One candidate is threatening to sue another, while calling him a liar, while that prey is being attacked by a different candidate, who's also calling him a liar. Now, one would think that the one being attached by two people would be the liar, however, it is not the case. Let's go back to the establishment for a bit...
What did I say about how you can tell which candidate(s) is(are) a front for the establishment? Easy: when a candidate is being pushed as the anti-Obama, that's the guy who's is a front man for the establishment. Now, I mentioned Trump was also a front for the establishment but he hides very well. Well, we know both Rubio and Trump are loved by the GOP Establishment. This is fact. Rubio is claiming to be the anti-Obama because he is being told to do so. That's why he memorizes lines like the debate a few weeks ago. He's a puppet, if you will. Trump keeps saying he would have made a better deal with Iran than what Obama has done. Now aside from that, him and Rubio are saying one thing in common: Cruz is a liar. Trump, being the personification of 'we the people's' anger, is saying he will sue Cruz on just about everything. What did I say a week ago: Bring it. If his presidency will be full of as much talk as he is about these stupid lawsuits, nothing will get done. He will be name calling and talking the talk without walking the walk. THAT ALONE, is worth not voting for him. So Rubio and Trump are calling Cruz a liar. On what?
Well, just about everything. From being a Canadian citizen, from being pro illegal alien (I don't say immigrant because they are aliens in this blog), speaking of which, Mr. Anti-Political Correctness still calls them illegal immigrants..thought I would mention that... It's just crazy. Meanwhile, what's has Trump that would be considered worthy of being an actual issue? Well, he did bring up that he thought it was strange that Judge Scalia had a pillow placed strange. But I mean, the wall? Nope. He now thinks they should have a visa right back into this country. Obamacare? He believes the government should take care of people. So, that would be a nope. What about the SCOTUS appointment? I think he said he would bring in his sister or something. I mean, come on. She's a hardcore liberal! That doesn't help the conservative movement! Oh wait, he thinks conservatives got us into the mess we are in right now. Rubio? He's speaking Spanish and he thinks Cruz can't do it, so he calls him a liar-but gets interrupted by Spanish speech from none other than Ted Cruz. So, again, who is lying? I won't even bring up gang of eight.
Now, Obama is saying "Congress needs to do their job" on the SCOTUS appointment. Umm, has he read the constitution? Article 2, section 2, clause 2 has no mention that congress must act immediately to appoint somebody. In fact, congress has the power to do nothing! Wouldn't that be nice if the government as a whole did that for a day? So, get off their back, Obama. They are doing their job: protecting the United States people from a tyrannical government.
Trump says he will make sure America will have the strongest military on the face of this earth. Ok, now what? Cruz wants to see if "sand will glow". I have yet to see his knowledge go beyond his weak understanding of the nuclear triad. If you want a president who will focus on a strong millinery, shouldn't they have an understanding on it first? Rubio mentioned this a few debates ago. Now, since they are on the same team, not a word is being brought up about it to Trump. Now, Cruz should use this to point out as well! Rubio and Trump are battling with the same military at this point. I've given a few points from my head, I'm sure the more brains together, the better on this issue. Cruz needs to spend more time attacking Trump and Rubio as together; as one force. They both are displaying non issues towards the people, they both call him a liar which he has history and facts to back Cruz up, they both spend their time saying they want illegals out of here, while supporting a visa program for them to get back in once they are deported. Meanwhile, Cruz keeps pressing issues like ISIS, remember them? Cruz keeps pushing issues like executive amnesty and the away with sanctuary cities, the string millinery, with a plan of action that will be thought out, not acted from anger personified from the American people.
Now we all know Trump was against the war in Iraq way way way back in 2003, right? You should because he brings it up just as much as Kasich says his dad was a mailman. But what did he actually say? Well, the national review dug it up and found what he said: “Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.” So...yeah. Sure! He was so, against it. I don't see it being a solid one way or the other. Why is he so washy on this, but now claims to be a man of principle? This is the same guy who is using 9/11 to get votes. The same guy who jokes about terrorism on 5th avenue. One thing that struck out to me was the economy should be of more importance to the president. The economy over national security? Without national security, you don't have an economy! This is why I believe he is not 100% sold on the wall idea. If he is a man of principle, his mindset would not change but we can see it has. Then, he was pro economy over national security. Now he's national security over economy. Dude. What kind of principle do you actually believe in?
This is a question I would say to Trump. We need to figure this out. Again, more brains together, the better. If I can figure this out, imagine what Bernie's camp can muster up.