Monday, May 2, 2016

America Needs God

What must a society come to when it's morals are based off of humanities reasoning and not from a higher power?

I'm currently reading two books: 'The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' by Edward Gibbon and 'Second Treatise of Government' by John Locke. In the early chapters of the former, it paints the picture of a militaristic people who exercise the phrase, 'speak softly but carry a big stick'. The latter exclaims the rights given by a higher being and equality through justice. Obviously we know what happens to Rome but we don't know what happens to America. Simply, the end hasn't happened yet. 

Obama joked the other day saying "The end of the republic never looked better". Three things: what does that phrase mean, why now does he define this country as a republic instead of the commonly used democracy and I believe a sitting president has never joked about this subject. A man who has stated he would "fundamentally change America" laughingly joked about "the end of the republic". We do not have a strong military from this president, we do not have a constitutional system anymore..I mean, seriously, the people are so angry at "the system", they are about to get a candidate for president who personifies that anger. This is some scary stuff!

There are people who fight for "equality" and there are people who actually care about equality. Equality in the sense of how the constitution originally defines the word. "All Men Are Created Equally". This phrase seems to be overshadowed by the word 'equally' but I think we should focus more on the word 'created'. Not only does this signify the relation of a higher being above us and our 'rights', but it shows us where those rights come from. If another human being has to give us rights, such as healthcare because that human is a doctor, they have to give up their rights for you to have your healthcare because you should have it anytime you want. How is that equality?

Man can create a thousand different empires and countries. But we need to know where the power comes from. It does not come from you or I, but from the thing that created us. 

If we do not believe in a creator, who's to say what's right or wrong? Who's to say it's okay to be nice and it's not okay to be mean? Men are by definition imperfect. We cannot hold the perfect card when it comes to deciding what's wrong vs right. We need a being who can tell us the difference. What must a society come to then? A society will fall. It will become a broken, depressed, barbaric, anarchy driven group of individuals. We are almost to that point, America. 

We have a small group of individuals who don't even know what gender they are, when all they have to do is look between their legs and get mental help. And we have the audacity to think we can separate the right and wrong?


“History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”

Excerpt From: Gibbon, Edward. “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.” iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:


“Second Treatise of Government”

Excerpt From: Locke, John. “Second Treatise of Government.” iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:

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