In the two or three weeks I have been absent from this blog so many things have been on my mind that I have not had the chance or time to write it out. First off, what have I been doing?
Well, I have been working out in the yard. Spreading mulch, planting flowers, picking weeds..the usual. That has been the most of my work.
Second: I went camping. My boss and I went to a bluegrass festival in Eastern Georgia. I had no cell service, no internet connection and even if I could have all that stuff, there was no way to charge my devices.
Third: I have been so tired and not a whole lot has been on my mind.
I have been debating writing a book about Communism in America because the posts on this blog have gotten tremendous attention from all over the world. I've also been wanting a book about my life so far. Not that it would be interesting but it's funny how things have happened. The way they have worked out is pretty amazing.
But I wanted to talk about what I just saw on TV. I'm currently house sitting and I have the opportunity to watch real news. I noticed that the democrats have limited the debate number to 6 debates. I remember that the GOP wanted to limit the amount of debates. So I ask: how is this a good thing? I don't know about you, but I want to hear the candidates. I want to know what position they hold on topics that are important to me. I want to know everything that is going on in their mind. How can I do that if we don't let them have a chance to debate each other?
It's so stupid how these debates run. Please, no Bush this time around. No Clinton for that matter.
I saw that the conservatives had a huge election in England this past week. That's exciting to hear.