Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The New Hampshire Primary

In today's primaries: remember what kind of country we have. 

He have two socialists running on the democrat side, until Bloomberg or Biden decide to jump in, but until then, you are pretty much toast. On the republican side, you have many more involved. Some should have ran on the democrats side, some would have a long time ago and others seek destroy the socialist ideology. I would personally go for the latter. 

He have sanctuary cities in this country. So it's not okay for a state like Arizona to create an immigration law, but it's okay for city to outright ignore them? We have people being murdered in those cities and the president says nothing. Do I want a wall? Absolutely. But there is only one candidate who has explained a detailed plan on that wall. And a plan to make sure they don't stay. And to make sure they don't come back. And to make sure if they are deported as quickly and as efficiently as possible. There's more to the immigration issue than that big, beautiful wall. 

We have ISIS in this country. We have Individuals joining ISIS or at least attempting toc in the country. The Muslim Brotherhood is not considered a terrorist organization in this country. They have an open door policy to the Oval Office. Yet they continue to be with Al Qaeda and ISIS yet not a word is being said. NOT A WORD! 

We have a runaway government with spending. Let's bring the federal government down in size. We need a president who will promise to destroy the EPA. We need a president who will destroy the IRS. We need a president who has stood up to the leaders in his own party because he recognizes the corruption that is the federal government. We need a president who is against planned parenthood and other government subsidies because if the people don't want it, they should not be forced to have it, and they should not be forced to have those hard earned money taxed to death to pay for it. 

We need a president who can take time to remember those who have fallen in terror attacks around this world. We do not need a president to use those who have fallen to gain votes. Those people died from radical Islamic terrorists and the should not be honored by gaining votes, they should be honored by destroying the enemy off the face of this earth. To quote Ted Cruz: "let's see if we can make the desert glow". 

Only one candidate has expressed no sympathy to illegal aliens who knowingly cane here illegally. Only one candidate knows the corruption of DC and the hatred being thrown upon him there is proof enough. Last, only one candidate has fought for the conservative cause time and time again. 

Ted Cruz. 


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