Sunday, February 14, 2016

Donald Showed His True Colors At Debate

First off, what a sad day for liberty and Americanism. Antonin Scalia was a man of principle and courage, who understood the constitution as a form of a contract meaning it's meaning does not change over the passage of time, rather it stays true. I am working on a post that will go more in depth on Justice Scalia that should be out within this week. My prayers are sent to his family. 

Second, I finally have cell service again. Last night was another one of those nights and I was going to write a blog post about Friday but it worked out because Saturday ended up being a great day for thinking. So much has happened and I want to spend time mostly on the debate and there's a piece of news that not a whole of people are talking about, to my knowledge, that I want to bring up. So, let's begin:

Who the heck woke Donald Trump wrong? He must've been having a bad day. Why? He in the lead on all the polls..he keeps reminding us of this greatness. Tonight's debate was a "YUGE" eye awakener for some based on Twitter. Seeing tweets like 'Trump is defiantly losing this debate' or 'the soft spoken closing statement by Trump was his best moment'-I mean, seriously. He was on fire. To quote him, I could see 'blood coming from' his eyes..everywhere. He brought up 9/11 again, not cool dude. He kept interrupting and over talking everybody even if it wasn't his turn. It's no surprise he got the most talking time out of everybody. He made himself a friend of Ben Carson and I am so happy Ted Cruz brought up the knife/ belt buckle story as well as the time Trump said 'Carson is a psychopath'. Ted played Trump like a violinist plays their violin: perfectly. Carson didn't take a jab at any of them, continuing his principle of no personal attacks. That says something impressive. I doubt I could pull that. Trump yelled, overspoke, was angry in every sound bite except his closing statement, he called people liars, attacked pretty much everybody with the last name Bush, and two faced against Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Ted Cruz. Seriously: who pissed of Trump? What did the people of South Carolina or even the general public do to deserve such a poor excuse for a man?

It cracks me up, when Trump said the conservatives are part of the reason why we are in this mess, and then less than 24 hours later explains how Scalia was essentially a force for good because he was a conservative. He disses Conservatives but praises Reagan for being a conservative deal maker with what's his face-does it matter? That deal never happened anyways! It's part of Donald's own fabricated history. It's unbelievable how flip floppy he is. There's no way he will win in the final elections with this kind of history. If you flip flop more than a candidate on the democrat side, by name, you will lose. Don't you think they will use that against you? How can you even hold a candle up to the hypocrisy that great? Trump will not win based off of that and it doesn't matter how great of a deal maker you are. Also, he needs to stop acting like a friend to those whom he disrespected at one point. Trump better take the old warning: he isn't invincible. He has failed many times. Iowa was not the last and you would be more wet behind the ears than a Jr. High virgin if you believed that. 

Trump showed his true colors by saying 'thank you' to Ted and then 5 seconds later interrupting him-during his question-telling, "Ted is a nasty guy". Seriously? Why did you thank him then? Can't you make a sensible judgement or do you act on sudden movements? Let me say something: we do not need a president who is this intense. If something gets mistaken or interpreted wrong, Denmark could be nuked! To change your opinion, in this case it was literally 5 seconds, is unbelievable. To act so childish in front of the American people when you are supposed to be a leader meaning accept your faults and humble yourself when you are wrong. That does not mean to avoid the question and say things like 'he's a nasty man...9/11 was under his reign...planned parenthood does many great things...' Etc. I could go on and on. I mean, this Trump showed how much of an, excuse my language, Trump showed how much of an ass he truly is, on that stage last night. There was no reason to act like that. That is not showing leadership, that's showing ignorance. 

I cannot wait to see what the polls will say because Trump showed no value in this debate. Is this how he has always been, of have I finally woken up to the point of no return? If I was still a supporter of Trump, I would be questioning myself. Seriously. This was pathetic. I'll leave a link to the debate. Unbelievable to call yourself a conservative less than a day after claiming conservatives were part of the problem. No thank you, Mr. Trump. No thank you. 

Last but not least, socialism versus capitalism. I wrote a short post about the differences between the liberal -isms a few days ago. Radio host, constitutional Doctor, author and true blooded American gave a great bit on socialism verses capitalism. It sums up to this: "We have a generation of people who think socialism is a great idea, yet they cannot define what it is!" I implore anybody to listen to it because Mark really nails it to Bernie and to socialism, Marxism, all of the -isms I mentioned about the other day. It's one of the greatest episodes in my opinion. Give it a listen and share because every American needs to know how evil liberalism is. It's anti-constitutional and its anti-American. Mark explains it better than anybody else I know. 

Good job for Mitch McConnell for standing up for conservatives too, by the way. Let's hold off as much as we can because we are only 1 vote away from losing our bill of rights in the SCOTUS. 


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