Sunday, January 31, 2016

Obama and Ted Cruz and Donald Trump

Obama will visit some
Mosques on Wednesday and one of them had extremist ties to The Muslim Brotherhood. The same Muslim Brotherhood that met with Al Qaeda and ISIS a few weeks ago...

You know what? I'm tired. 

Do you really want to know what is on my mind? We have Trump running a campaign that flip flops more than Hillary Clinton and we have an independent running on a Socialist agenda. What on earth has this country come to? Ted Cruz sent out letters in a Manila envelope and I guess people in Iowa are upset..I haven't really looked into the issue because I'm too busy worrying about ISIS, I'm busy worrying about North Korea getting and using a bomb on people, I'm worried about the debt in this country, I'm worried about another terror attack...I'm scared for our country because the media takes us into different paths and tries to keep us away from actual things happening that could destroy our livelyhood. You know, one day we are going to wake up and look at what this country became and we will not reverse what has happened. Heck, some of us are already there. We have a presidential candidate who has and will continue to stand for the bill of rights and the rest of the constitution yet, we are stopped short because a rich billionaire created an argument where he cannot run. Sue him then, Donald. If you believe what you preach, stop walking around and actually sue him! You have the money, the power, you know the people yet all you do is preach this crappy, worthless "issue". The reason why he won't sue him is because even he knows it's full of garbage. It will never go anywhere. Still, though, people are buying into it. He's a salesman, people. That's his job!

I do do not get half of what is going on. A huge majority of 'millennials' support Sanders.. Why? Because we have a generation of people who are indoctrinated and who do not know something other than socialism. I'm tired of all this crap. 

Why do we go on and on about stuff that has no relation to the future of this world? For nearly half a century, we tried our best to destroy the ideology that is communism. Here we are, though, less than 30 years after the wall fell and we are having a presidential candidate that is an outright socialist and he's winning in the polls. They say: 'well, he's a democratic socialist' or what ever the heck. Ok, what does that mean? 'Well..well...' So Bernie sanders came out and explained what that meant. He didn't have to hold a special conference for that. Read the history that is in books. Or look online. A quick Google search and you can find anything you'll ever need. Socialism is not a new thing. The evolution of that, Marxism, was created by a drunk! He partied and smoked and did not really want to be in school anyways but socialism got his attention.

If you like Bernie sanders, here what his vision for America is: 0% unemployment. Free healthcare. Free school. People to live in cities. A much higher pay rate than $15 per hour. He sees an America that is racially tolerant and crime rate is as close to zero as it can be. Guess what: we are already the most racially tolerant people on the face of this world. But everything else: that place already exists. It's North Korea. 

I had many things to write about today but nothing seemed so important to really write about it. 

We must stop with the phoney arguments and fake problems and look at the bigger picture because there is a lot at stake here. We need to read history and learn from it. We need to stop being babies and pay for our education and student loans. We need to have respect for the people because when the government can give us everything, it can take it away just as fast. 


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