He admits he's not going to run a conservative campaign. It's true. He's running a populous, nationalist campaign. As Breitbart explains it, if that means big government, if that means going communist and taking away private property...what ever it means, it's what the Donald wants. As I wrote in the last blog from yesterday, Hitler spoke of this kind of movement. Germany was in a state defeat and one man stood up and said enough is enough. I will make Germany great again. I will lead the nation into prosperity. Trust me. I will do these thing for you, trust me.
Again, I was one of those, yes, I'll trust you, followers of Trump. I stand for small government. I stand with the constitution. I stand with a firm platform, kin of Ronald Reagan's. I stand with the tea party movement. Trump stands for the anger I have against the government but now it's time to act like adults. Calling Ted Cruz a "Pussy" is not "not being politically correct", it's being an idiot. A President does not talk like that. Presidents are supposed to be a leader and a uniter, not a representer of all people. That's what a dictator says. Presidents have their power divided up by two other branches of government. Trusting one guy to represent all people, trusting one guy with power to do it all is not what a president does.
Donald Trump admits he's running a non conservative campaign meaning he's running what a future president Trump will govern by. I do not want to governed, I want to be represented meaning I want a president to be like me: imperfect. That's because he is imperfect. So why on earth would I trust him with what, even, I could not handle?
I am a conservative and there is not a doubt in my body that Trump is not my guy. "But immigration is important to me. We need that wall built-" it's been 8 months and HE STILL HAS NOT SAID HOW THAT WALL WILL BE BUILT! He has not said any details on anything. He has people who will work with China and make deals. Can you speak of these deals? Okay, China is screwing us. How or what do you think you will do, Donald? Give us some info. Ted Cruz has plans, and ways to enforce those plans. Ted Cruz has a thoughtful plan of action, that can be completed on day one. It's public knowledge on his website. Give us some info Donald. He refuses to stay on the issues like such and instead brings words like "Pussy" into the limelight. I'm sick and tired of this.
I will not be voting for Trump because I refuse to give up my beliefs for him. I refuse to change my beliefs for him. I refuse to transform my conservative thought process for a populous, nationalist movement.
I stand by the constitution.
Remember, it was the Republican Party, with the help of Conservatives, that made so many promises to their base, BUT DIDN’T KEEP THEM! Hi DT
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 11, 2016
This makes me sick to my stomach.