Let's start with socialism. A simple definition is: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, ofcapital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. Well, that sound pleasant! It's just like what we were taught in kindergarten: sharing is caring. Although, "social organization"...what's that mean? You see, in a socialist society, you are "paid" by what you need, not by what you want and that is based off of your set of skills that you are able to contribute to the society. Now, because of this, there's no need to buy things for the sake of buying things because you want them. Things are essentially rationed for you as an end result. Who decides what skills you have and how much of something you need? The government, naturally. See, the people cannot work for themselves, therefore the cannot be left to decide on things by themselves. There is a natural higher archy put in place to keep everything in order. Who decides who is the higher archy? The government. You trusted them to get you there so it's fair that you can trust them to see this through. Now, because things are rationed out amongst the people, there is perfect equality because people have only what they need. Want to live someplace like in an oceanside beach house? You can, but if the government sees that you have a different set of skills, you could be more useful someplace more inland. Do you want to own some land? Well, the government doesn't want you owning more than everybody else because that would not be fair. Let's put you in the city where you can live closer to work, like everybody else.
Marxism. This one is more or less the "understanding" of the economic struggle between the rich and the poor. It's recognizing the working class is undervalued and that it will need to, one day, take over the rich/upper class. Marxism takes this understanding and lays out a play book or road map to do so. See, we as humans, love "shiny things". Most of us go crazy over the new iPhone that is being released. We love the new cars that come out each year. We drool at the sight of a 50" 4K tv. These things drive us to be selfish human beings. Buying that new iPhone for myself isn't going to help the neighborhood. Buying that new car will make me look good driving down the road, but that's really it. And that new tv? Why should I be lucky enough to have that? Marxism seeks to understand that these actions are "unfair". This leads me into communism.
Communism is a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property. Now, private property is only one of the beliefs of the communist. Private property is a huge deal though. Just like socialism, the people cannot think for themselves because that would be too selfish. You are to work for the betterment of society because of the people work together, we can reach great accomplishments. Again, we see the whole "social organizing" again. The government tells you where to live, tells you how much land, if any, you own. The government tells you when to work, where to work, what to eat, how much you eat, when you eat, what you wear, how you wear it, if you should do this or that... If it isn't for the good of the people, it will be useless because that would make you more exceptional than others. Equality is of most importance.
Leninism is Marxism or communism through the eyes of Lenin. He achieved that working man's attempt to overthrow the society. He became a dictator through the process known as the Russian Revolution. His goal was to achieve what Marx and Engles explained in their manifesto and he did just that.
Stalinism took each of these to an extreme level. Stalin learned from the philosophy of socialism to the studies of Marx and through the execution of Lenin and created his own set of principles. Principles based on terror, authoritarianism, and an extreme love of country. Lenin, with the help of the civil war and The Red Terror killed thousands of people. Stalin, with his political ideology killed anywhere between 4-10 million people. Innocent people died because of what? They didn't want to go along with Stalin. They didn't fit in and go along with society.
Here's a major problem with the left and their ideologies: we all have a dream or dreams and we all have a passion or passions that push us through life. Mine is music. My fiancé's is horses. In a socialist society, those don't matter. Me playing music has no benefit for mankind. My fiancé riding horses and/or just being around them, has no benefit for mankind. You see, what we want does not matter in the eyes of the elite. What we desire the most, do not matter. So, what's the point, then, of working if I'm going to be unhappy? What's the point of working hard if I'm unhappy or unmotivated at this job? Sure, I should be happy because humanity is surviving, but is surviving enough? We don't want to survive, we want to live!
Here's another problem with the leftist ideologies: they are ideologies because they aren't based off of any kind of human experience. Radio host and writer/history genius Mark Levin wrote in, I believe it was, one of his NYTimes best sellers, Liberty and Tyranny, about how "the mind" can create an endless string of thought. (Sorry, I do not have the book in front of me. I promise he explains it more elegantly). He basically states, because it is created within the mind, there are endless amounts of outcomes. Unlike conservatism, "which is based off of human experience" and therefore any outcomes that may come up, have come up before. They are not some idea, they are based off of what has happened already! So here lies the first problem with the left: it's not based on what has happened, but instead of what may or may not happen. I will relate it to this: a former teacher of mine explained what one of the most useless actions in this world was: to worry. The reason is because almost every time we worry about something, our outcome that we created never happens. That's because, again, the mind can create an intimate amount of possibilities and therefore can create an infinite amount of problems, or anything for that matter. Yet, they almost never come true. They aren't based on what has happened because the future hasn't happened yet! So we worry, for nothing. An ideology works the same way. It's not based off of history, it's based off of one of many ideas we could create.
Now, with all of these, God has no place in this picture. People of Soviet Russia didn't pray to God, they prayed to Stalin. People of North Korea don't pray to God, they to Kim and his family because that's how they are raised. They are brought up in a society where God doesn't exist because the government has become the God. What happens when the government goes away? The people will have nothing. The people rely on the government for everything just as Christians rely on God. So, it's no coincidence they are parallel in that aspect.
Through "social organization", the government becomes more powerful. Government never "grows" weaker, unless the people move it that way. Left untouched by an uneducated people, it can and will only become stronger. America is on that path. My proof: we actually have an open socialist winning in the polls. And let me tell you guys something: this is only the beginning.