Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cruz Wins South Carolina

You won't see that headline in too many places. Unlike when Rubio came in third just a few weeks ago. 

Congrats to Donald Trump on his victory in SC. And I still don't know how Hillary is in the lead. I wonder why Bernie is even running within the DNC? He should run a third party ticket because he is being treated so bad from the democrats. It's obvious he has a huge following and it's obvious people like what he says. Not allowing him to obtain any delegates is wrong. No matter if you agree or disagree with his ideology. He is not being treated well at all. 

Trump supporters. I was one of them. As I look back at recent history, it amazes me how blind I was. I was blinded by the aura of Trump. He is a carries an atmosphere around him that screams 'notice me', and it works. I was rude to those who disagreed with me. I took the offense personally and to heart if they disagreed or even questioned Trump. I started thinking, 'man! this person is crazy or stupid.' Well, I experienced such an attack yesterday after Donald's win. A grown man, in his 50's I'm sure, actually told me to "suck on that!!"  He said: "Trump wins South Carolina. Suck on that!!" I'll post the screenshot. Seriously though, is that how adults react to things now? I understand being politically correct is bad, but this is just immature. We said suck on that or like phrases back in middle school! That was over 10 years ago for me. I would never dare to say something like that at my age because I am trying to be a positive role model. That is what a president is supposed to be and do, as well. A president is supposed to be a leader who the country can look up to for a positive influence. 

Trump has fired up something in this country. No doubt about that. We have now gone into a country where it's okay to, it's not an insult, but to, speak phrases that a child would say. "Suck on that!!" Seriously man? Is that how you want your grandkids to remember you? Is that how you want your little granddaughter to act to others? If something goes their way, you would be proud if they said "suck on that!!" To the "loser"? Think about it for just, one second. 

Now, I'm singling this guy out but there are many other people who attacked my for being a Cruz supporter. There are many of those who say horrible things because I do not like Trump. This one topped the cake for this week. I ask: what kind of role model do we want to set for our grandchildren or our children or our fellow Americans? Congrats to Trump. Congrats to Rubio. Congrats to Ted Cruz. Congrats to Bush and Carson and everyone else. I know I couldn't campaign for x amount of weeks and still push on. That's a lot of work. But we need to focus on issues. I've been saying that for a few weeks now. What Trump has unleashed is more than anti-p.c. He has unleashed a mob, in essence. He plays the mob. The mob is now spreading and we have people like that Robert guy, taking time out of his day to write posts on Facebook that say "Trump wins South Carolina. Suck on that!!"  What are we doing? We need a positive role model for our country. If Trump is creating a culture of childish and immature talk, I don't want any part of it. 

It's not right for our future. 


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