongst the people, there is perfect equality because people have only what they need. Want to live someplace like in an oceanside beach house? You can, but if the government sees that you have a different set of skills, you could be more useful someplace more inland. Do you want to own some land? Well, the government doesn't want you owning more than everybody else because that would not be fair. Let's put you in the city where you can live closer to work, like everybody else. 

Marxism. This one is more or less the "understanding" of the economic struggle between the rich and the poor. It's recognizing the working class is undervalued and that it will need to, one day, take over the rich/upper class. Marxism takes this understanding and lays out a play book or road map to do so. See, we as humans, love "shiny things". Most of us go crazy over the new iPhone that is being released. We love the new cars that come out each year. We drool at the sight of a 50" 4K tv. These things drive us to be selfish human beings. Buying that new iPhone for myself isn't going to help the neighborhood. Buying that new car will make me look good driving down the road, but that's really it. And that new tv? Why should I be lucky enough to have that? Marxism seeks to understand that these actions are "unfair". This leads me into communism. 

Communism is a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property. Now, private property is only one of the beliefs of the communist. Private property is a huge deal though. Just like socialism, the people cannot think for themselves because that would be too selfish. You are to work for the betterment of society because of the people work together, we can reach great accomplishments. Again, we see the whole "social organizing" again. The government tells you where to live, tells you how much land, if any, you own. The government tells you when to work, where to work, what to eat, how much you eat, when you eat, what you wear, how you wear it, if you should do this or that... If it isn't for the good of the people, it will be useless because that would make you more exceptional than others. Equality is of most importance. 

Leninism is Marxism or communism through the eyes of Lenin. He achieved that working man's attempt to overthrow the society. He became a dictator through the process known as the Russian Revolution. His goal was to achieve what Marx and Engles explained in their manifesto and he did just that. 

Stalinism took each of these to an extreme level. Stalin learned from the philosophy of socialism to the studies of Marx and through the execution of Lenin and created his own set of principles. Principles based on terror, authoritarianism, and an extreme love of country. Lenin, with the help of the civil war and The Red Terror killed thousands of people. Stalin, with his political ideology killed anywhere between 4-10 million people. Innocent people died because of what? They didn't want to go along with Stalin. They didn't fit in and go along with society. 

Here's a major problem with the left and their ideologies: we all have a dream or dreams and we all have a passion or passions that push us through life. Mine is music. My fiancé's is horses. In a socialist society, those don't matter. Me playing music has no benefit for mankind. My fiancé riding horses and/or just being around them, has no benefit for mankind. You see, what we want does not matter in the eyes of the elite. What we desire the most, do not matter. So, what's the point, then, of working if I'm going to be unhappy? What's the point of working hard if I'm unhappy or unmotivated at this job? Sure, I should be happy because humanity is surviving, but is surviving enough? We don't want to survive, we want to live!

Here's another problem with the leftist ideologies: they are ideologies because they aren't based off of any kind of human experience. Radio host and writer/history genius Mark Levin wrote in, I believe it was, one of his NYTimes best sellers, Liberty and Tyranny, about how "the mind" can create an endless string of thought. (Sorry, I do not have the book in front of me. I promise he explains it more elegantly). He basically states, because it is created within the mind, there are endless amounts of outcomes. Unlike conservatism, "which is based off of human experience" and therefore any outcomes that may come up, have come up before. They are not some idea, they are based off of what has happened already! So here lies the first problem with the left: it's not based on what has happened, but instead of what may or may not happen. I will relate it to this: a former teacher of mine explained what one of the most useless actions in this world was: to worry. The reason is because almost every time we worry about something, our outcome that we created never happens. That's because, again, the mind can create an intimate amount of possibilities and therefore can create an infinite amount of problems, or anything for that matter. Yet, they almost never come true. They aren't based on what has happened because the future hasn't happened yet! So we worry, for nothing. An ideology works the same way. It's not based off of history, it's based off of one of many ideas we could create. 

Now, with all of these, God has no place in this picture. People of Soviet Russia didn't pray to God, they prayed to Stalin. People of North Korea don't pray to God, they to Kim and his family because that's how they are raised. They are brought up in a society where God doesn't exist because the government has become the God. What happens when the government goes away? The people will have nothing. The people rely on the government for everything just as Christians rely on God. So, it's no coincidence they are parallel in that aspect. 

Through "social organization", the government becomes more powerful. Government never "grows" weaker, unless the people move it that way. Left untouched by an uneducated people, it can and will only become stronger. America is on that path. My proof: we actually have an open socialist winning in the polls. And let me tell you guys something: this is only the beginning. 


Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Great Demise of Donald J. Trump

...for president, that is. 

It's no secret, to people who have been reading this blog for a while, that I used to be a Donald Trump supporter. I mean, I was pretty gung-ho about his campaign. Nothing could deter my thinking from his actions. I was one of those crazy loyalists who, if he did shoot somebody on fifth avenue, I would probably have stayed. However, some things can be said for being humble. Some things can be said about a man's character. I believe we tend to show our weakness through other people. For instance, if a man is insecure, he will attempt to create that insecurity through another individual. When trump talks about Ted Cruz's character, I believe Trump is referring to himself. Trump goes as far as to say he could shoot people on fifth, avenue and still not lose any supporters. It's only now that he wants to talk about character. 

I do believe Trump brings on all of these "issues" that some people just don't care about, because he doesn't have any real issues to talk about anymore. He said all he could early in the campaign. His tax plan, his second amendment plan, his healthcare plan, his destroy ISIS plan and last but not least, his big wall plan. All of those plans were great. But then, that's it. They didn't get the amount of media coverage as, say, the birther 'issue'. Now all you see is an attack on this person, attack on that person...the past 24 hours have been about him suing Ted. I think I said yesterday, okay, do it. What's taking you so long? I am tired of all of this talk. Not just on broken promises, but about making deals. It's okay to make deals in this world with other countries, as long as we are on the upper hand but saying you have to make deals with the establishment to get things done in Washington shortly after going on about how the establishment loves you and then saying you have to be the establishment in DC to get things done? Isn't that the whole problem to begin with? And HE wants to talk about character?

Ted Cruz spoke against the leader of his party a few years ago. You could see the fire in his eyes during that speech. That was the fire in every American's eyes, because we were lied to. Now, Ted Cruz apologized for this 'voter fraud' situation. I honestly don't know if this was Voter Fraud, but I completely understand where Ben Carson is coming from. I would be just as angry. I would not be angry as much at another candidate but rather to CNN. The way they broadcasted the 'story' was unprofessional. Let's not forget, Ted Cruz did apologize on national tv to Ben Carson. A man who has a big enough backbone to go against his party's leadership, apologized within 24 hours on live television. And Trump wants to talk about character?

I'm not even going to bring up Marco because he honestly has no dog in this fight. And to be truthful, either does Trump. This should be between Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson. Why in God's name is Trump bringing a dog to this fight?

It's because after all this talk about "winning", he lost. He came in second place. He is threatening to sue over something that doesn't have anything to do with him. And he wants to talk about character. Jeb Bush is the last person I would want to win in the Republican Party, but he's so close on something I have been thinking about lately. Trump isn't attacking his way to the top, he's making fun of people on the way to the top. He's bringing up pointless 'things' to get to the top. Listen to what he says about Jeb: "He's a loser with no energy." Look at what he says about Ted: "He's cruel and nobody likes him." He keeps making fun of people. Saying Ben Carson is a "horrible Doctor."

And Trump wants to bring up character. 

A man apologized to a fellow candidate because he felt there was a need to from his own self. Nobody forced Ted to apologize, he just did it. 

Trump is insecure. That's the bottom line. He is trying to make Cruz seem insecure but it's not working. What does Trump do? He goes on Twitter instead of taking the problem face to face. He refuses to debate Cruz one on one. I've heard that it would be against RNC rules or something to do that but since when does Trunp care about RNC rules? He's going to suddenly start following them because that's what he does? Give me a break. 

Trump started to lose me a few weeks ago with the mindless attacks on Ted. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that, either. Ted Cruz came in first. He won Iowa. I love Ben Carson, but if a tweet, 15 minutes before the caucus starts can destroy a man's chances of winning that state, and nobody heard about it, brought it up or exposed any more than that tweet until the next morning, I doubt it had any significance to the end result. That's my guess. I love Ben Carson. I love Ted Cruz. I think the only reason why this is as big as it is is because an insecure business man came in second. 

Meanwhile, President Obama visited a radicalized mosque. 


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Rubio To Win New Hampshire Primary!

Yeah. Pretty misleading, isn't it?

Should I have said "Sanders Takes A Leave After NH"?

So much bs yesterday and I'm sure today won't be much different. Do you want to know something though? It all doesn't matter. The talk show hosts, everybody is correct: The Establishment lost the other day and they are pissed about it. How on earth can a poll for the Republican Party be that wrong? How on earth can 90 precincts go missing on the democrats side? Seriously? It tells me the polls are biased and we need to stop caring about them and somebody doesn't want sanders in the office. Within the democrat party that is. This wouldn't be the first time they tried ousting Bernie. It also tells me, what is the establishment trying to hide from us? What's the government trying to keep us busy from?

President Obama is quoted on saying about Sanders: we're "progressives too". The President Is apparently wanting to aid Syria again and he's also wanting about $1 Billion for heroin treatment. I didn't know our president was an addict of that, did you? I guess, maybe we should use this argument to further prove weed is a gateway drug, shouldn't we? Seriously though, that progressive comment. What is a "progressive"? Anybody who knows history knows this is not a new term at all. Socialism, or I'll say even the modern "progressive" thinking began in Europe. It started after the enlightenment. Which is funny because the enlightenment was when everybody started to think the opposite of what socialism is all about. The socialist or progressive believed "that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace. Progressives lived mainly in the cities, were college educated, and believed that government could be a tool for change." Change, eh? So anybody with a brain could look back at the presidents who took it to the next step and focused on doing just that. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are just two. Yes, old Teddy was a "progressive". What also comes out of this is the proof that Obama does not value American values if he values the European idea of socialism. It's not American by nature. It goes against our constitution. This is why Bernie sanders is scary. This is why Hillary Clinton is scary. They believe in the same socialism as well. 

Let's go back the the caucus. PJ Media headlines: "Rubio and Sanders the Big Winners in Iowa".....uhh, no. Did they watch the same caucus as I did? As we did? Ted Cruz won and Hillary Clinton tied. This is not the only one bringing up Rubio. Nearly every news outlet brings up Rubio and maybe they will bring up Cruz. This is pathetic. But, what can the establishment do?

The House vote to override Obama's veto, by the way. It was the bill to "defund Obama care and planned parenthood". At least you know where the republican establishment stands. It's a Republican congress and we can't even vote out a veto? Seriously? It's okay. Former senator Scott Brown is going to endorse Trump. Or he already has. I don't know. Does it matter anyways? Brown was never really a conservative, so we know where Trump stands in his eyes. This comes in with perfect timing for the NH primary. Will it hurt him? I'm sure Donald will be all about those polls again because they were so spot on last time. Speaking of Trump, I'll post a link to an article on Conservative Review that asks the question: is Trump really the constitutional restorer we think he is? A man who believes it's okay to take away private property, a man who can't pick out a bible verse if it's his "first favorite book"...I don't know my bible all that well either, but I can pick out my favorite verse and my fiancé's favorite verse. I'll leave that link first. Always a great read from those folks. 

There's a lot going on behind the scenes that it's hard to stay focused on all of this primary excitement. The establishment rules it all, and they do not like it when they lose. They become more angry at the people when they lose. That's why they despise Ted Cruz. He actually has a backbone and some guts because, like us, he's a free thinker. 


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ted Cruz Wins Iowa-Now what?

We have had a great victory last night. For many conservatives, they went to sleep with smiling faces and will wake up with them on. To others, they will be disappointed. But one thing is for sure: this is not the final stop. New Hampshire is next and already, candidates are looking ahead on the campaign trail. So, that's it, right? Ted Cruz beat the only person that was considered "electable". Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. 

Yes, Ted Cruz was not considered as electable as Donald Trump was. However, Ted beat him. By a pretty decent margin. I was quite surprised. I figured it would be closer. But, for me, I am relived. I'm happy the polls are done in Iowa. I'm happy Ted Cruz came out on top because I know for sure that this only made the fire under his campaign hotter and more intense. For me, it started that fire back up and it's burning hotter than ever. Finally, in my lifetime, a conservative through and through, has hope. At least, I'll play along with the media. 

This hope is exciting for me. It's not the drama of it, it's the fact that a guy like Ted Cruz can be on top. A man who stood against the leader of his party after he was lied to. A man who has fought with conservative principles and a man who has true fear of God. He always makes that known. His life story is based around God and the conservative, smaller government and fighting for "We The People". There is no doubt in my mind, that he will continue to do that when elected president. 

So why did Ted Cruz win? Well, honestly nobody knows but if I was at the caucus last night, I know that issues are a huge importance to me. All of this stuff about how he's not born here, all these issues about whatever else came to Trump's mind..I forgot them because I stopped listening to him. I lost interest. Meanwhile, Cruz is talking about restoring religious liberty and bringing up eminent domain. Those issues I care about a lot because it's about time somebody brought these issues up. Trump hasn't said a solid issue in over 3 weeks. I believe that's why he lost. 

Cruz won because people can see what he's all about. People can feel what he's all about. Again, though, it's nowhere near being done. This is only the start. Iowans is pretty important in this process, but it really doesn't mean much yet. It will mostly be forgotten by the media and New Hampshire will be pushed and so will the stupid arguments by Trump. Ted stood on issues and he stood by principle. The constitution isn't just some old paper document behind a glass seal, it's a document that means so much tot us everyday because without it, how would I be typing this? Defiantly not with my capital. 

Iowa will only be a blink of an eye, and campaigning wise, New Hampshire will be difficult. Let's not give up Cruz Crew. Let's keep this positive energy going. 


Monday, February 1, 2016

Donald Trump And Eminent Domain

A few months ago I wrote a blog series called Communism In America and to be honest: it was poorly written. Not just because of my understanding of the Communist Manifesto, but rather because I have grown so much, like every new year. Only a few people on radio talk about private property rights on tv and on the radio, but man, is it important. Let's take a look at The Constitution and learn from this because only one candidate has a history of being against private property. I'll do my best to show why it's important to look at this issue, instead of the drama that has been created between Cruz and Trump. 

Now, first, I do not like to look at history of the candidates too much because I know some people change their minds. However, nobody changes their mind overnight or over a few nights. Therefore, sometimes, we need to look into the history to learn from it. Candidates are, by a result, open to work with. 

The Fifth Amendment. 

A lot of people, when brought up to the attention of the fifth amendment, think of the phrase: "I plead the fifth!" But there is so much to this amendment, it gets overlooked very easy. Here's what it says: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." The last little bit we will use for this argument."...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." This part of the fifth amendment is only a little bit of what's in the whole constitution regarding private property. There are clauses throughout it that express, in great detail, on how private property was very important to the framers of this document. 

Now, what does The Communist Manifesto say? It's important to explain The Communist Manifesto is a war, for lack of a better term, between two parties: the bourgeois and the proletariat. The bourgeois is the capitalist, the proletariat is, what the manifesto claims to be for: the working class people. Section 2 of the infamous book tells us everything the communist is supposed to represent. One of the key beliefs are: "Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes." This goes against everything the framers had in mind to such an amazing degree. Why does the communist believe this? The communist feels it's not something new. (Note: for a book that talks about how history starts now, it contradicts itself because it looks to history to explain points to further its argument). The manifesto talks about The French Revolution. They say, it "for example , abolished feudal property in favor for bourgeois property." You see, when you work, you get paid, in most cases, in the form of money. It's yours to buy things with, it's your capital. Hence capitalism. Your capital is controlled, owned and is, for you. The state has nothing to do with it because it is private, to you. And it should be! I work hard for my money, as do you!

If I am anything like a majority of Americans, I want a lot of land. A house, a barn with horses and kids can play in this property and in the pasture with the animals and I want to be able to look out and say, yeah..this is all mine. I worked for this. I did this. I built this. Now how is it that you can be a capitalist and not be worthy of the fruits of your labor? You work hard, after all, right? The constitution understands this. It's your money. It's your barn. It's your house. It's your land. That's why the last line in the fifth amendment says: "without just compensation." Now here's the tricky part: we have a presidential candidate who is in favor for eminent domain which is the government's ability to take away private property without pay or compensation. Donald Trump says: "You wouldn't have roads, you wouldn't have schools, hospitals,I mean, I don't love eminent domain, but you need eminent domain or you don't have a country." ...Or you don't have a country.. That's not what the constitution says, Donald. The constitution lays out important steps to make sure the government cannot take away private property. You may as well be Bernie Sanders at this point. There's no doubt a socialist, which is where Karl Marx grew his manifesto out of, believes this. In contrast, Ted Cruz supports the fifth amendment. Not The Communist Manifesto.  

Today is a big day in the election process. The people of Iowa will caucus for whom they want to be the president of the United States. It's not the final, general election, but it's the step towards that. The people of Iowa have a lot of private land where they live, have a family and use for farming. Imagine a Trump administration saying, it's your obligation to this nation to give up some land to the state because we want to build this hospital here. Or we want to build this school here. Or we want to build this road here because, if you don't, we won't have a country. So you give up the land that you depend on for your living and survival. What good comes out of that? If you ask me, we have a country with those farmers. We do not have a country where the government can take away private property. 

We have tyranny. 

Donald Trump supports the federal government taking away the land of farmers and any other person for public use. This is what Karl Marx and the left support. This is against The Bill Of Rights and this is against the idea that is America. 

If you live in Iowa, and plan to caucus for a candidate, remember what your values are and where they come from. Do not change your mindset for the candidate. Stand firm on your principles because what is the point of having them, if you don't stand by them?


Sunday, January 31, 2016

Obama and Ted Cruz and Donald Trump

Obama will visit some
Mosques on Wednesday and one of them had extremist ties to The Muslim Brotherhood. The same Muslim Brotherhood that met with Al Qaeda and ISIS a few weeks ago...

You know what? I'm tired. 

Do you really want to know what is on my mind? We have Trump running a campaign that flip flops more than Hillary Clinton and we have an independent running on a Socialist agenda. What on earth has this country come to? Ted Cruz sent out letters in a Manila envelope and I guess people in Iowa are upset..I haven't really looked into the issue because I'm too busy worrying about ISIS, I'm busy worrying about North Korea getting and using a bomb on people, I'm worried about the debt in this country, I'm worried about another terror attack...I'm scared for our country because the media takes us into different paths and tries to keep us away from actual things happening that could destroy our livelyhood. You know, one day we are going to wake up and look at what this country became and we will not reverse what has happened. Heck, some of us are already there. We have a presidential candidate who has and will continue to stand for the bill of rights and the rest of the constitution yet, we are stopped short because a rich billionaire created an argument where he cannot run. Sue him then, Donald. If you believe what you preach, stop walking around and actually sue him! You have the money, the power, you know the people yet all you do is preach this crappy, worthless "issue". The reason why he won't sue him is because even he knows it's full of garbage. It will never go anywhere. Still, though, people are buying into it. He's a salesman, people. That's his job!

I do do not get half of what is going on. A huge majority of 'millennials' support Sanders.. Why? Because we have a generation of people who are indoctrinated and who do not know something other than socialism. I'm tired of all this crap. 

Why do we go on and on about stuff that has no relation to the future of this world? For nearly half a century, we tried our best to destroy the ideology that is communism. Here we are, though, less than 30 years after the wall fell and we are having a presidential candidate that is an outright socialist and he's winning in the polls. They say: 'well, he's a democratic socialist' or what ever the heck. Ok, what does that mean? 'Well..well...' So Bernie sanders came out and explained what that meant. He didn't have to hold a special conference for that. Read the history that is in books. Or look online. A quick Google search and you can find anything you'll ever need. Socialism is not a new thing. The evolution of that, Marxism, was created by a drunk! He partied and smoked and did not really want to be in school anyways but socialism got his attention.

If you like Bernie sanders, here what his vision for America is: 0% unemployment. Free healthcare. Free school. People to live in cities. A much higher pay rate than $15 per hour. He sees an America that is racially tolerant and crime rate is as close to zero as it can be. Guess what: we are already the most racially tolerant people on the face of this world. But everything else: that place already exists. It's North Korea. 

I had many things to write about today but nothing seemed so important to really write about it. 

We must stop with the phoney arguments and fake problems and look at the bigger picture because there is a lot at stake here. We need to read history and learn from it. We need to stop being babies and pay for our education and student loans. We need to have respect for the people because when the government can give us everything, it can take it away just as fast. 
