Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Great Demise of Donald J. Trump

...for president, that is. 

It's no secret, to people who have been reading this blog for a while, that I used to be a Donald Trump supporter. I mean, I was pretty gung-ho about his campaign. Nothing could deter my thinking from his actions. I was one of those crazy loyalists who, if he did shoot somebody on fifth avenue, I would probably have stayed. However, some things can be said for being humble. Some things can be said about a man's character. I believe we tend to show our weakness through other people. For instance, if a man is insecure, he will attempt to create that insecurity through another individual. When trump talks about Ted Cruz's character, I believe Trump is referring to himself. Trump goes as far as to say he could shoot people on fifth, avenue and still not lose any supporters. It's only now that he wants to talk about character. 

I do believe Trump brings on all of these "issues" that some people just don't care about, because he doesn't have any real issues to talk about anymore. He said all he could early in the campaign. His tax plan, his second amendment plan, his healthcare plan, his destroy ISIS plan and last but not least, his big wall plan. All of those plans were great. But then, that's it. They didn't get the amount of media coverage as, say, the birther 'issue'. Now all you see is an attack on this person, attack on that person...the past 24 hours have been about him suing Ted. I think I said yesterday, okay, do it. What's taking you so long? I am tired of all of this talk. Not just on broken promises, but about making deals. It's okay to make deals in this world with other countries, as long as we are on the upper hand but saying you have to make deals with the establishment to get things done in Washington shortly after going on about how the establishment loves you and then saying you have to be the establishment in DC to get things done? Isn't that the whole problem to begin with? And HE wants to talk about character?

Ted Cruz spoke against the leader of his party a few years ago. You could see the fire in his eyes during that speech. That was the fire in every American's eyes, because we were lied to. Now, Ted Cruz apologized for this 'voter fraud' situation. I honestly don't know if this was Voter Fraud, but I completely understand where Ben Carson is coming from. I would be just as angry. I would not be angry as much at another candidate but rather to CNN. The way they broadcasted the 'story' was unprofessional. Let's not forget, Ted Cruz did apologize on national tv to Ben Carson. A man who has a big enough backbone to go against his party's leadership, apologized within 24 hours on live television. And Trump wants to talk about character?

I'm not even going to bring up Marco because he honestly has no dog in this fight. And to be truthful, either does Trump. This should be between Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson. Why in God's name is Trump bringing a dog to this fight?

It's because after all this talk about "winning", he lost. He came in second place. He is threatening to sue over something that doesn't have anything to do with him. And he wants to talk about character. Jeb Bush is the last person I would want to win in the Republican Party, but he's so close on something I have been thinking about lately. Trump isn't attacking his way to the top, he's making fun of people on the way to the top. He's bringing up pointless 'things' to get to the top. Listen to what he says about Jeb: "He's a loser with no energy." Look at what he says about Ted: "He's cruel and nobody likes him." He keeps making fun of people. Saying Ben Carson is a "horrible Doctor."

And Trump wants to bring up character. 

A man apologized to a fellow candidate because he felt there was a need to from his own self. Nobody forced Ted to apologize, he just did it. 

Trump is insecure. That's the bottom line. He is trying to make Cruz seem insecure but it's not working. What does Trump do? He goes on Twitter instead of taking the problem face to face. He refuses to debate Cruz one on one. I've heard that it would be against RNC rules or something to do that but since when does Trunp care about RNC rules? He's going to suddenly start following them because that's what he does? Give me a break. 

Trump started to lose me a few weeks ago with the mindless attacks on Ted. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that, either. Ted Cruz came in first. He won Iowa. I love Ben Carson, but if a tweet, 15 minutes before the caucus starts can destroy a man's chances of winning that state, and nobody heard about it, brought it up or exposed any more than that tweet until the next morning, I doubt it had any significance to the end result. That's my guess. I love Ben Carson. I love Ted Cruz. I think the only reason why this is as big as it is is because an insecure business man came in second. 

Meanwhile, President Obama visited a radicalized mosque. 


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