Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Since The Whole System Is Corrupt...

...why not restart from this point?

Donald Trump keeps saying the election process is corrupt. Since Iowa, every state Ted Cruz has won, and Donald Trump has lost, Donald has been saying the election process is rigged and Ted Cruz has stolen those delegates either from Trump himself, or another candidate. So, I propose a resolution: restart at zero but continue the delegate process from here. 

The other delegates won by any candidate in the states so far must hold and will not count. I know, some people won't like that, but why not? "The whole process is rigged" meaning whoever wins, Trump or Cruz, will be illegitimate. Trump Supporters believe they will win, so what's the loss in starting at zero again? Ted Cuz Supporters say he will win, so I'm sure they, including myself, will say Ted will win. Kasich, he must drop out because even a restart at zero delegates he can not win. He does not have the national interest like Cruz and Trump have. 

If Donald wins, claiming the delegate process is rigged and corrupt, he cannot become the nominee because it will be illegitimate. The entire system cannot be "corrupt" on one side, otherwise it wouldn't be labeled as the entire, whole, you-name-it, process. 

Sorry Trumpsters: It cannot work that way.

So why not restart at zero? If you truly believe your candidate will win, why not support this? Heck, I'll even throw this in: Trump supporters want him to win even if he does not have the magic 1237 number. Since it will be impossible at this point with this many states left and starting at zero, I say let the candidate with the most delegates at the end will win the nomination. "Fair", right?

All because equality and political correctness rule the land now. 

Or, Donald can honor the people of states such as Iowa, Colorado... If he keeps treating the people of those states "Ted Cruz Stole" from him, do YOU honestly think they will honor him back, in November?

I don't think so. 


Oh, and by the way, I'll get to the bathroom law GA and NC passed a few weeks ago, tomorrow. I've taken an effort to boycott Coca-Cola because of their threats. More of that tomorrow. 

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