Monday, March 7, 2016

Reagan, Trump and Liberals

Today is another sad day in America. Yesterday, Nancy Reagan passed away at the age of 94. It didn't take long for the liberals and all who think against Mr. and Mrs. Reagan to speak their joyous words towards each other and on the Internet. 

My guess is that this anger has always been there, only now we have a medium to publish the anger to. Anger, sadness, happiness or any other thought can now be expressed across many platforms and has the ability to reach millions of people within a few seconds. That's very incredible. Now, I'm not giving them a pass on this. Saying things like "F*ck that C*nt" and many other choice phrases to describe an honorable woman is absolutely wrong. To be honest, you shouldn't talk that way about anybody. Doesn't anybody remember the golden rule? Why and how have we gotten to this point? I think it's because people think, other people care. I do wonder, though, will they say such words about a democrat woman? I thought the democrats were about "women's rights" and other civil liberties? I didn't see one hate phrase like this from a republican yesterday. If there are some, I wonder how many of them are Trump supporters? I only say this because Trump blames the problems we have in this country on conservatives. He said so in a tweet. I took a screenshot of it and posted it in a blog last week. Yup. It was only a week ago. Oh, how soon we forget. 

Trump lost ground this weekend on Suoer Tuesday. Cruz is now inching further and ever so closer to Trump. What is causing this? Could it be that Trump has criticized conservatives? Oh, he is a conservative? Why wasn't he present at CPAC this past weekend? He is not a conservative, he doesn't have a conservative mindset and he doesn't have a conservative history to run on. While we were fighting the angry liberals, he was funding them! Did you catch that? The angry liberals. Their anger was on full exposure yesterday. Just go to Twitter and type 'Nancy Reagan'. You'll see the hate speech all over. Trump likes to express how much he is growing the party and bringing people from all sides from everywhere and anywhere. The anger that Trump personifies is showcased with intensity at his rally's. The speech coming from his crowds...remember words like "P*ssy"? The republican conservatives do not talk like this. 

However, more people define themselves as conservative, they just don't realize they are. They believe the DC corruption as much as anybody reading this but the media pushes them to one side so they continue to vote that way. They believe in a local government or bringing the school systems back to the local control, hence the anger at common core. People believe in a government that pushes itself to a balanced budget. They see the debt rising and whether or not they know what it means, something inside them realizes it's wrong. 

That's why we need a conservative to represent that anger against the corruption and DC establishment, not personify it. 

Nancy's death is a tragedy and she must be remembered for the great woman she was. We can only pray on that outcome. 


Ps: Sorry about this weekend! Glad to be back out of the desert. Heading back east to NC. :D

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