Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ted Cruz And North Korea

Ted Cruz has been in the cross eyes of every major candidate during the debate last night. Some things were brought to my attention that I feel should be shared because in today's Trump world, media forgets things way too fast. After all, what's more important than the birther 'issue'?

Remember the Export-Import Bank and the TPA deal from last year? Well, Marco Rubio was quick to tell the entire world that Ted Cruz supported TPA. Well, that's was because Ted was lied to. Did you know that? Marco told the world that Ted supported it, and then unsupported it. As if he could not make up his mind! Well, Ted was lied to by the same establishment that now supports Trump. That establishment lied to their fellow congressmen and the American people. Once Ted realized Mitch McConnell was lying to him, he quickly turned his back on it. That's why he 'flip flopped'. It was because he thought he was fulfilling the will of the people, when in fact, the things he was being told was a complete lie! Don't believe me? I'll post a link down below and a quick Google search will bring it up. That's what happened. Marco knew this, yet, he refused to tell the whole story. There are many people who believe Marco on this issue, even though there was so much not said the other night. Ted did his best to explain himself, which I thought he did pretty well given the surprise of it all. I suggest you read up on the link so you can actually see the facts for yourself as opposed to some gang of eight, liar. 

The other bit: Tes Cruz supports anchor babies. He was there with Glenn Beck passing out teddy bears to illegals. Well, this is true...the second half. Why was he passing out teddy bears to illegal children then? He must support something to do with illegals! Nope. He recognized, along with Glenn Beck, these kids are not going anywhere anytime soon. They do not know any better. They just was free welfare. They want to be taken care of. With their parents gone, the children are left alone. Ted Cruz decided to do something while they were here. Howevet, he made sure they were not going to stay here. He spoke out about that when it happened. I'll leave this link down below as well. It's funny how stuff gets twisted with time. There's the whole Visa thing too..but nobody wants to bring up Trump how the 'beautiful wall' is now useless because he will allow the illegals to come right back in after they leave. How many Trump supporters know that? That's one of the things that turned me off from him. If you didn't know, up until two weeks ago, I was a Trump supporter. He has turned me away because he refuses to speak on the real issues.. Speaking of issues, here's my point on where I was originally going: What good is the wall then? It's okay, we are only supposed to talk about how Cruz cannot run because he was born in Canada and we are supposed to talk about how much Trump hates Megyn Kelly. Did you know, the money that was donated to the vets the other night, went to The Trump Foundation. The Trump foundation has a history of donating to The Clinton Foundation. It was a complete sham. 

Speaking of real issues: A new Al-Shabaab video was released earlier yesterday. Al-Shabaab is a militants group who pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda back in 2012. East Africa is home base for them. Al Qaeda just met with the Muslim brotherhood and ISIS the other day. I wonder what this big, new video release amounts to? How are groups like this even able to create videos and send them to the Internet? This video was very ISIS inspired and they spoke of their Muslim brothers and Allah and the goal is recruitment in the west. Our president has done nothing as far as I know about stopping this situation. Trump has said nothing as far as I know. Cruz wants to see if 'sand can glow'. I would love toexperiment with as well. It's time these terrorists are taken down. 

Not only the Middle East, but also North Korea. The direct product from the Agreed Framework of 1994 resulted in a North Korea that is ready to launch missiles soon. After a successful hydrogen bomb test earlier in the month, the president, I'm sure, thinks that they are wanting peaceful nature and to go into space or land on the moon. Yeah. I'm sure of it. 

I do not like the sound of this at all.

We have people in East Africa wanting to destroy everybody who doesn't believe in what they believe. We have a country in Asia that has very powerful bombs and missile technology that can kill us and we have a country who we just gave $150 billion to! That country preaches "Death To America!" With all of this, this horrible going on in the world today, we have a candidate who jokes about shooting people on fifth avenue and we have that same presidential candidate who keeps bringing up a non issue about another's eligibility to run. 

Such Horse Crap. 

What's even more Horse Crap, is that some people just tune those parts out. Let me tell you something: stop looking through Tunnel Vision and realize what's at stake here. We need a serious presidential candidate. One who keeps bringing up the real issues. A conservative mind who is focused and mentally ready to do what needs to be done. 

Ted Cruz is that candidate. 

Now, I want to watch that sand glow. 


Friday, January 29, 2016

Republican Debate Before Iowa Caucus

Like many of you, I, too, watched the republican debate last night. Let me tell you something: it felt great to watch a debate with substance and it felt great to watch a debate filled with issues that, at least I, care about. Glenn beck said last weekend while endorsing Ted Cruz that "it will not take one man to make America great again". I believe that. One man cannot do a stunt like that. One man can, however, enable the American people to create greatness. Almost every candidate on that stage last night was eligible. 

First, I must say, it was humorous to watch Jeb and Christie act so conservative with records that are far from it. 

There was a great back-and-forth event that included Jeb and Marco, however. It delt with immigration. Marco tried pinning Jeb as an amnesty candidate. When Jeb had the chance to respond, he said he decided to support [Marco] because he was asked to, personally, and because Jeb felt that he needed to support a fellow party leader. First thing: Rubio never declined that statement. He said Jeb was pro-amnesty, Jeb said because he was asked to support one of Marco's bills that supported the amnesty. Marco never denied this. Along with Marco's support for the gang of 8 bill, which I brought up last summer to my friends and family because they forgot all about it, which is, by the way, very easy to do in today's media age, I am surprised people still take him seriously. I'm glad Ted, Jeb and even Marco finally got that all together. Marco supports amnesty and last night proved it. I will add, it is always a treat to watch Marco be so right-leaning as well. 

Staying on topic of immigration, Ted Cruz said something that was easily missed. I had to replay it later on because I wanted to make sure I heard him right. He spoke about what he would do with laws regarding immigration in this country. Along the ideas mentioned of stopping the funding of sanctuary cities, which I'll get into another blog post someday, he spoke about ending welfare to illegal immigrants in this country. How many people are aware of this information? I doubt many people on both sides of the aisle. The amount of welfare dollars being spent in this country only grows when talking about illegals. Milton Freidman famously said: "You cannot have an open-border, welfare state."  It will cease to exist. That is a scary though. That's what we have right now with a debt over $20 trillion. Ted made it known, as well, that he stood alone against the Washington establishment on this and many other issues, many times. Not only until the backing of two amazing senators named Steve King and Jeff Sessions, King is a senator from Iwoa, was he able to get things done. Many candidates talk about making deals and getting everybody together. I, personally, want somebody who will fight, even when standing alone, because that lone person is standing on principle. That alone is worth much more than having the help of a thousand backbone-less individuals who need to uphold a promise from their lobby. Ted does have a record of keeping and staying on track. He made sure people recognize that last night. 

Rand Paul said something, a few things actually, about Hillary Clinton. One defiantly cought my attention. It was an answer on whether or not Bill's history is fair game in today's election process. It quickly turned into a women's rights answer. Rand said that "Hillary claims she supports women's right's, yet she accepts money from Middle eastern countries that treat women like cattle." Well, this is very true. I completely forgot about this issue. This was back..maybe...2 years ago when all of the Clinton foundation stuff first started to come out. Then a year later that book 'Clinton Cash' was released. Very good of him to bring that up. It has not been raised because we have been on this whole birther issue. See what I mean by it felt great to watch a debate full of substance and issues that people like me actually care about? I applaud Rand for bringing this up. I hope others notice this as well because it needs have attention. 

Now, Dr. Ben Carson dropped in the polls after the last or second to last debate because he was thought to have a lack of international knowledge. I was still hyped on the Trump Train then and I stopped paying attention to him. I regret doing so because I was very impressed with how much he actually did know! On the subject of energy, he exclaimed that we need to put Putin back in his "Box where he belongs" and make Europe dependent on us for natural gas because of "God's Gift" that we have for all of this natural gas, as well as other innovations brought about by this country. He mentioned a few other countries when questioned about tackling ISIS. I agreed with him 100% on everything he said. We need more tanks there. We do need to arm the people who want to fight, but cannot. So many things we can do, although I prefer Ted Cruz's idea of seeing if sand can glow but that doesn't mean I disagree with Dr. Ben Carson. I am saddened deeply that I left his side but I believe he will still be a force to be reckoned with. 

Last but not least, going back to Ted Cruz. This whole thing about how he hates ethanol: It's a big lie based on nothing. He has never once said that he is against ethanol and I'm glad he took time to clear things up during the debate. He said that he is against subsidies towards energy corporations. This includes ethanol. The reason is because if a company cannot stand on its own, it must fail because it's obvious the market doesn't want it. This is basic capitalism. There's no place for it. It's a waste of tax payer's (yours and mine) money. He said that we "have been blessed with all sorts of natural resources. We should be developing oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear and wind and solar and ethanol and biofuels. But I don't believe that Washington should be picking winners and losers." He brings up the EPA's Blendwall mandate. Which makes it illegal to sell mid level blends of ethanol and gasoline. "Taking down this Blendwall will enable ethanol to expand its marketshare by up to 60% all without mandates, all without government mandates whatsoever through the marketplace (the people's free market). Steve King, the senator from Iowa that I mentioned earlier supports Ted on this. It's because Ted is correct in this issue. Carson, by the way, supports this same situation as I previously mentioned with making Europe dependent on us. I cannot agree with them more. Let the people decide what we want. If it is a great product, we will buy it and it will grow. That's true on anything, why should it not be true for energy?

Now I held a poll on my Twitter, @TheMindOfClint if you didn't know, and because I could only place four items, I placed the top three and then others, while telling voters to comment the others. 
At the time of this writing, there are a few hours left. It's interesting. Although, I felt as though Ted, Ben and Rand did the best, maybe Rand is part of the 'other' choice. (Some of you guys are not the good at commenting lol) but it's, interesting, nonetheless. 

As of writing, the link is still available to watch the entire debate. I encourage you to look for what I have thought was interesting and I encourage you to comment on if you felt I missed anything or if I found something that you missed as well. This year is important, let's never forget that. 


This link is a perfect jab at Donald who was thought to be raising money for veterans but the money was actually gong to The Trump Foundation. An organization that has a history of giving money to The Clinton Foundation. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How Is A President Supposed To Act?

Wow. Can I say wow for a bit? Let me say this: The Donald is smart, but I still believe the people are smarter. Trump is winning in the latest polls today. Why? I could see that few weeks or months ago, but why today? What is he saying that is 'important' for a lack of a better term? He's not going to the debate because he feels like he's been treated unfairly. Ok. Whatever. You do your thing. Go 'shoot some people on fifth avenue' if you have extra time. Or, spend time with people who actually used to shoot for their livelihood: the veterans. I dare you to bring that joke up at that benefit tonight. I dare you Donald. See how many laughs you get. 

Chris Christie actually had some good talking points. He said, "I think it's a big mistake by Donald and I said that. Things don't always go your way. You remember, I got sent down to the undercard debate by Fox Business news. I didn't think it was fair, but I didn't whine and moan and complain and walk away. I went to the debate. I argued my points. That's what a leader does. You go and you fight through adversity." And then he said he sits in Trump tower calling into each Fox News or any inter news show in his "jammies". Yes. He actually said that. I think a president does need to learn that things don't always work out, but you have to fight to make it so. The president will be the leader of the party. They cannot sit on the sidelines and cry it out. They have to fight for a cause. I guess in Donald's eyes, though, giving in to Megyn would be losing and not fighting for what you believe in. It's okay. I know Ted will tear him into pieces. You watch. The reason is because Trump doesn't have any points to argue. He has flip-flopped so much the past week, week and a half... I mean, it's okay to do that but man, going from 'I get calls from the establishment all the time, they love me' to saying 'the establishment hates me.' Then going off saying 'you have to be the establishments that to get things done. To make good deals..'  Dude. Come on. 
I just don't understand. The People are not that dumb. 

Heck, Harry Reid said yesterday that he's 'kind of pulling for Trump'. What does that tell you about The Donald? The establishment do not like Ted Cruz for one reason: he fights for you and I. Do you honestly think the healthcare law was for 'the good of the people'? Do you honestly think sanctuary cities are for 'the good of the people'? Do you honestly think all this common sense gun control talk is 'for the good of the people'? So why do Trump supports think the quotes by Harry Reid, Bob Dole or anybody else within the establishment are said 'for the good of the people'? Why such a double standard? This is why we need Ted Cruz. He's disliked for a reason and this is a great thing for us. 

Speaking of Cruz, he decided to do a one on one debate with Trump. Trump denied, naturally, but some super PACs of Cruz's got together and raised 1.5 million to go to veteran charities if he decides to debate Ted. They have a time, a place and the money all ready to go. Will he accept? I haven't heard anything yet but I'm sure he will slither away. After all, Harry Reid is 'pulling for him'. The once anti establishment guy I used to like, is becoming so much establishment, I can't stand it. And so, I move on..

We all know who The Masons are, right? Well, some crazy lunatic was trying to buy machine guns and wanted to unload his bullets on a few temples in the name of Islam. Yes, he was a terrorist, plotting to kill innocent people in the name of Islam. In America. Is this anywhere on the news? I don't watch it, so I don't know. He wanted to go to the Middle East and shoot up Israelis after doing some training with ISIS. ISIS, who has nothing to do with Islam either. The lunatic said: "We are Muslims, defending Muslim religion. We are here defending Islam, young people together join to defend Islam, that’s it, that is what our intention is.” Well, there you have it folks. And we are supposed to not judge them or label them in any way because the Christians don't want gays to get married! They are the real problem with this country! 

Gays, strait, women...did you know the terms 'He' and 'She' will probably be banned in this country? You call me crazy, but here's one spot where it's trying to gain traction: "The Department of Labor has proposed a rule that would remove the words 'he' and 'she' from an anti-discrimination regulation in order to “avoid the gender binary”. Yup. You read that correct. What are we supposed to say then? The National Review writes: "The rule replaces “‘he or she’ with ‘the individual,’ ‘person,’ or other appropriate identifier". So, He and She wouldn't be appropriate? Just remember, like the healthcare law, like the gun control laws, like the sanctuary cities, this is for the good of the people. These same people are now endorsing Trump for president. These same people are "Pulling for Trump". Remember that. 


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Donald Trump Not Going To Debate

Isn't this a turn of events? Well, not really. He does have a pretty big ego. I mean, he knows he's successful. He has money and a pretty awesome company to show for it. However, there are times when a person needs to suck it up. Trump missed a good opportunity and Ted Cruz, and his campaign, are working to showcase, yet another hole, is Trump's ideology. 

First off, was Megyn Kelly out of line? No doubt. I do believe in there's a time and a place for what she did. Honestly, it's not just her. That whole debate was pretty pointless. 'Who here will support the final nominee for the republican president?' That was to target Trump. You could look back at a lot of those situations during that night. It's no doubt that act of singling out a phrase 'I bet she looked good' on her knees..come on. Is that the best you got Megyn? Anyways, Trump won't be at the next debate and will apparently boycott it. Okay. That's fine. Whatever, man. Frankly, I have been so turned off by the attitude of your leftist style campaign. Let's talk about real issues for once.

Ted Cruz came out with a statement saying 'if you're afraid of Megyn Kelly, you'll be afraid of Hillary and Putin'. That brings me back to a question I've had in the back of my mind for nine months now: what did Bill Clinton and Donald Trump talk about the night before Trump announced to run? As far as I know, it has yet to be public knowledge. Will he eventually grow soft to a point where he could lose against Hillary or even Sanders? He is already saying he 'will have to become part of the establishment to work with them and to make deals with them'. So he's growing soft already. My question is: where will the growing soft end? With Fox News? Wuth Hillary? With Sanders? With the constitution?

Taken from Trump's statement: "Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away." Really? I'm confused. Does 'walking away' mean making deals with the 'very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground'? Or does it mean not appearing on a debate stage because you felt you were treated bad? I would love for you to explain that one.

Ted Cruz put out a statement labeling Trump as 'Ducking Donald'. Here is that statement: 'If Donald Trump is afraid of Megyn Kelly, then Ted Cruz is willing to debate "Ducking Donald" one-on-one. Ted Cruz is willing to stand up defend his record, anytime, any place. Why isn't Ducking Donald?' That is a great question. Why would a conservative be willing to make deals with the establishment? The people 'running this country to the ground'? I know he has a history of left leaning ideas, but I know people change their mind. I would love to hear the answers to just the holes within his campaign. 

Is he afraid to defend his record? Why did Trump call Bill Clinton before he decided to run? Is he afraid that question could come up? I mentioned there was a time and a place for the situation that happened on that first debate. I think now is that time and place. 


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Big Blizzard In The Midst Of Global Warming

I remember when I was in the 7th grade, a movie called 'The Day After Tomorrow' was released. It was a dramatized effort to push the threat of global warming. Major storms and raising temperatures would melt the polar ice caps and everything else and we would all be doomed. 
It sounds like a comedy act. Raising temperatures will cause snow storms?
Let's do a quick lesson on weather. 
If you were to take every human being and stand them next to each other, comfortably, it would cover the land area about the size of Los Angeles. Let that sink in. Now that we know how small we are, to think that we, as a whole, could destroy something so massive, so big, to think that we have the ego to imagine something like that by driving our cars and breathing too many times, is incredibly crazy! Now, storms. Where do they come from? Warm temperatures? No. What happens after a rain storm? It gets cold outside. The cold temperatures actually bring on the rain. You can walk outside and experience, for yourself, this phenomenon! Yet again, we can't even predict the weather for the next 10 days let alone 10 years. Yet, we are still told the earth is rising in temperatures and the winter days of our past are behind us. Well, NYC was shut down for a few days this weekend because of snow. A whole city, shut down because of cold snow.

Give me a break. 

Some more crazy: Iran stated that it was "God's will" the US sailors who came into their waters a few days ago and that they were "forced to surrender". This is the now Nuclear Iran saying this. I wonder what else is considered "God's will"? Well, I have been reading the Quran and it is written in 3:20: "If they have surrendered, then they are guided; but if they turn away, then your duty is to convey.” Convey means to carry or transport into place. Carry or transport what, exactly? An idea, a message, an act? Something of importance? They want us destroyed and they believe this latest event was "Gods will". This is very scary. I thought I would bring this up since I haven't really heard too many people talking about it. It is defiantly something to look into.

Speaking of Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida and ISIS met together and discussed joining forces. I guess things went very well. Where did they meet? In Obama's Libya. In Hillary's Libya. It's a story worth reading on Breitbart. Trust me, your blood will boil. Even after something as big as this, the Muslim brotherhood is not a terrorist organization?? Obama meeting with this group in the whitehouse should be an impeachable offense because they are now publicly joing forces with ISIS and Al Qaida. Obama meets with the enemy. Obama meets with a group who outright wants us destroyed. Why isn't this headline news all over the country? Why isn't two and two being put together?

And now onto the children of the refugees. We can't forget them right? They are so close to the DREAMers Obama loves to hold dear to his heart. Well, a 15 year old was charged with murder this weekend in Sweden. He killed a 22 year old woman. The police are quoted saying:  “It was messy with a lot of blood at the crime scene.." 322 reports were recorded in 2015 and just from looking at statistics, that number will be much larger in 2016, and we want to send them here....

And Trump is now not favored by the Establishment. Even though, three days ago he was bragging about how they call him and that "you must" become the establishment to "make deals with them". I don't want deals made, dude. I want the president to win and take control of the system. Not in a tyrannical way, obviously. This massive flip-flop is too great to talk about. However, my link no longer works..maybe it got pulled? I saw it on a few days ago. It's at the very bottom. 

There's some interesting news I thought I should bring up. There's a lot more going on in the world, than we know. We need to spread conservatism and show people, human experience is what we base our thinking on. It's not made up from thin air. It's from rational thinking and "Common Sense". I pray we work fast enough. 
