Sunday, October 11, 2015

Can't Sleep?

I can't.

I have been up since 9 AM Central Time, Saturday. It's now after 3:30 AM, Sunday.   I am sleepy, but I cannot close my eyes a bit. So what have I done while awake?

I read Google Plus, my usual news sites, some Facebook, I went to Gig Finder, I even took time to redo this blog. I hope you enjoy the new look. I think it's full of pop and excitement. I have had the same design since it's I figured it was time for a change.

So, why must I go to sleep now?

I have church in the morning, first off. My fiancé has to work in the morning. Since we live so far apart, I usually call her to make sure she's awake. I don't know if it helps since I'm usually falling asleep on the phone haha.. She puts up with me.

After church, I need to do yard work. It's what I have been doing all day. The painting is going great. Time flies so fast..I really do enjoy it.

Let's see...I'm fed up with Obama because he is politicizing gun control. Fun fact (without going too deep): Oregon has the most strict gun laws in the country yet there was a shooting there. When was the last time you heard of a shooting in a gun filled area? All of these shootings are happening in gun free zones. does control make people more safe exactly? I love Trump's idea of a nationwide open carry. I promise you, the deaths will go down. The amount of mass shootings will go down because the bad guys won't know who is armed and who isn't armed. I say do it. Let's give it a try. Why not?

Ok...I think I may go to sleep right now.

Oh, download City and Color's new album. It's freaking awesome. If I was still heavy into my album review blog, I would say it's brilliant. You won't regret it. I wouldn't lie.
