Thursday, April 16, 2015

Verizon Unlimited LTE Data

Yup. I have it still. Right now I am using it to steam a 24 hour local news station. It's the same thing every hour, but it is constantly streaming into my phone. It's even HD, too. Why am I doing this? Because I am sick of limited data.

I am blessed to pay $30 a month for unlimited data. Data I can use however I feel. If I feel like just casually surfing Safari, I can do that. If I feel like streaming HD video for the heck of it, I do that too. I think I have used about 10 gigabytes so far in the last 24 hours. I love it. If I had wifi to do so, I would. But, I don't. Why should I pay for something when I can just do it on my phone for little money a month? T-Mobile and Sprint have unlimited data but its throttled. So it's not Unlimited in the sense it's consistent. You don't get great service all of the time. Only up to a point. My Verizon Unlimited Data is the only true unlimited data package. It's a service Verizon hasn't offered since 2011. I plan to use it forever.

So, I'm using data just because I can today. How much data do I actually use? Do I actually NEED the unlimited data? Well, yes. I use about 30 gigabytes a month. Sometimes about 35 a month. I have YouTube and safari websites along with Netflix and this news app so I can stay up-to-date with local news. I never use wi-fi. That's why it's so important to me.

What I don't understand is the use of my unlimited data. I have it, yet I cannot use my mobile hotspot feature. If data is data, why can't I use it? I pay for unlimited data, after all. I can't. For those not on unlimited data, though, can use all the tethering they want; up to their paid data amount. So, Verizon recognizes data is data. It doesn't matter if it's tethering or not tethering. Yet, I am cheated out because I pay for unlimited data. Yet, even I am limited in my data usage.

There are first world problems, I know. With all this talk about Google working on their own network at a per gigabyte plan as rumored, that would be great. I want unlimited data at a low price. I want to use my data anyway I want, tethered or streamed. I want it international. I want to be able to use my phone in Germany, as I would in Canada or here in my home of America.

Data, is data after all.

Monday, April 13, 2015

On My Mind: 4.13.15

Life can be funny in many ways. I am back in Nashville where it is expected to rain all week. I'm not looking forward to that. I just paid my taxes. Mailed it out today, that's no more a thorn in my life..till next year. Spoke with my mom for a bit. All good things.

Every once in a while I will I will send an 'I love you' text to my girlfriend. I do love her. I never have a set time to do it, I just send it to her. I love to write poems and songs for her. She never has an idea when or what I will send her. Living so far apart has it's ups and downs..a lot of downs. But it has made our relationship grow so strong. If we can make it through 500 miles apart, we can deal with anything. She sends me 'I love you' texts too. She is amazing. Everyday, I fall for her. I love it.

Hillary announced her presidency, you read about it here:

You'll read my take on it..

I have over 630 views in my bog so far! It's only been 3 weeks. That's over 210 a week. Very impressive. For a blog that is pretty new, I'm super excited for it. Thank you so much! I never know what is or will be on my mind, but I'm happy you're reading them.

It's raining, I have a stuffy nose and I am hungry. Marco Rubio is running..isn't he the guy that caved in and gave in to the democrats? People actually like this guy? Rand Paul is an ok guy, but do we want a guy who can't do an interview? Ted Cruz is the only person I see worthy. The Constitution: check. American Freedoms: check. Respect to Israel: check. There are so many other things..But i'll stop there.

Do we want a person who had a concussion, possibly a stroke to be our president? I remember folks saying John Mccain is old. In 2008, he was only 70 years old. How old is Hillary? She is 67. That's only a three year difference. I promise, though, you won't hear any word on this. She's three years younger, AND is already having major health issues as of 2 years ago. Let's not forget he husband is a perverted individual who accepts BJ's from younger secretaries. She can't even focus on her emails..

No thank you.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton

Heading back to Nashville later today. It's going to be about a 16-18 hour drive. I guess Lee is expected to drive the whole way, in one go. I have done something like that before and it wasn't that fun. I was so tired when I got back..

Duluth has been a great time. Last time it was so cold up here. So cold, Lake Superior was still frozen! Weather aside, though, it has been so much fun. The people who are in charge of this even are amazing to work with. Great, good ol', salt of the earth people. It's always a pleasure. The people up here, in general, are really nice anyways. It's good to have down home hospitality.

I am excited to go to Nashville, though. I think I will do some spring cleaning. It's that time of year. I do have to pay taxes, still. I got them done a week and a half ago, I just need to send in the check! I'll do that tomorrow. I'm not worried because as long as I get the mailman to stamp it before the 15th, I'm good. No worries there. I hope there will be a flat tax implemented so I don't have to deal with this anymore..

Not a whole lot on my mind. Hillary Clinton is expected to run, at the time of this writing. I cannot see her getting far. I picture it will be about the future, and naturally, the middle class. It's the same thing the democrats have been saying for over 8 years. Well, when will the 'middle class' ever get ahead when, in the past 8 years, wage numbers have gone down as well as people within the work force? I imagine she won't talk about how great America and it's Constitution is. She will not run with her full ideology because it's, by nature, socialist. She even said she was a socialist! She called herself a new age progressive. If that's not a socialist, I don't know what is. Is she trustworthy? Has she told the truth on Benghazi? She says: "At this point, does it really matter? Who cares!" THAT alone should be enough not to vote for her. I care! I know a majority of the American people care.

There is one answer to these questions I ask. Americans died in Benghazi. As they did in New York 11 years prior. Who cares about 2001? How come we don't feel the same about the 2012 attack? There hasn't been a lot of media coverage because it has been attempted to be snuffed out and forgotten about. The reason: There is a HUGE cover-up. Where was Barack that night? Where was Hillary that night?

The American people deserve to know.