Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Donald Trump Not Going To Debate

Isn't this a turn of events? Well, not really. He does have a pretty big ego. I mean, he knows he's successful. He has money and a pretty awesome company to show for it. However, there are times when a person needs to suck it up. Trump missed a good opportunity and Ted Cruz, and his campaign, are working to showcase, yet another hole, is Trump's ideology. 

First off, was Megyn Kelly out of line? No doubt. I do believe in there's a time and a place for what she did. Honestly, it's not just her. That whole debate was pretty pointless. 'Who here will support the final nominee for the republican president?' That was to target Trump. You could look back at a lot of those situations during that night. It's no doubt that act of singling out a phrase 'I bet she looked good' on her knees..come on. Is that the best you got Megyn? Anyways, Trump won't be at the next debate and will apparently boycott it. Okay. That's fine. Whatever, man. Frankly, I have been so turned off by the attitude of your leftist style campaign. Let's talk about real issues for once.

Ted Cruz came out with a statement saying 'if you're afraid of Megyn Kelly, you'll be afraid of Hillary and Putin'. That brings me back to a question I've had in the back of my mind for nine months now: what did Bill Clinton and Donald Trump talk about the night before Trump announced to run? As far as I know, it has yet to be public knowledge. Will he eventually grow soft to a point where he could lose against Hillary or even Sanders? He is already saying he 'will have to become part of the establishment to work with them and to make deals with them'. So he's growing soft already. My question is: where will the growing soft end? With Fox News? Wuth Hillary? With Sanders? With the constitution?

Taken from Trump's statement: "Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away." Really? I'm confused. Does 'walking away' mean making deals with the 'very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground'? Or does it mean not appearing on a debate stage because you felt you were treated bad? I would love for you to explain that one.

Ted Cruz put out a statement labeling Trump as 'Ducking Donald'. Here is that statement: 'If Donald Trump is afraid of Megyn Kelly, then Ted Cruz is willing to debate "Ducking Donald" one-on-one. Ted Cruz is willing to stand up defend his record, anytime, any place. Why isn't Ducking Donald?' That is a great question. Why would a conservative be willing to make deals with the establishment? The people 'running this country to the ground'? I know he has a history of left leaning ideas, but I know people change their mind. I would love to hear the answers to just the holes within his campaign. 

Is he afraid to defend his record? Why did Trump call Bill Clinton before he decided to run? Is he afraid that question could come up? I mentioned there was a time and a place for the situation that happened on that first debate. I think now is that time and place. 


1 comment:

  1. I agree with your major points. I thought Kelly was more obnoxious and biased toward Cruz with that dumb, "Have you heard from God lately?" question. Trump is not a Conservative and his leftist foundation is coming out more and more.
