Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hey! ISIS Still Exists

Yes, it's a fact. They are still killing and raping girls and women and Christians alike. Donald Trump is going around talking about polls and calling Ted Cruz a liar while all of this is happening. 

Let's move on people. 

We need a president who will not make deals with people. What ever happened to the old saying, "The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists"? Obama's has done it, so why can't Trump? He's the master deal maker, don't you know. I want to know what other deals he will make. Even he has said that some things will be non negotiable, but will they really? Will the liberties given to us by God, be up for grabs? 

Right now, Donald Trump is calling Ted Cruz a liar and he is once again trying to politicize 9/11 by taking a position on the "NY Values" comment made by Ted Cruz. He talks about how he loves the fire fighters and the police after what they did. What does Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton and Michael Bloomberg have to do with 9/11? Seriously? How anybody can relate what Ted Cruz said about the "NY Values" and the leftist policies, is crazy. They don't have any relation, what so ever. 

I guess the zika virus is gone, and ebola is back. Isn't that interesting? 

Companies have been boycotting States like North Carolina and Georgia over recent laws that were passed. What laws, do you say? A law that denied transgender individuals the right to choose which bathroom they wanted to use. So, let's say that I decide to use the woman's restroom because I am suddenly transgender, or I say that I am. Who will tell me different? I am what I am, otherwise you are a bigot. I think I could argue that in court, as the woman I could have potentially raped tries to file charges. See, there's a problem here. People don't get to decide if they can use a bathroom one day, and use a different bathroom the next. Our rights come from God and this "right" to choose a bathroom is absurd. But, it's being labeled anti-gay and what not so companies and other state institutions are boycotting the States. Even, my beloved Coca-Cola. Well, I'm boycotting then as well. All it will take is one guy to take advantage of the situation and somebody's little daughter will be scared for life. No thank you. 

Oh and, the Republicans that Donald trump helped get into office, are not helping out debt situation. 


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