Wednesday, March 9, 2016

BREAKING: Conservatism Is Dead!

That's the main argument of a Trump supporter I had this past evening. Did you know, it was so? I had no idea. 

How can it be dead when the falsehood of liberalism is fading away? Look at the voter turnout of the democrats vs republicans. Republicans are coming out to vote in numbers we haven't seen in...a lifetime! Rubio is failing and falling into the abyss. He's not conservative. So, would that mean a success for conservatism? I thought it was dead?

Jeff sessions endorsed Donald Trump. Okay, Harry Reid likes him as well. So does Jimmy Carter. Jimmy went on to say he is "more malleable" because he doesn't have a strong platform like Cruz. Trump supporters will say he isn't. That's wrong because just this week, he was against H-1B Visas, at the debate he switched to supporting it saying "we need to keep the skills" here in the USA, but then he released a statement in his website saying he reversed course again! Now he's against it! The Trump supporter said the question was "asked wrong". So now it's the unfair medians fault? The same media that gives Trump more air time than any other candidate? That same media?

What does Donald Trump stand for? Tell me. Comment on this blog. Send me a Twitter message at @TheMindOfClint on Twitter. Shoot me an email. Tell me: what does Donald Trump Stand for. I would prefer for a comment down below (you can do it anonymously if you want) so that everybody could see and either agree or disagree with each other's argument. I want to know what he stands for because so far, he is flip flopping worse that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. You don't think they will use it against him, if he becomes the nominee?

I want to go into something else that caught my attention earlier today. Iran is threatening to walk away from the, now infamous, Iranian Deal that gave them $150 billion! Will we get our money back if they do that? Probably not. Did Obama and Kerry want this all along? Probably. Obama, the man who said right before the election that he was going to "Fundementaly Change America", defiantly knew this would come. He wants to see this country fundementaly different and boy, has it! The people are angry at the DC establishment. People are angry at our 'represented' folk. They say Cruz is an insider and Trump is an outsider. Where was Trump when Ted Cruz gave his 21 hour filibuster? Where was Trump when Ted Cruz was fighting the gang of 8? Where was Trump when Ted Cruz openly spoke against senate majority leader Mitch McConnell?

I'll say this again: I want the anger I have at DC to be represented, not personified. 

Trump personifies the anger. What good can come out of it?


You can watch the video of that H-1B visa question here:

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