Friday, March 4, 2016

Seriously, Male Private Parts?

The GOP debate was last night. I have just a few thoughts. And I'll touch on Romney a bit, too.  

I am angry. 

I am angry at what the GOP Debates and at what the election process has become. We have gone past the jokes about shooting people on 5th avenue. We have gone past the Dr. Ben Carson attacks about him being a psychopath, whether Ben wrote it and it was repeated. Trump is the reason why Dr. Ben Carson was so low in the polls and then Trump plays the part of being his best friend at the debate after Iowa? We have gone past the words like "Pussy". We have gone past the deal making and campaign endorsing and we have been led up to this: actually measuring the sizes of the male anatomy. I ask you two questions: Is This The Man We Want For Our Children To Look Up To? Is Donald Trump The Man We Want Our Kids To Be A Role Model For?

Rubio plays Mr. Conservative. Reagan 2.0, if you will. The fact is, Rubio sold out to the tea party and his state and the conservative movement as a whole with the Gang Of Eight Bill. This lie he manufactured about Cruz being part of that bill is appalling! Anybody can google search the Gang Of Eight and they will not find Ted Cruz's name anywhere near it. If they do find his name, it will be next to the people who tried to stop it! It will be next to the people who stood up for the American people! Rubio then says, "then we will find out what the American People are interested/want". I'll tell you what we want: we want the border secure, we want a wall to be built, we want the immigration laws to be exercised! 

I'll tell you what we don't want, too.

We don't want Karl Rove and people from his ilk to have a say in our election process. We do not want another Romney, a McCain, a Bush, a Graham, a Christy, a liar, an establishment player... We want somebody who is hated by the establishment. Isn't that the truth? Don't we want somebody who is willing to fight for our beliefs because their tremendous love of country is just that: tremendous? Don't we want somebody who will represent us, instead of govern us? I want our anger to be represented, not personified. 

We have a presidential candidate who is a governor. Stay in Ohio. If you love your state, stay there. If you love your country, stay there. We have a presidential candidate who is a senator not running for reelection. It's not because he is confident he will be victorious, it's because the people in Florida will not reelect him. I said it in yesterday's blog post: he will lose Florida because he is a sellout, a liar and he is the establishment. If he wants to be a 'somebody' instead of a "nameless face in history", he must drop out and support Cruz. The establishment is dropping him for Romney, he's that bad! If his ego is so massive, he can change his future by playing the long game. He must realize he will not be president this year, but he must look at 8 years after a successful Cruz presidency, he could. We have a presidential candidate who is treating this campaign like a play or a tv show. It's all about ratings and polls. The truth is: his TV Show, "The Apprentice" is failing! I can't remember the numbers off the top of my head, but I wrote a whole blog post about it just last week. Business people always look for something new because any press is good press. "The Apprentice" is a dead show. Trump realized this but he needs to be in the limelight. This is the perfect "show" in his eyes. He is on tv more than he's ever been. His face is everywhere. He also gets to help out an old democrat friend. He says he "hasn't gotten to Clinton yet." He then tells us to "believe him" when he says he will destroy her. The same guy who says Ted Cruz and other "politicians" are "all talk, no action" has us waiting on his "no action" with the lawsuit against Ted Cruz's citizenship for nearly 50 days. Are we that stupid to "believe" him that he will attack Hillary Clinton? So far Mr. Action, has been Mr. All Talk and I don't expect it to change. 

And then we have Ted Cruz. A senator who won a huge majority of Texas because the people in that state said 'yes. You did keep your promise to us. We know you will keep your promises to fight for us all the way to the white house and we are here to support you'. He has been fighting against Rubio's Gang Of Eight Bill. He has been fighting against Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, two people Trump has helped with campaign funds. Two people who have spoken with liberal immigration laws Ted Cruz has been fighting and now, all of a sudden, Trump is "so strong" on immigration? Really? Ted Cruz has stood by and with the American people on The Bill of Rights and has won with cases relating to religious liberty and guns and state sovereignty. He and only he can say his and debate with his track record, because it's the most "Reagan" in any candidate I have seen in my entire 25 years while being on this earth!

People: think about this. Who do we want to be our president? Romney is the establishment's next hope. Even I didn't see it coming. Rubio has to see the writing on the wall, he has to see the final nail in his coffin. He needs to drop out and support Ted Cruz. I think he will because his ego is so massive. If Romney wants to run a third ticket or become the nominee at the convention, how about we make it not happen. Let's stand behind the only person who has fought time and time again. Whether you disagree with me or not, Ted Cruz is that man. We need to do something about it fast. 

Time is running short for our republic. We need to forget about Romney, we need to forget about the establishment and take control of our country and our party. 


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

We Prayed For A Conservative So What Happened?

I'll tell you what happened: the establishment happened and somebody has a big ego. 

Fox News is dropping Rubio-as they should. To quote Trump: "he is a loser". He won one state so far in the primary process. Cruz is the only person who has beaten Trump, not once but 4 times! Back to the establishment, they despise Trump and they despise Cruz. Marco Rubio is their only guy left outside of Kasich. The establishment is betting Rubio to win Florida and Kasich is hoping to win Ohio. Let me tell you something: Kasich will not win Ohio. What he has done to the state is more than enough proof that he won't win it. Same with Florida: they view Rubio as "sellout". He won't win Florida. Why do they continue to wait then?

There is a big rumor going around and how Cruz and Rubio should join forces. I would be in favor of that. Rubio has no place left to go at this point. Fox News is no longer supporting him and the establishment will see, if they haven't already, he won't win. He cannot win unless there is a brokered convention. Rubio isn't going to wait to be betrayed by the establishment. I do think he will drop out and support Cruz because he wants to be president. If he stays, the establishment could turn on him and go with somebody else. He will not become the nominee at that point and if he were to run again in 2020, because of his failure this time, and because he will become a nobody since he will not have a senate seat after this year, he will be a forgotten face in history. If he sides with Cruz and becomes the VP nominee with Cruz, he will remain in the public eye until 2020 or 2024 giving him a greater chance of becoming president after the success of a Cruz presidency. 

However, his ego is really, really big. He may think the establishment is still on his side. I think ego will play a huge part in him staying. Trump will become the nominee and Cruz and Rubio will be left in the dust. Again, Rubio, not having a public seat, will become a forgotten face in history. Here lies a question: does he still have faith in the establishment's promise to him? That they will back him until the end? Is he stupid enough to still think that they will? Ego is a funny thing. 

Even though he is not the constitutional conservative we wanted, why is he still getting the third place percentage? Why is Trump in the lead? Cruz is our guy we have been waiting for all along yet, we think he cannot win. Well, he has and he will continue to win! The media tells us otherwise but we must realize this and think for ourselves. Cruz can win. Rubio must realize the establishment will only run against Rubio in the end. That's my belief. I do not know who they will back. Maybe Trump? I still think the establishment likes him, Trump just knows how to camouflage it better than Bush did, than Christy did and than how Rubio does now. Each establishment type shows their contrast to Obama because the establishment sees Obama as the end game. They brand themselves as the anti-Obama because they think the people are upset at Obama. While that is true, they are upset at the government as a whole. Yet, some people support a candidate who crafted The Gang Of 8 Bill?

Rubio must realize he cannot win and unless he joins Cruz, a la Reagan/Bush style, Trump will become the nominee. There will be no brokered convention and Rubio will become a nameless face in history. We finally have a Constitutional Conservative. What happened though: we haven't embraced him yet. 


Super Tuesday Revisited

This is a short blog today because of Suoer Tuesday. 

Yesterday I wrote about the history of the populist party and the ideology they covet. I explained a little about the relation between 1893 and 2016 and how the parallels comparing the anger of the people, mirror very close. The economy was a big deal back then and low and behold, the exit polls for yesterday talk about anything money related being the bigger issue than any other issue, including immigration which in Georgia was in less than 10% of Georgian minds. 

The economy/jobs issue plays into Trumps hand beautifully. He has a successful business, despite what many say. Sure, he had lost billions of dollars and has filed bankruptcy four times, or something like that, but when you're playing the penny slots in a casino, you aren't going to lose big. In order to win big, you have to be ready to pay big and be prepared to lose big all while keeping your eyes on the prize. That's what Trunp does. But, going back to 1893, during The Panic of 1893, the US market lost millions of jobs and stocks crashed, foreign investors were pulling out and we the people were fed up with the people in Washington. Who was our savior? The populist party. They were our hope for a better future. The market did turn around by the election in '96 and we as a people grew sober from our hostile, youthful mentality. We grew into adults and realized what we actually needed was an individual who stood on principle, not somebody who played the mob. 

It cracks me up, Rubio, who finally won his first primary said Ted Cruz had a "bad night". He is our savior when it comes to we the people. He will win in winner take all states. Oh really? Where were you this whole election process? You finally won a state! And Fox News puts it this way: "First we have Trump who won seven states, then we have Rubio who won one state and then there's Cruz who won two," and then they go off on who knows what like its nothing! Actually, Alaska just came in at the time of this writing and it shows. Ted Cruz win Alaska. Making him the only person who has been tested to win against Trump, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times! And "loser" Rubio has the nerve to say "he is the only one who can win" in winner take all states. Rubio has the nerve to say Ted Cruz had a bad night. Fox News has the nerve to act as if Ted Cruz's victories are not important. Give me a break. What have become of you, Fox? Faux News sounds pretty good right now. 

Rubio is a sell out to his own Floridian people and to the United States citizenry. Rubio will not win Florida because the people of Florida know what I am talking about. It's the same reason why Kasich will not win Ohio. Now, he never sold anybody out-if you don't count the Ohioans! I was born and raised in Ohio and even my liberal friends think he is a joke. He claims to have a surplus and and balanced budget in Ohio, yet after he is gone, the state will implode due to what he did with Medicare and Medicade. He is wasting votes from whomever it may be. This election needs a statesman, not a man from the state. 

Seriously? Rubio cannot even beat Kasich! It's time to #GoAwayRubio

Oh, and about that fundraser Trump held during that one debate: some vets have NOT received their money yet. I thought I would bring that up again. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The History Of The Populist Movement

Let's take a look at the history of the populist movement because on a Tuesday like today, it must be talked about somewhere. 

The year is 1873. The United States was a different country back then. "Secret" societies like The Masons existed as well as a group called The Grangers. The latter worked with the farming industry and groups associated with such individuals. The country is fresh out of a civil war. Tensions are still high and the country is trying to figure out its economy with the lack of slave labor. Farmers are demanded more and more. The country was still on the gold standard back then. People could not elect the senators directly, there was no such thing as a Federal Reserve and "Rockefeller" was not a household name. Farmers were in debt and with the help of the Grangers, pushed to evolve the gold standard and push it into inflation. The idea was simple: if inflation happened, $1 could become $2 or $3. The farmers could sell less for more, making the debt the carry become less and non-existent. They needed to personify their beliefs into the whitehouse. The Grangers could make that happen. 

There was a party known as "The Greenback Party". Their idea was to create a method of money that was not backed by gold, thus advancing the rate of inflation. Well, nothing became of that. They could not collect the amount of people to like the idea but like all radicalized agendas, they do not give up. They re-branded themselves as the Greenback-Labor Party. Then, later, called themselves the Populist Party. What was their goal? Inflation, but they had a laundry list of ideas such as: having the people elect senators directly, a graduated income tax and a reform dubbed "initiative". Initiative was a plan by the populists and it involved the people creating debate, directly to the legislative process allowing the people to vote on bills directly-without the need for representatives. A man named James Weaver was announced as their candidate. He only got 22 electoral votes and just one million popular votes but the populists saw this as a victory even though they weren't even close to a win. The populist movement was now being talked about across the country. The seed, if you will, was now planted. 

In history we talk about about many things. One of them is The Great Depression. There were actually a few in our history before and after that. I'm going to focus on what became known as "The Panic Of 1893". After a 'failed' populist election in 1892, the populist were more determined than ever. The nation was talking about it more and anger brewed against the government was boiling. The Panic of 1893 did not help the government at all. Bank loans failed and the stock market crashed. European investors started pulling out of America and nearly four million became unemployed as well as thousands of businesses had closed their doors. The people realized the leadership was not well for the country. A new century was approaching and with a new century, a new beginning of leadership became a clear objective in the eyes of Americans. 

The populist side, echoed into the Democratic Party. In 1896, an attorney from Nebraska named William Jennings Bryan was what I would call, a slick talker much like Barack Obama or Marco Rubio or even Donald Trump. Bryan is quoted as being "one of the best speakers" of his time. The Farmers from twenty years prior wanted a monetary system not backed on gold alone to bring in inflation. Bryan promised "free coinage from silver". William McKinley, from Ohio, had the support of a wealthy Cleveland industrialist named Marc Hanna. Marc, just like many in the republican field, believed the free coinage of silver would destroy America financially. In his eyes, McKinley had to be elected and he later won 271 votes to 176. 

The economy had recovered by 1896. Farmer's prices were going up, slowly but surely. The election of 1896 could have meant the beginning of the populist presidents, but the party fell apart shortly after.

What happened to their ideas? Well, they still exist today and some have been amended into our constitution. Not by the populists, but by what we know as, The Progressives. Like all radicalized ideas, they never give up. They continue to push their ideology until they win. They promise to win for the sake of all people. They succeed but we the people are hit hard for it. Income tax, secret ballet, initiative, direct election of senators...these populist ideas became and were succeeded by the progressives. 

The populist is not a conservative by nature. The history proves itself. So today, Super Tuesday, do not vote for the populist because history proves they do not represent the constitution. Vote for the anti-populist. Let's allow history and the election of 1896 repeat itself once again. We may be angry at the government but let's all think with sober heads. 
