Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Break

Well, my girlfriend surprised me this weekend. She lives up north about an 8 hour drive. I had no idea she was coming down this weekend. So, all of my posts will be on hold till Monday. I will talk about what happened this week.

I'm sorry. I will see you guys Monday morning New York time!
Enjoy the weekend and have fun. Talk soon :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


It's that time of year again. All the people who don't normally go to church, are gonna go this week. That's awesome! But, how come they don't go every week? Is it really that difficult? I don't know, You could have a really busy schedule and easter and Christmas are the only two days you can go in the year. But what about your family? Why can't they go the other days of the year? I wish more would come out. That would be really cool..It would make the world a better place, I believe.

So, yeah...This Communism In America "Series" has really exploded on my blog. It's now being read in over 10 countries. Not just one view, rather, a lot of views..It's pretty crazy! Thank you for reading The Mind Of Clint.

I never intended this to be informational. I want this to be a short, thoughtful blog. Short, because most thoughts are short and thoughtful, because thoughts are..well...thoughts. Go figure haha.. It's pretty cool though. I get all my info strait from The Communist Manifesto and I apply it to today's political ventures. The first post I really didn't get too in depth, because I wanted it to be short. But Last night's Part 2 went a bit more in depth. And, it shows..Already climbing my top 5 articles. It's a valid look at how the communists never truly went away..rather changed and appealed. It's scary, indeed. I'll go more in depth at a Part 3. I don't know how many parts this will have because there is so much to get to. We will have to see. Thank you again for reading. You can read Communism In America: Part 2 here,

I slept with the windows open again. I love it. I did Yard work all day yesterday and I managed to get 24 hours of work in the past 4 days. I'm beat, but with money I got from selling my keyboard, I only need to take out around $20 from my bank for rent this month. I'm proud of myself. The yard work was hard work. The yard looks good again, though. I feel like I need to tackle the broken stairway leading into the river now. I feel like I could, too.

Thank you again for reading this. I am truly honored that you are reading this blog. I have this idea on where it will go, but I don't really want to stray from the current formula. My thoughts are my own, they are what I think. This is an opinion blog, from my mind to your computer.

No question this time. Just a thank you. I hope to hear from you guys in the future. Remember, anybody can comment. I encourage it.

Go to church this weekend..even if it's been a while. The Lord will rise this week (if your christian). Passover is this week. Lent is coming to a close. I haven't had a single soda since it began and I think I can stick with it even till after lent is over. Be responsible, and I hope to see you this Sunday. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Communism In America: Part 2

The Minimum Wage

Yes. This is part of Marx's vision of Utopia. The minimum wage is, as Marx puts it: "requisite to keep the labourer in bare existence as a labourer." Meaning it's there because it has to show that you exist. It's for the State, not for you or your company's benefit.

The minimum wage goes much farther back than Karl Marx, but the idea it's not one's capital (what turns one's stuff into your stuff and your stuff only) rather it be, everybody's. You don't work for what is yours. Everything you make is for 'the betterment of society'. If you have a fruit farm and are growing oranges. Let's say I want that orange. I should be able to take it off the tree and eat it right then, and there, right? Why, then, would you be growing these trees if it weren't for the betterment of society? Well, to make a profit, quite frankly. You put hard work into that tree. You used fertilizer, used water, carried that bucket of water to water the tree, you searched each tree to make sure the fertilizer worked and that there are no bugs in your tree. When somebody comes out and decides to take an orange from your tree, you should expect them to pay for it. You in turn get money for that orange, so somebody else can sell you some more water or fertilizer. You're helping society by trading your money for something else that you want, so you can make a profit. The conservative understands this, but the communist does not. Money, or capital, is not good. You don't deserve to get that money. You should pass them out for free.

Now how about hiring somebody? Shouldn't that price of labor be put on how good of a job they do? If you go to a concert and the music is so bad, are you going to ask for your money back? Any sane person would. So why should a person who does less work, get paid the same amount as somebody who is breaking their back? The answer is: uniformity. The communist sees us as workers, as numbers, as a tool to grow the utopia. The Conservative sees the people as an individual. We all have dreams. We are all not workers. We like to do things, see places, go to concerts and shop at malls..We all look forward to the weekend. Shouldn't we be rewarded on our hard work? Why should that hard work be standardized by the government? The answer is this, again: the Communist sees the people as numbers. 

Again, thought, we are not numbers. Numbers are perfect. 2+2 will always equal 4. But a musician and a musician might not put out a musician. A basketball player might arise. We all have dreams, because we are all individual. When we are set to a standard form of income, we are limited in the demand for our service. If Gas goes up in demand, the price will rise. If demand goes down, the price will fall. It's the law of economics, or money, or the market. So, why shouldn't one's pay be based on the same law?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Late Night Video Games

Well, as you know, it's super nice out in Nashville. So, I have the windows open during the night. Well, the birds are coming out and there was one that was just plain loud. So loud that my buddies who were on Skype with me were also complaining. It was quite impressive.

We were on Skype because we use that to talk to each other when we play games like Call of Duty. It's a ritual of ours, however, we have been getting bored with it we might be trying to get a different game. Last of Us is one we were thinking about. I might add they already own Last of Us..I'm the oddball. I may get it..I just have to pay my taxes still. But! Good news: My Yard work is expected to be about 24 hours this month. that's $240 off my rent. I sold my keyboard that I never played for $65 earlier this week, so that leaves the final debt owed: $18. I can do that over a $323 rent bill after electric is added. Pretty awesome.

I have been playing guitar more lately. After cleaning my house, car, the dishes and after the laundry, I have more time to do the stuff I want to do. Best of all, I don't feel like I am behind on anything. Just Taxes for now. Behind meaning, I need to get my stuff together for the appointment. I do love to play guitar. I play the finger picking style. I took what I learned on the banjo and put it on the guitar. It's a bit different than most, but it's still finger style. My girlfriend loves when I play it for her. I'll play any requests but she likes everything I play. I will pick a few that are her favorites, but she is always so sleepy when I play, so when she tries to sing with me, she passes out. It's adorable. I love her. I miss her too.. She is so amazing.

She has brought me into such a good light and inspired me through her faith, my faith has grown and I thank God everyday for her. She makes me happy, and I guess I make her happy. She has yet to say otherwise. She is the one. There hasn't been a doubt in my mind these past few years. Makes me excited. :)

But, it does make m feel good to finally have everything in order here at the house. I will have to post photos and such on here so you can see what I get to see everyday. I am such a blessed person in many ways, and this is one of them. But, a clean house feels great. The only thing, though, I wish I had more dresser space for my clothes. I'm running out of space. In fact, I don't have any more left! lol

Ok, my arms are killing me. This MacBook Pro is digging into my forearms. I should have gotten a MacBook Air. It's small at the I see why my friend Kenny was telling me about it..The edges on this thing are sharp! I do plan on upgrading this thing eventually. I want to get an SSD inside it and I want to upgrade the RAM to 8GB. It's at 4 now. Once I do that, I'll be se for another 6 years or so. I plan on doing that after I get a new TV. My girlfriend wants a better TV in her room, so I told her I would give her mine. It's a nice TV. I love it..althogh I found out yesterday after a few years of owning it, it only has 60hz refresh rate. I thought I bought a 120hz. I still don't know why I bought it even though it was a 60hz. Oh well. It's still a great TV. I just want a bigger one lol

But, isn't that the end game? Always trying to get a bigger TV?

Tidal Music

So, there seems to be this new music streaming service. It is called Tidal. Like a tidal wave. I wonder if his name is chosen on purpose because they hope to come in like a hurricane and blow away all of the other competition services?

At first thought, a streaming service sounds like a good idea. You pay a set amount of money, monthly, and you get a ton of songs at your command. The idea seems to work for services like Spotify and Beats. It's only natural the market will start to follow, creating competition and driving down costs. I, however, stopped using music streaming services as of last year. Two years ago I started to use Sony music unlimited. It is a service that has since been changed as of this past month or so. I got a super great deal that ended up being only $50 a year. So naturally, I took it. I used it for a while, the rest of the year, and enjoyed it. I wasn't going to sign up for another year because the price is going to go back up to hundred and $120 a year. So I decided to use a free month of Spotify. I didn't use it that much. To be honest, I didn't like it. I wanted to listen to my own music. So I decided to switch to iTunes match. I love having all of my music on my phone, whenever I need it.

So I am wondering how this will work. Will a bunch of people tried out for a few months and see if they like it better than Spotify or iTunes radio? Hech, even Pandora or the new Sony music service?

I am not much into streaming music and less it is off of a iHeartRadio app, or my iTunes radio or iTunes match service. Just because I have my own music to listen to. I like to know the fact that, even though I don't own a physical copy, it's still mine. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Communism In America

After reading the Communist manifesto oh, one thing that seems to catch my eye is this: why our Washington Congressmen and women trying to push this open borders idea? I.e.: amnesty.

The communist believes to rid of all borders between two nations. Or more, if there so happens to be. Why is this, you ask? The reason is based on a belief where any kind of disagreement or war between two such countries will disappear. Giving a "peace" to the world. You can see such an idea being practiced with North Korea. They do not believe there is a such thing as a South Korea. They believe there is just, Korea. And this is pretty scary.
Not only are we creating an open border society, but we are turning the illegal aliens into subjects that become part of the welfare state. As Milton Freeman once said, you cannot have an open borders society with a welfare state. The people here do not want to help or a simulate into our culture in anyway. The reason why they're coming here, is because they want freebies.

So my other question is this, how come there isn't a conservative running for president making this kind of case? Just because we are not being invaded by the Communists with guns and tanks and bombings in such an idea like in the movie "Red Dawn", that doesn't mean the enemy isn't here. They are taking over from within. This idea of communism or socialism or Marxism, isn't from here. It is a European idea. Yet, there are some people in this country who just agree with it. They say, "yeah, why not? They are here anyways…".

So again, my question is, how come there isn't a conservative seeing this, stating this fact?