Monday, May 9, 2016

The Republicans Are Acting Like Communists

Gather behind Trump. 
Support Trump. 
Rally behind Trump. 
We must unite behind Trump. 

Otherwise, you're for Hillary. 

Boy, have I been waiting to comment on this. Like I said on Thursday, I believe this is a repeat of the '76 election. I think it's very clear at this point. Not only has Trump decided to back off of his Tax plan, his minimum wage thoughts, he believes men should use women's restrooms, his immigration idea really isn't that conservative and who knows if he will flip flop on his open carry plan. This is a man who joked about shooting people on 5th avenue. He openly joked about domestic terrorism and we did not even blink an eye. 

Well, actually 53 percent of us have. As constitutional scholar Mark Levin points out, there are 53 percent of the republican voter base, that did not vote for Trump. I, being one of them. Yet, because he is the last man standing, we must rally behind him or we are for Hillary? All of this talk about how bad we are if we do not unite behind the republican nominee..he isn't the nominee yet. I say that after he has already flipped on some major issues the past few days. So, it doesn't matter what his policies are, no matter how liberal they are, we must come together behind Trump because we are republicans. 

This sounds like the Soviet Union to me. 

Since when is the Republican Party, party before country? The communists are party before country. The democrats are party before country. Since when has the republican base stooped to such a low? 

If we unite behind Trump, we might as well call ourselves communists, with this respect. 

It's not that I'm for Hillary or pro Bernie, it's that I'm pro-American. Trump is already showing his true colors. He is dancing in the end zone with a flag called by the ref, in my opinion. Ted Cruz, although he may not come back, only suspended his campaign. He didn't pull out all the way. He, technically, could jump right back in. I doubt he will, unfortunately. 

Some people will say that a third party run could hurt the republicans, that is why we need to get behind Trump, to beat Hillary. I say BS. I thought Trump was drawing in democrats? Democrats, independents, everybody was part of his "movement" because of him. If he truly is bringing people from all over, a third party ticket would, and should, split the divide pretty evenly. There are more people in the anti-Trump movement than there are those supporting Trump, and with Hillary, Trump has claimed time and time again that democrats are moving over to his it should be interesting if it could be the 8 percent he would need to win the majority. I like to think an individual with principle trumps (no pun intended..okay, why not?) an individual with no principle. 

We conservatives must not rally and unite behind Trump otherwise we shall claim to be party before country, communists. I believe he is no different than Hillary and I am tired of always being on the defensive against the liberals, both in and out of the Republican Party. It's time we unite with ourselves because we refuse to put party before country. 



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