We live in the greatest country in the world.
I'm not saying that because I am an American, rather because I know it to be true.
Our daily lives, however, are at a risk. We our blind by stupidity, or blind by ignorance/choice. We refuse to look and see the lessons from
History being repeated, time and time again.
We look to people such as Bernie Sanders because free college sounds good. We look to Barack Obama because free healthcare sounds good. We refuse, more so, to hear the ideas of right wing artists and spit on them as if they are the waste of the earth.
These people, say warnings, not from thin air but from what history tells us.
When a country is gaining power and says death to a country, we must take them seriously. We must not appease them. The average person doesn't know the countries Hitler destroyed and took over. They just know it was Europe and it was bad. They also know we (The U.S.) kicked his butt.
We not only did that, we also kicked Japan's butt, too.
Fighting two major powers and winning is something that we used to be proud of. We created world peace by strength and unity. And we have people in power who lack strength as they continue to divide us.
What can we do to keep the republic alive?
We can speak our minds. We can continue to preach the word of the constitution. We can continue to say what we should and attempt to keep people educated.
I think there's a fine line between keeping Liberty, and having tyranny. As Reagan said it, we are only one generation away from losing Liberty.
One generation from losing what we have..or had.
10 years ago, racism wasn't that big a deal, in fact, it wasn't even brought up as often. I remember in school, they were just average people. Just like you and I. Now, from what I heard and read, black families are having conversations to let their kids know that white people, specifically police officers, look and judge them by how they dress and act.
Back 10 years ago, the threat of ISIS or Al Qaeda was virtually non existent. Now, along with an open southern border, we know they are in this country, waiting, sleeping if you will, for the right moment.
Why do we have this problem today?
What happens to this country?
Yes, the unemployment percentage is down, but not because the the economy is getting better but because people have stopped looking for work. They have left the work force.
Yes gas prices are low, not because of some Iran deal, but because demand isn't as high.
Yes, more people have healthcare, but have they tried using it yet? How well do they like it after one or two visits?
We have school prices higher than ever. We have a debt that tops $20 trillion.
I read, the United States government took over $2 trillion last year in taxes. The left always talks about raising taxes. People think this is a good idea. Do you know how much $2 trillion amounts to? Around $19,000 per citizen.
I don't know about you, but that's a years worth of money for me. For people who make $30,000 a year, that's 2/3 of your income. Try living off of $10,000 for the year. Now try to imagine living off of less than that. That's what I mean by the government wants to take more of your money away from you. How can one not be angry?
The truth is: we are.
People like Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the polls for the presidency next year.
They aren't politicians! They've never had any kind of governing or legislative power before! How can this be?
The simple reason is because the American Spirit cannot be taken down so easily. The human experience and condition hasn't changed in over 200 years. Why do we have people saying the constitution is outdated and old, if the writing of the founders and the framers are still true to this day?
Government is known for growing. It is up to the people to keep it small. And we are doing that right now.
The American people are strong. We are a proud group of citizenry. We do not quit when placed against a wall. We continue fighting and revolting against those who want to oppress.
The American doesn't quit when faced with a problem.
If we give up now, how do we tell our kids without disappointing them on how we failed to keep this republic free?