Hugs with a knife and drugs to dull the pain, if you catch my drift.
Remember last year when we praised the Supreme Court for deciding the gay marriage situation for us? There is this movement of democracy and mobocracy happening right before our eyes. Sovereign states and representation is going away, at least to the eyes of the the "blind". It's not okay for states to decide on gay marriage, on militia, on immigration and now on bathroom laws. The communist manifesto talks about a society getting to a point of no return. It's at that point, government has no choice to intervene. Now, I believe it can be a full on revolution, or little bits of progressive takeover. We are not at the point of a full on revolution yet, although we have riots in the streets because of a broken justice system, because of a "racist" flag in the south... Heck, NYC was in a situation two days ago. People took over the MetLife building yelling, running up escalators on both sides, holding signs..they took over Grand Central Station, Fox News..for what? Leftist programs which, I'm sure, included $15 per hour minimum wage.
I say get rid of it. Let's get rid of this Communist/Marxist/Socialist idea all together. It's already sparking this movement of revolution Marx talked about.
Now, this bathroom thing. I'm sorry, but we can not accommodate people with restroom choice because of what that person likes to do with their genitalia.
Now, this can be taken advantage of. No law will stop that and if we MUST talk about this, I have two things that have crossed my mind over this issue:
1) What if a person decides he/she feels like the opposite gender at different times of the day? Like "excitement"? There are different times of the day where a person can become "excited" and there are other times in the day when they are not "excited". Can this become an issue with the bathroom selection? Would that able to be held in court?
2) (Now, I don't normally do this but....) Let's borrow from Europe. In public restrooms in Europe, there's a "common room" with sinks along the walls and doors that lead to their own private rooms. Why not use this as an example for future restrooms in public? That way, there are no gender restricted restrooms. If there is a room with a door open, you walk into it. If we must talk about this issue, let's bring up some ideas based off of human experience instead of complaining and boycotting or even threatening to boycott a state or something? Speaking of which,
I am boycotting Coca-Cola because they have threatened to boycott North Carolina. I have given ideas to help this situation. They have not. They have immediately jumped to the side of the LGBT community and they have taken hold as well. But, Coke still does sales in places like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt..I could go on. Those three countries, and 79 other places in the world, they outlaw being gay. Some places kill homosexuals. If Coca-Cola really stood by the side of the LGBT community, they would two-face them on such a major issue. That's another reason why I am actually boycotting.
You see, we, the people, can't decide whether or not men should go into women's restrooms, or vise-versa. We the need the oligarchy that is the Supreme Court to decide for us. We now have a presidential candidate, who is leading, who says they would bring their leftist, progressive family member as a nominee to that court. Or we can have a man who has taken hold of the constitution and held it to a respectable position it should be held to. That man is held by principle, not by money.
I say we get the constitution and state sovereignty back.
I say we destroy ISIS, I say we get rid of sanctuary cities and I say we take back our country.