Chris Christie actually had some good talking points. He said, "I think it's a big mistake by Donald and I said that. Things don't always go your way. You remember, I got sent down to the undercard debate by Fox Business news. I didn't think it was fair, but I didn't whine and moan and complain and walk away. I went to the debate. I argued my points. That's what a leader does. You go and you fight through adversity." And then he said he sits in Trump tower calling into each Fox News or any inter news show in his "jammies". Yes. He actually said that. I think a president does need to learn that things don't always work out, but you have to fight to make it so. The president will be the leader of the party. They cannot sit on the sidelines and cry it out. They have to fight for a cause. I guess in Donald's eyes, though, giving in to Megyn would be losing and not fighting for what you believe in. It's okay. I know Ted will tear him into pieces. You watch. The reason is because Trump doesn't have any points to argue. He has flip-flopped so much the past week, week and a half... I mean, it's okay to do that but man, going from 'I get calls from the establishment all the time, they love me' to saying 'the establishment hates me.' Then going off saying 'you have to be the establishments that to get things done. To make good deals..' Dude. Come on.
I just don't understand. The People are not that dumb.
Heck, Harry Reid said yesterday that he's 'kind of pulling for Trump'. What does that tell you about The Donald? The establishment do not like Ted Cruz for one reason: he fights for you and I. Do you honestly think the healthcare law was for 'the good of the people'? Do you honestly think sanctuary cities are for 'the good of the people'? Do you honestly think all this common sense gun control talk is 'for the good of the people'? So why do Trump supports think the quotes by Harry Reid, Bob Dole or anybody else within the establishment are said 'for the good of the people'? Why such a double standard? This is why we need Ted Cruz. He's disliked for a reason and this is a great thing for us.
Speaking of Cruz, he decided to do a one on one debate with Trump. Trump denied, naturally, but some super PACs of Cruz's got together and raised 1.5 million to go to veteran charities if he decides to debate Ted. They have a time, a place and the money all ready to go. Will he accept? I haven't heard anything yet but I'm sure he will slither away. After all, Harry Reid is 'pulling for him'. The once anti establishment guy I used to like, is becoming so much establishment, I can't stand it. And so, I move on..
We all know who The Masons are, right? Well, some crazy lunatic was trying to buy machine guns and wanted to unload his bullets on a few temples in the name of Islam. Yes, he was a terrorist, plotting to kill innocent people in the name of Islam. In America. Is this anywhere on the news? I don't watch it, so I don't know. He wanted to go to the Middle East and shoot up Israelis after doing some training with ISIS. ISIS, who has nothing to do with Islam either. The lunatic said: "We are Muslims, defending Muslim religion. We are here defending Islam, young people together join to defend Islam, that’s it, that is what our intention is.” Well, there you have it folks. And we are supposed to not judge them or label them in any way because the Christians don't want gays to get married! They are the real problem with this country!
Gays, strait, women...did you know the terms 'He' and 'She' will probably be banned in this country? You call me crazy, but here's one spot where it's trying to gain traction: "The Department of Labor has proposed a rule that would remove the words 'he' and 'she' from an anti-discrimination regulation in order to “avoid the gender binary”. Yup. You read that correct. What are we supposed to say then? The National Review writes: "The rule replaces “‘he or she’ with ‘the individual,’ ‘person,’ or other appropriate identifier". So, He and She wouldn't be appropriate? Just remember, like the healthcare law, like the gun control laws, like the sanctuary cities, this is for the good of the people. These same people are now endorsing Trump for president. These same people are "Pulling for Trump". Remember that.
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