Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Cruz-Fiorina Ticket

I like this plan of action. Here's why:

Fiorina has a tremendous amount of knowledge of the world and its leaders. For foreign policy, this was a great move in my humble opinion. I've said that before, even back when she was running for president. However, the HP disaster is still up for argument. When it comes to business action, she doesn't have the best record. But, either does Trump with that regard. How many times has he filed for bankruptcy? Trump is a risk taker. 

Trump is also an idea maker. He can spit out ideas left and right. I know a few people like that, personally. The problem with those kinds of people is that while they may create a lot of ideas, that's all they ever are: ideas. Ideas are not based off of anything, hence the word idea. We need principles. For instance: tariffs. Trump thinks that it is a great idea to raise tariffs on other countries. We know this will actually harm us in the short term and even more so in the long term. Yet, the idea is being sold as 'this is part of placing America first'. It won't work. It never worked. He doesn't know this, so it's an idea. Cruz realizes it doesn't work based off the human experience from the last century and longer, so he refuses to raise them. It's a principle not an idea. 

Both Cruz and Fiorina know the world is in a world war state. They both recognize the constitution is important. Shrinking government, lowering taxes, building a strong defense and yes: building that wall. Remember, back when Cruz was trying to defend the border in 2012, Trump was helping Rubio, McCain and the rest of the gang of 8. I guess you could say Cruz was for the wall, before it was cool. 

A Cruz-Fiorina ticket also brings this into light: females despise Trump. What a better person to vote for, now, than a Cruz-Fiorina ticket? It's not playing the sex card, it's filling a void the Trump campaign doesn't/can't fill. Picture this: two gas stations. One serves the three normal ones, and the other station serves those and diesel. If you need diesel in you car, which one will you go to, to pump your car? The one that serves diesel. If you are a female republican voter and you have a choice between a guy who has 'made sexist remarks in the past' versus a guy who now has a running mate who is a woman, and that's something you really care about, which candidate will you choose? There's only one choice. 

Like I said, I like this plan of action. Instead of talking the talk, we have a candidate who is actually walking the walk. 

We need to get back to the constitution. If we support a tryannical position for our side, how is that different than if there is a tyrannical position on their side? Tyranny is tyranny. The constitution is the law of the land. We don't need a risk taker with limitless ideas. We need a principled conservative who understands the constitution. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ted Cruz And John Kasich

Oh, the establishment!! How dare they conspire against the almighty Donald Trump. 

Let me say something: last night's win for Donald Trump was expected. He will try to claim it was a massive victory, which I see it as a massive victory, but it's not very surprising. New England, in nature is left minded. Only a few have a constitutional mind and that goes back to the "New York Values" comment where Trump politicized 9/11. That was a great disrespect to the families and the many who died that morning and the days that followed. The "New York Values" comment Ted Cruz made were about whether a person is a socialist or a conservative. And it's true: not a lot of conservatives come from Manhattan. And this was controversial!?

I digress..

The Cruz-Kasich "team" is nothing but a way to win the presidency for Cruz. Kasich cannot and will not win the white house. Cruz needs Kasich to drop out but he won't. So, I dare say: they struck a deal. Let me get this strait: making deals is a great thing for America, only if you're Trump. Is that correct? Trump can make deals with the anti-constitutional democrats, but when Ted Cruz decides to make a deal with a republican the whole world needs to call them establishment? If Ted is pro establishment, why on earth do they disgust him then? Why does the establishment say over and over again that they would rather have Trump than Cruz? And Cruz is now part of the Establishment?? Can you guys actually think this through for one moment? You guys, my readers, are much smarter than that. I know so. 

Meanwhile, I'm not sure how I missed this, Obama said about a month ago that capitalism is not that much different than communism.

Is this guy thicker than a boulder?

This thought process is scary. What's even more scary: people voted for him. 


Monday, April 25, 2016

North Korea And Nuclear War

World War 3 is here. It's happening. It's a repeat of the 30's all over again. What did we do back then? The same as we are now: nothing. 

NK launched a missile from a submarine this past weekend. Did you guys even know they had submarines? For a country that finally got rockets into the sky, I guess it's surprising. Maybe only to me...but having the ability to launch a rocket from a submarine? That's just crazy. Why and how did we as a world leader, allow this to happen?

We have a president praising the open borders of the EU. That's why and how. He isn't driven by common sense, rather ideology. History is repeating itself. Common sense would tell us waiting or holding out, doing nothing does not work. Open borders? That's in the communist manifesto. It's explained because the communist believes when there are no more borders, you have no more wars; world peace. We know this is anything but the truth because attacks like Paris and Brussels still happen. When an American capitalist decides to say it's because of open borders, the communist calls us racist, xenophobic..everything else in the book. Even in the Quran, Muslims are supposed to lie (deceive), and call the truth speakers liars and other horrible names before they take over that land/country/you-name-it. 

We have radicalized Muslims saying one thing, communists saying another, and capitalist-conservatives saying something that truly is common sense. 

Pick up and read The Communist Manifesto. Read the first few Suras of the Quran. Read about 1928-1941 and the imperialist Japanese and the Nazi's. Read about tariffs and how wrong Trump is on this issue and so many others. We deserve better. Learn and educate yourself. That's what I do. :)
