Tuesday, February 23, 2016

San Francisco: My Trip To A Sanctuary City

Today I took a trip to San Fransico. As a disclaimer, it was my first time ever going there and I visited to the following places: The Marin Headlands, Golden Gate, Pier 39 and some parts of downtown. I do not know the name of those parts. I was in town for about 10 hours. Not to burst a conservative bubble, but I think I got lucky. 

So, you hear all of these bad things about sanctuary cities in the news and other media outlets. Now, because I have never been here before, I have nothing to go from. Here's why I think I have an upper hand: I lived in Nashville, TN the past five years. I know what it's like to live in a booming, economically speaking, city. In my short time there, I have seen corn fields turn to big shopping centers. I have also traveled to over nine different countries including the now infested Germany, I've been to England, Canada, many bohemian islands, and 47 of the 50 states just to name a few. By the time I turned 21, I had already accomplished these and more. Being 24/25 now, I think I have some reputable status in the ways of seeing "things". Ok. Let's get to the grimey details. 

First off, it's a beautiful city. Heck, the whole state is beautiful. The water, the landscape, it's all really breathtaking. Our first stop was South San Fransico. It was very industrial and nothing really caught my eye. We did not get a chance to see the Apple HQ, but that just gives us another reason to come back another time. We headed north to The Golden Gate Bridge we drive up to the Marin Headlands. First thing we heard about were these tunnels that go underground and lead to where old turrets were. I'm talking big turrets. Supposedly they shot ammo "as big as a Volkswagen" and could fire a pretty long distance. What for? In case of a Japanese invasion a la Normandy style. It never happened, spoiler alert. Anyways, walking into one of the tunnels grants your nostrils with the smell of urine. Yeah. Human urine. The historic tunnels have turned into a waste dumping ground. We quickly get through that and climb to the top of them where you get the picture, from up the pot of this page. It's a beautiful view but the smell of urine was still fresh in my nose, at least. My friends and I wait until moonrise to leave where we find another tunnel to take us back to our car. 

We drive back over the bridge, playing the Full House theme song (it was awesome although I wish we had a convertible). Since it was getting late, and by this time we are all pretty hungry, we drive to Pier 39 since that place was supposedly pretty hopping. Pier 14 was where the tragic shooting of Kathryn Steinle took place last July. We did not make it up that way but the homeless population, and Mexican population in general was really high. Yet never any families of Mexicans. There were Asian familes, even a Russian family, but Mexicans in a family were not around from what I saw. They always traveled in two's or something. And they were men. Never women. I don't know if these guys were friendly or not, but it's something that caught my attention early on. We ate, it was super expensive but it is what it is. I just ordered a drink to save money. 

That pier didn't really smell bad, there were tons of people around and even a guy who played saxophone. I said I think I got lucky, and I really think I did. I was expecting a lot worse. I used to travel to Detroit a lot and I would be up there in some sketchy places 3, sometimes 2, in the morning and it was worse than what this was. Hearing the stories about San Fransico would make you think it's really bad. Only that spot in the tunnel was the small of urine so bad, we rushed to get out to the fresh air on top. Other than that, I felt safe. 

Now you guys have no idea how much of a letdown this was. I really was expecting worse. Now, I have never been here before so it could've been loads better than this. I have no idea. I've been to some pretty interesting local spots in Nassau, and San Fransico didn't even touch it in terms of sketchiness in my humble opinion. 

If you ever find yourself in San Fransico, do what we did. Maybe this trip is the magical tour that Diane Feinstein or whatever the heck her name is always wanted. Today was the perfect day. I hope next time I return to this city, it won't be a sanctuary city. Not because of the illegal aliens that are "safe" here but because I hope the rule of law is upheld. They are here, meaning they can help the election process for the democrats. 

Delegates go by population, whether they vote or not. That, is the real problem. 


Read the story of Kathryn Steinle here:

Some additional photos. 

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