Fox News is dropping Rubio-as they should. To quote Trump: "he is a loser". He won one state so far in the primary process. Cruz is the only person who has beaten Trump, not once but 4 times! Back to the establishment, they despise Trump and they despise Cruz. Marco Rubio is their only guy left outside of Kasich. The establishment is betting Rubio to win Florida and Kasich is hoping to win Ohio. Let me tell you something: Kasich will not win Ohio. What he has done to the state is more than enough proof that he won't win it. Same with Florida: they view Rubio as "sellout". He won't win Florida. Why do they continue to wait then?
There is a big rumor going around and how Cruz and Rubio should join forces. I would be in favor of that. Rubio has no place left to go at this point. Fox News is no longer supporting him and the establishment will see, if they haven't already, he won't win. He cannot win unless there is a brokered convention. Rubio isn't going to wait to be betrayed by the establishment. I do think he will drop out and support Cruz because he wants to be president. If he stays, the establishment could turn on him and go with somebody else. He will not become the nominee at that point and if he were to run again in 2020, because of his failure this time, and because he will become a nobody since he will not have a senate seat after this year, he will be a forgotten face in history. If he sides with Cruz and becomes the VP nominee with Cruz, he will remain in the public eye until 2020 or 2024 giving him a greater chance of becoming president after the success of a Cruz presidency.
However, his ego is really, really big. He may think the establishment is still on his side. I think ego will play a huge part in him staying. Trump will become the nominee and Cruz and Rubio will be left in the dust. Again, Rubio, not having a public seat, will become a forgotten face in history. Here lies a question: does he still have faith in the establishment's promise to him? That they will back him until the end? Is he stupid enough to still think that they will? Ego is a funny thing.
Even though he is not the constitutional conservative we wanted, why is he still getting the third place percentage? Why is Trump in the lead? Cruz is our guy we have been waiting for all along yet, we think he cannot win. Well, he has and he will continue to win! The media tells us otherwise but we must realize this and think for ourselves. Cruz can win. Rubio must realize the establishment will only run against Rubio in the end. That's my belief. I do not know who they will back. Maybe Trump? I still think the establishment likes him, Trump just knows how to camouflage it better than Bush did, than Christy did and than how Rubio does now. Each establishment type shows their contrast to Obama because the establishment sees Obama as the end game. They brand themselves as the anti-Obama because they think the people are upset at Obama. While that is true, they are upset at the government as a whole. Yet, some people support a candidate who crafted The Gang Of 8 Bill?
Rubio must realize he cannot win and unless he joins Cruz, a la Reagan/Bush style, Trump will become the nominee. There will be no brokered convention and Rubio will become a nameless face in history. We finally have a Constitutional Conservative. What happened though: we haven't embraced him yet.
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