Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ted Cruz-Revisited

Let's talk about the Ted Cruz speech that started this all. I'm talking about the speech where he announced his candidacy for president. It's not ancient history, but it's worth revisiting this inspiring speech. 

He starts off with the a video containing the phrase "Make America Great Again". Oh yes. It's true. Long before Trump ever announced his bid, Ted used it. The speech starts and he begins to make the crowd do something. That something is a one word verb: Imagine. "Imagine a teenage girl, imagine a teenage boy, imagine a three year old boy, imagine a girl in Nigeria..." You later learn he is talking about his family. The introduction is filled with imagination. You can picture the teenage boy, "skinny as a rail". You can picture the loafs of bread made between a sibling rivalry. He talks about his schooling. When his parents went bankrupt and he took school loans, many of the students at Liberty University "could relate to." He says "for many Americans, the promise of America seems more and more distant". "Our rights don't come from man," he then pointed up "they come from God almighty". 

This is just the first 10 minutes.

 He tells the crowd to imagine again. On the anniversary of Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or Give me death" speech, he told the crowd to "imagine millions of courageous conservatives all across America, rising up together to say in unison, we demand our liberty". Man oh man. This speech send chills to my bones. The inspiration of strength empowers 'We The People' to do anything. "Imagine millions of people of faith, coming out to the polls and voting our values". To this day, Ted stands as a conservative Christian. There is no doubt about that. He's the only one, to my knowledge who embraces that side, not for votes, but because it's who he is. It's what makes Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz. 

He tells the folks to imagine a "new president" who signs "legislation repealing every word of Obamacare".  Imagine. That's the theme. The thoughtfulness, the smart, the classy, the refined message Ted spoke of, is one he still speaks of today. It's tax season, and the flat-tax idea sounds better and better. Every American can complete his or her taxes "on a post card". Oh, and abolishing the IRS as well. This is all an effort to reduce the size of government which is what a conservative is supposed to do. Then comes up amnesty. He says "imagine a president who finally, finally, finally secures the borders". This was long before Trump as well. When it came to the Iran deal, he tells them to imagine a president saying "under no circumstances" will I let Iran get nuclear bombs. He received a standing ovation when it came to "standing unapologetically with the nation of Israel". I mean, I could go on and on..

This speech given by Ted Cruz, with no TelePrompTer, was awe inspiring. It was enthusiastic, it was energetic and for the first time, it felt good to be a Christian again. There's so much more to this speech. I suggest you watch it. It isn't a long speech, but it will "reignite the promise of America" inside your soul. Trust me. 

Donald Trump treated his announcement speech like a board meeting. Listing talking points and bringing up topics and ideas...not a promise, no imagination, and reigniting the conservative spirit..none of that. It continues to this day...with a few more swear words involved. The difference between then and now: Trump has changed. Cruz has not. Trump has evolved, where as Cruz doesn't need to do so because he is, and always has been, a true Reagan Conservative. 




Friday, February 26, 2016

Trump: All Talk, No action

It's quite hilarious the man who says he know politicians better than anybody on the debate stage, claims they are "all talk no action." Let's take a look at your "action" then, Donald. 

January 18, 2016 a report came out on explaining an event earlier that week with the quote from Trump: "I might sue Cruz over eligibility". The eligibility to run for president based off of his birthplace. Today marks day 41. Today marks day 40 since the article was published. Have you seen Trump sue Ted Cruz yet? Unless we missed something, we have not. It's because it's pointless. Donald knows this yet his supporters are strong and first to say he will get things done in Washington because he will act. It's day 41 and he has not acted. "But there are people suing Ted Cruz now! Trump is saving his money. Trump is being smart!" the supporters say. He has $10 Billion dollars. He is not worried about money. Do you know how I know?

I know because on January 23, 2016, not ancient history, he asked himself if "he should sue Cruz for fun". It's a game to Trump, the birther issue. There's no reason for it while Christians are continuing to be murdered and killed in the Middle East by radical Muslims. No reason at all. He does not care about money. It could cost him $1 billion dollars to sue Cruz and he would do it anyways because it would give him press time. Money is no concern to Trump. 

Donald likes to talk about his accomplishments. One of them is a TV show called "The Apprentice". It's an award winning show. Trump hated to leave but "he wanted to Make America Great Again". I decided to look up the ratings on the show. Since its beginning, it lost over 75% of its viewership. Season 1 in 2003-2004 have over 20 million views and over 28 million for its finale. By 2011, that viewership dropped to 4.7 million viewers and a measly 4.5 million for the finale. Who knows what it has in 2015-2016. Trump knew it was a failing year-over-year project. He needed something else to get his "popularity up". 

I mentioned in yesterday's blog about how every time a Clinton runs for president, they hire a multi-millionaire or multi-billionaire to run for president as well. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump spoke last May before Trump decided to run for president. What was that phone call about? Sure we can speculate, but we honestly do not know. Trump says he will build a wall, yet at last nights debate he answered the question saying "the wall just got 10-feet taller". How? How? And How? You give no explanation. All talk, No action. 

Ben Carson said a great closing statement. He said, "What kind of leader do you want and what kind of person do you want your kids to emulate? Think about that."  Yeah. Think about that. Do we want our kids to emulate a man who calls everybody a liar or do we want our kids to grow up humbled and respectable towards others? Think about that. 


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Things Trump Supporters Won't Acknowledge

experienced some "Trump-nesia" yesterday with a Donald Trump supporter. In today's fast paced world, controversy and morals get thrown out the window so fast and so often, they become all but remembered. So, I decided to write a bit about those morals to help with the diagnosis of what I call Trump-nesia. 

1: Harry Reid Prefers The Donald

Why yes! It's very true! Harry Reid said it exactly 30 days ago today! Harry Reid and The Donald spoke about their "great relationship" and how much Harry is "Pulling" for him. When it came time to talk about the fundraising The Donald did for Harry, he called it "the good old days". Now, why anybody would support a man that is supported by Harry Reid, of all people, I have no idea. Let's not forget Jimmy Carter supports him too!

2: Bill Clinton and Donald Trump Talked On The Phone Before Trump Decided To Run For President

What was talked about during that phone call? Well, we never really found out. Sure, some people spoke anonymously but how can you really be sure? After speaking with a friend, having a billionaire to run when a Clinton runs for president is nothing new. Does Henry Ross Perot sound familiar? Trump says he will run as a republican but remember, that's only "if the RNC treats him well". Trump defines fairly and well, naturally. 

3: Donald Trump Isn't As American As He Brands Himself Out To Be

While the talk of Donald Trump Suing Ted Cruz over his citizenship continues, Donald Trump brands himself as "The American". He's branding himself as anti-illegal alien and pro-American when it comes to hiring people within this country but he employed a company that hired illegal aliens to do work in the US. Yes it's also very true! He says he didn't know about it, but he is Mr. American worker and jobs, clearly he should have known about the illegals that were hired? While it's true he didn't hire the illegals personally, he hired a company that hired illegal aliens. With all this talk of boycotting Oreos, Ford, Apple, you name it, I wonder if he will boycott his own company? I believe no because like the birther issue, 40 days into it: he's nothing but talk. 

4: Donald Trump Supports A Path To Citizenship (AKA AMNESTY)

Oh yes! Now, those diagnosed with Trumpnesia will cry: 'but he wants to build a wall!' Yes. That's true. Although, he hasn't mentioned how it will be build. 'Mexico will pay for it!' No, HOW it will be built. And just how will Mexico pay for it? On the O'reiley factor he said this: 

Bill O’Reilly: Now, the 15 million illegal aliens already in the United States, what do you do with them? 

Donald Trump: I think right now you’re going to have to do something. It’s hard to generalize, but you’re going to have to look at the individual people, see how they’ve done, see how productive they’ve been, see what their references are, and then make a decision. 

Bill O’Reilly: All right, on a case-by-case—going to take a long time and a lot of people. 

Donald Trump: A long time, but you know, you have some great, productive people that came. You have to give them a path. You have 20 million, 30 million, nobody knows what it is. It used to be 11 million. Now, today I hear it’s 11, but I don’t think it’s 11. I actually heard you probably have 30 million. You have to give them a path, and you have to make it possible for them to succeed. You have to do that. 
What's the point of a "Big, Beautiful Wall", if you're going to give them a path to citizenship anyways?

Actually, that link above will have many more tagged into it. It's not that long ago! That article was published in August of last year! Not 1989 or 2005, but 9 months! There's so much more I will cover with tomorrow's blog. 

It's easy to forget the history you block out intentionally. Let's be smart people and not buy the product Trump is selling is. After all, isn't that the purpose of a commercial: to sell whatever IT is to you, no matter what the cost? 


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

San Francisco: My Trip To A Sanctuary City

Today I took a trip to San Fransico. As a disclaimer, it was my first time ever going there and I visited to the following places: The Marin Headlands, Golden Gate, Pier 39 and some parts of downtown. I do not know the name of those parts. I was in town for about 10 hours. Not to burst a conservative bubble, but I think I got lucky. 

So, you hear all of these bad things about sanctuary cities in the news and other media outlets. Now, because I have never been here before, I have nothing to go from. Here's why I think I have an upper hand: I lived in Nashville, TN the past five years. I know what it's like to live in a booming, economically speaking, city. In my short time there, I have seen corn fields turn to big shopping centers. I have also traveled to over nine different countries including the now infested Germany, I've been to England, Canada, many bohemian islands, and 47 of the 50 states just to name a few. By the time I turned 21, I had already accomplished these and more. Being 24/25 now, I think I have some reputable status in the ways of seeing "things". Ok. Let's get to the grimey details. 

First off, it's a beautiful city. Heck, the whole state is beautiful. The water, the landscape, it's all really breathtaking. Our first stop was South San Fransico. It was very industrial and nothing really caught my eye. We did not get a chance to see the Apple HQ, but that just gives us another reason to come back another time. We headed north to The Golden Gate Bridge we drive up to the Marin Headlands. First thing we heard about were these tunnels that go underground and lead to where old turrets were. I'm talking big turrets. Supposedly they shot ammo "as big as a Volkswagen" and could fire a pretty long distance. What for? In case of a Japanese invasion a la Normandy style. It never happened, spoiler alert. Anyways, walking into one of the tunnels grants your nostrils with the smell of urine. Yeah. Human urine. The historic tunnels have turned into a waste dumping ground. We quickly get through that and climb to the top of them where you get the picture, from up the pot of this page. It's a beautiful view but the smell of urine was still fresh in my nose, at least. My friends and I wait until moonrise to leave where we find another tunnel to take us back to our car. 

We drive back over the bridge, playing the Full House theme song (it was awesome although I wish we had a convertible). Since it was getting late, and by this time we are all pretty hungry, we drive to Pier 39 since that place was supposedly pretty hopping. Pier 14 was where the tragic shooting of Kathryn Steinle took place last July. We did not make it up that way but the homeless population, and Mexican population in general was really high. Yet never any families of Mexicans. There were Asian familes, even a Russian family, but Mexicans in a family were not around from what I saw. They always traveled in two's or something. And they were men. Never women. I don't know if these guys were friendly or not, but it's something that caught my attention early on. We ate, it was super expensive but it is what it is. I just ordered a drink to save money. 

That pier didn't really smell bad, there were tons of people around and even a guy who played saxophone. I said I think I got lucky, and I really think I did. I was expecting a lot worse. I used to travel to Detroit a lot and I would be up there in some sketchy places 3, sometimes 2, in the morning and it was worse than what this was. Hearing the stories about San Fransico would make you think it's really bad. Only that spot in the tunnel was the small of urine so bad, we rushed to get out to the fresh air on top. Other than that, I felt safe. 

Now you guys have no idea how much of a letdown this was. I really was expecting worse. Now, I have never been here before so it could've been loads better than this. I have no idea. I've been to some pretty interesting local spots in Nassau, and San Fransico didn't even touch it in terms of sketchiness in my humble opinion. 

If you ever find yourself in San Fransico, do what we did. Maybe this trip is the magical tour that Diane Feinstein or whatever the heck her name is always wanted. Today was the perfect day. I hope next time I return to this city, it won't be a sanctuary city. Not because of the illegal aliens that are "safe" here but because I hope the rule of law is upheld. They are here, meaning they can help the election process for the democrats. 

Delegates go by population, whether they vote or not. That, is the real problem. 


Read the story of Kathryn Steinle here:

Some additional photos. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cruz Wins South Carolina

You won't see that headline in too many places. Unlike when Rubio came in third just a few weeks ago. 

Congrats to Donald Trump on his victory in SC. And I still don't know how Hillary is in the lead. I wonder why Bernie is even running within the DNC? He should run a third party ticket because he is being treated so bad from the democrats. It's obvious he has a huge following and it's obvious people like what he says. Not allowing him to obtain any delegates is wrong. No matter if you agree or disagree with his ideology. He is not being treated well at all. 

Trump supporters. I was one of them. As I look back at recent history, it amazes me how blind I was. I was blinded by the aura of Trump. He is a carries an atmosphere around him that screams 'notice me', and it works. I was rude to those who disagreed with me. I took the offense personally and to heart if they disagreed or even questioned Trump. I started thinking, 'man! this person is crazy or stupid.' Well, I experienced such an attack yesterday after Donald's win. A grown man, in his 50's I'm sure, actually told me to "suck on that!!"  He said: "Trump wins South Carolina. Suck on that!!" I'll post the screenshot. Seriously though, is that how adults react to things now? I understand being politically correct is bad, but this is just immature. We said suck on that or like phrases back in middle school! That was over 10 years ago for me. I would never dare to say something like that at my age because I am trying to be a positive role model. That is what a president is supposed to be and do, as well. A president is supposed to be a leader who the country can look up to for a positive influence. 

Trump has fired up something in this country. No doubt about that. We have now gone into a country where it's okay to, it's not an insult, but to, speak phrases that a child would say. "Suck on that!!" Seriously man? Is that how you want your grandkids to remember you? Is that how you want your little granddaughter to act to others? If something goes their way, you would be proud if they said "suck on that!!" To the "loser"? Think about it for just, one second. 

Now, I'm singling this guy out but there are many other people who attacked my for being a Cruz supporter. There are many of those who say horrible things because I do not like Trump. This one topped the cake for this week. I ask: what kind of role model do we want to set for our grandchildren or our children or our fellow Americans? Congrats to Trump. Congrats to Rubio. Congrats to Ted Cruz. Congrats to Bush and Carson and everyone else. I know I couldn't campaign for x amount of weeks and still push on. That's a lot of work. But we need to focus on issues. I've been saying that for a few weeks now. What Trump has unleashed is more than anti-p.c. He has unleashed a mob, in essence. He plays the mob. The mob is now spreading and we have people like that Robert guy, taking time out of his day to write posts on Facebook that say "Trump wins South Carolina. Suck on that!!"  What are we doing? We need a positive role model for our country. If Trump is creating a culture of childish and immature talk, I don't want any part of it. 

It's not right for our future. 
