Let's get the boring out of the way:
The Mind Of Clint has a new Facebook page! And it's been okay. So far 3 days in and there are 24 people who 'like' us. I've been solely on Twitter and Google+ for the past year, almost, and it's been a crazy year on top of that. It's read in over 10 countries all over the globe. It's pretty awesome to see the statistics on something like this. The new Facebook page will only add to the future of this exciting adventure. :)
That page is: https://www.facebook.com/themindofclint/
I'll say what I have been saying all along: share share and share. The more we can show the conservative message, the better!
Ok. Now onto what I thought were important situations from this week.
Taken from The Dailey Caller: "Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski said at a Senate hearing Wednesday that she wanted to avoid getting “involved in constitutional arguments.” The only problem is that the hearing in question dealt with President Obama’s recent executive actions on guns, which many believe infringes on Americans’ Second Amendment rights."
My jaw dropped when I read this. We have a democrat in office who is willing to look not at the constitution, but to an ideology and a personal agenda, when it comes to deal with the law. Especially this topic of heavy concern to the American people. We all know of the presidential oath before taking office. The congressmen and women, too, have their oath. Barbara is outright saying, screw the constitution. It doesn't matter anymore. There is a political ideology within this situation. It's scary and harmful to this republic. Yet, have you read anything on this? Maybe a few places but I haven't really seen it in too many news sites.
Instead, we hear things like how Cruz "is worse than Clinton". Trump said this. Come on dude. Say something useful. Say something that matters to the American people. Not like the act you did today about how invincible you are to the polls. Even in context, joking about killing somebody and not loosing votes is wrong. Joking about it is wrong. People die from shooting all over the world. In Canada it just happened yesterday. Why would a presidential candidate even say something remotely similar to that? Why?
So you bring up you have to be establishment to get things done. Isn't that why we liked you in the beginning? -Because you were anti Washington. The most anti-washington person out there? You were an outsider who couldn't be influenced by anybody because you have all the wealth in the world. You were successful without politics. Now you're saying you must join them to get stuff done? No. Nope.
Meanwhile, we have the university of Minnesota rejecting 9/11 remembrance because it could bring on racism? This is America. We look at our history and learn from it. If we take it out, there will be a generation of young Americans who will have no idea what 9/11 is/was. The communist manifesto preaches history begins now. Human experience: thrown out the window. Look to elites and people in the government as opposed to, say, God. This made me sick.
I pray for this country. A week ago I was a Trump supporter. I'm a Cruz supporter now because he is focused on the issues. He wouldn't let Washington and the left get away with what got away with this week. Conservatism at its core, is based on human experience. If we forget that, what have we truly done with humanity?