Friday, March 11, 2016

I Did Not Watch The Debate

Why didn't I watch the GOP Debate last night? Well, I know who I am voting for when it will come to my state. I am not undecided. I know Ted Cruz is the only one bringing up issues that I care about. I know who the liars are and I know what they will say and how they will say it: Ted Cruz is the liar, Trump is free to change his mind on whatever issue he wants, Rubio will let his ego stay in the way and he will continue to be a Mr. Conservative and Kasich will be saying he will win Ohio. 

Did I get it right?

I know who the Mr. Conservative is and I am sure you guys/gals know who it is as well. He was not the one giving money to the Clintons and the McConnell's. He was also not the one who expanded Medicare in Ohio and he is not the one who was a key component of one of the most amnesty friendly bills we have ever seen in this country. 

The Mr. Conservative is not the one who said "Conservatives got us into this mess we are in right now". Nor is he the one who lied to the state of Florida on his principles. He is also not the one who openly joked about terrorism, namely shooting people on fifth avenue. 

Who do we want in a president? Who do we want our kids to look up to, outside of ourselves? Would we want our kids explaining to their grandparents where they heard the P-word from? Do we want them to repeat such vile, classless actions? Where has the respect foreach other gone? Do we want our kids to see that it's okay to say what and where to say it-play the mob?

I think, looking into the March 15th primaries, we need to look to an individual who has class, who has respect for the American citizen. One who realizes that he is no different than any other common man. He is the president, not a God. Bernie Sanders said a while ago that the "right to healthcare comes from being a human being". 

Last time I checked, the framers noted that our rights come from God, because who are we to grant such permissions toward one another?


PS: "All Talk, No Action" man, Trump, STILL has not sued Ted Cruz. Day: 49 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Here's A Personal Post

No politics today. I've had a lot on my mind with personal stuff. I won't go super public but I need to vent this. I'm sorry. I appreciate the reading in every single country, all over the world. It's pretty incredible. I cannot thank you enough for you all. 

I moved from Nashville, TN about 4 months ago. Nashville was my dream and I was so blessed to live there for 5 years. I moved when I was 19 with no family within 500 miles. Looking back, I do not regret it at all. Do I regret moving away? Not really. Is it still hard on me mentally? I'd be lying if I said no. Lord do I miss that place. I had "planted my roots" to quote one of my uncles. I had a church, a job, another job, great friends and a beautiful living space right on the Cumberland River, just far enough from town but just close enough to where I could go there anytime I wanted. 

That place was my home. Heck, even my fiancĂ© and our dog loved the peaceful area. We'd wake up and hear birds and the water. The sun would shine on the little yellow house, it was a slice of heaven. 

Although I have never been clinically diagnosed, I'm sure I have depression. I rely on pictures of loved ones and music to get me out of it. I do not want to really converse with anybody. In fact, that's my nature. I've been told I'm lazy and easy going. Both are true. I can get along with anybody and everybody but only if I want to. I've been told I would never make it in the music industry. I proved them wrong with many different situations. I'm very proud of my endeavors. I have traveled to 9 different countries, traveled to 45 of the lower 48 states here in the USA. I have traveled from one coast to the other and from one side of "the pond" to the other. I have friends all over the world I can call or text at any given moment. Again, I am very blessed to final of this before I turn 25!

Some people would kill to have my life. But, honestly, I am not happy. I never thought I would say it but I am completely miserable. I do not know why. I know I am homesick but even that isn't the true reason for my unhappiness. I have no idea. I feel that is a problem. I should know why I am unhappy and happy, right? I wish I knew of a way to escape this sadness. The rain outside, here in central Arkansas, is not helping either. 

I miss my dog, my mom, my dad, sister, my brother-in-law and most of all my fiancĂ©. I do not have a home right now. I left Nashville and all of my belongings are in a trailer. I miss home, wherever that may be. I guess that's a reason why I haven't found my happiness...I haven't found my home. 


Thank you, again. It's just one of those days. There's more I could write but I don't think you guys care much for it anyways. After all, this is primarily a political blog. So much is on my mind, I had to release it someplace. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

BREAKING: Conservatism Is Dead!

That's the main argument of a Trump supporter I had this past evening. Did you know, it was so? I had no idea. 

How can it be dead when the falsehood of liberalism is fading away? Look at the voter turnout of the democrats vs republicans. Republicans are coming out to vote in numbers we haven't seen in...a lifetime! Rubio is failing and falling into the abyss. He's not conservative. So, would that mean a success for conservatism? I thought it was dead?

Jeff sessions endorsed Donald Trump. Okay, Harry Reid likes him as well. So does Jimmy Carter. Jimmy went on to say he is "more malleable" because he doesn't have a strong platform like Cruz. Trump supporters will say he isn't. That's wrong because just this week, he was against H-1B Visas, at the debate he switched to supporting it saying "we need to keep the skills" here in the USA, but then he released a statement in his website saying he reversed course again! Now he's against it! The Trump supporter said the question was "asked wrong". So now it's the unfair medians fault? The same media that gives Trump more air time than any other candidate? That same media?

What does Donald Trump stand for? Tell me. Comment on this blog. Send me a Twitter message at @TheMindOfClint on Twitter. Shoot me an email. Tell me: what does Donald Trump Stand for. I would prefer for a comment down below (you can do it anonymously if you want) so that everybody could see and either agree or disagree with each other's argument. I want to know what he stands for because so far, he is flip flopping worse that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. You don't think they will use it against him, if he becomes the nominee?

I want to go into something else that caught my attention earlier today. Iran is threatening to walk away from the, now infamous, Iranian Deal that gave them $150 billion! Will we get our money back if they do that? Probably not. Did Obama and Kerry want this all along? Probably. Obama, the man who said right before the election that he was going to "Fundementaly Change America", defiantly knew this would come. He wants to see this country fundementaly different and boy, has it! The people are angry at the DC establishment. People are angry at our 'represented' folk. They say Cruz is an insider and Trump is an outsider. Where was Trump when Ted Cruz gave his 21 hour filibuster? Where was Trump when Ted Cruz was fighting the gang of 8? Where was Trump when Ted Cruz openly spoke against senate majority leader Mitch McConnell?

I'll say this again: I want the anger I have at DC to be represented, not personified. 

Trump personifies the anger. What good can come out of it?


You can watch the video of that H-1B visa question here:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The RNC Brokered Convention

I'll say it here: this brokered convention talk needs to stop. 

What's the point? I mean, come on already. The Americans are frustrated and angry at the establishment anyways, so they are planning I doing this? Do they thing it is going to help their image? Do they care?

They are planning this because they believe government should rule over the people. They don't care about their image and they don't care about the American people. So, I have an idea on how to combat this brokered convention crap: call up the local representative or congressman/congresswoman and explain to them how upset you are at the talk about the convention. Call up your state senate and any other higher local government. Explain how fed up you are. Will it help this situation? If one or two do it, I'll say no. However, if we can get a mass of people to call and explain that they need to cut the crap, they will have to listen. I believe they care about their job too much to not listen. 

We need to call them like the militia we are. They only get so many times to screw us over before we explode. I think we are pretty close. 

Now, obviously, if you are represented by a democrat, there's not much hope for you but I say call them anyways because they talk across the aisle. Even if it's a slight mutter, word will get around about fed up we are. Let's explain enough is enough! I am getting angry that they are even attempting to sabotage the convention! Aren't you? Never in my lifetime has the Republican Party been screwed up by the establishment in DC. 

What do you say to them besides enough is enough? Tell them, "no more sabotaging. If you want to talk smack about a candidate, be it Trump or go never, don't just sit there. Endorse somebody!" Romney is hinting on running for president based on what I've heard and seen from different bits of information, otherwise, why would he have made that speech last week? I don't know about you, but I am done with people running for president and coming tints the race. Romney, stay out or endorse somebody. I said it last week, Rubio is finished. If the establishment doesn't want to rally behind Trump, let them rally behind Rubio. Let the two of them fall together. Let the people stand with Ted Cruz. 

We need somebody to represent our anger, not personify it. 


Monday, March 7, 2016

Reagan, Trump and Liberals

Today is another sad day in America. Yesterday, Nancy Reagan passed away at the age of 94. It didn't take long for the liberals and all who think against Mr. and Mrs. Reagan to speak their joyous words towards each other and on the Internet. 

My guess is that this anger has always been there, only now we have a medium to publish the anger to. Anger, sadness, happiness or any other thought can now be expressed across many platforms and has the ability to reach millions of people within a few seconds. That's very incredible. Now, I'm not giving them a pass on this. Saying things like "F*ck that C*nt" and many other choice phrases to describe an honorable woman is absolutely wrong. To be honest, you shouldn't talk that way about anybody. Doesn't anybody remember the golden rule? Why and how have we gotten to this point? I think it's because people think, other people care. I do wonder, though, will they say such words about a democrat woman? I thought the democrats were about "women's rights" and other civil liberties? I didn't see one hate phrase like this from a republican yesterday. If there are some, I wonder how many of them are Trump supporters? I only say this because Trump blames the problems we have in this country on conservatives. He said so in a tweet. I took a screenshot of it and posted it in a blog last week. Yup. It was only a week ago. Oh, how soon we forget. 

Trump lost ground this weekend on Suoer Tuesday. Cruz is now inching further and ever so closer to Trump. What is causing this? Could it be that Trump has criticized conservatives? Oh, he is a conservative? Why wasn't he present at CPAC this past weekend? He is not a conservative, he doesn't have a conservative mindset and he doesn't have a conservative history to run on. While we were fighting the angry liberals, he was funding them! Did you catch that? The angry liberals. Their anger was on full exposure yesterday. Just go to Twitter and type 'Nancy Reagan'. You'll see the hate speech all over. Trump likes to express how much he is growing the party and bringing people from all sides from everywhere and anywhere. The anger that Trump personifies is showcased with intensity at his rally's. The speech coming from his crowds...remember words like "P*ssy"? The republican conservatives do not talk like this. 

However, more people define themselves as conservative, they just don't realize they are. They believe the DC corruption as much as anybody reading this but the media pushes them to one side so they continue to vote that way. They believe in a local government or bringing the school systems back to the local control, hence the anger at common core. People believe in a government that pushes itself to a balanced budget. They see the debt rising and whether or not they know what it means, something inside them realizes it's wrong. 

That's why we need a conservative to represent that anger against the corruption and DC establishment, not personify it. 

Nancy's death is a tragedy and she must be remembered for the great woman she was. We can only pray on that outcome. 


Ps: Sorry about this weekend! Glad to be back out of the desert. Heading back east to NC. :D