Thursday, February 25, 2016

Things Trump Supporters Won't Acknowledge

experienced some "Trump-nesia" yesterday with a Donald Trump supporter. In today's fast paced world, controversy and morals get thrown out the window so fast and so often, they become all but remembered. So, I decided to write a bit about those morals to help with the diagnosis of what I call Trump-nesia. 

1: Harry Reid Prefers The Donald

Why yes! It's very true! Harry Reid said it exactly 30 days ago today! Harry Reid and The Donald spoke about their "great relationship" and how much Harry is "Pulling" for him. When it came time to talk about the fundraising The Donald did for Harry, he called it "the good old days". Now, why anybody would support a man that is supported by Harry Reid, of all people, I have no idea. Let's not forget Jimmy Carter supports him too!

2: Bill Clinton and Donald Trump Talked On The Phone Before Trump Decided To Run For President

What was talked about during that phone call? Well, we never really found out. Sure, some people spoke anonymously but how can you really be sure? After speaking with a friend, having a billionaire to run when a Clinton runs for president is nothing new. Does Henry Ross Perot sound familiar? Trump says he will run as a republican but remember, that's only "if the RNC treats him well". Trump defines fairly and well, naturally. 

3: Donald Trump Isn't As American As He Brands Himself Out To Be

While the talk of Donald Trump Suing Ted Cruz over his citizenship continues, Donald Trump brands himself as "The American". He's branding himself as anti-illegal alien and pro-American when it comes to hiring people within this country but he employed a company that hired illegal aliens to do work in the US. Yes it's also very true! He says he didn't know about it, but he is Mr. American worker and jobs, clearly he should have known about the illegals that were hired? While it's true he didn't hire the illegals personally, he hired a company that hired illegal aliens. With all this talk of boycotting Oreos, Ford, Apple, you name it, I wonder if he will boycott his own company? I believe no because like the birther issue, 40 days into it: he's nothing but talk. 

4: Donald Trump Supports A Path To Citizenship (AKA AMNESTY)

Oh yes! Now, those diagnosed with Trumpnesia will cry: 'but he wants to build a wall!' Yes. That's true. Although, he hasn't mentioned how it will be build. 'Mexico will pay for it!' No, HOW it will be built. And just how will Mexico pay for it? On the O'reiley factor he said this: 

Bill O’Reilly: Now, the 15 million illegal aliens already in the United States, what do you do with them? 

Donald Trump: I think right now you’re going to have to do something. It’s hard to generalize, but you’re going to have to look at the individual people, see how they’ve done, see how productive they’ve been, see what their references are, and then make a decision. 

Bill O’Reilly: All right, on a case-by-case—going to take a long time and a lot of people. 

Donald Trump: A long time, but you know, you have some great, productive people that came. You have to give them a path. You have 20 million, 30 million, nobody knows what it is. It used to be 11 million. Now, today I hear it’s 11, but I don’t think it’s 11. I actually heard you probably have 30 million. You have to give them a path, and you have to make it possible for them to succeed. You have to do that. 
What's the point of a "Big, Beautiful Wall", if you're going to give them a path to citizenship anyways?

Actually, that link above will have many more tagged into it. It's not that long ago! That article was published in August of last year! Not 1989 or 2005, but 9 months! There's so much more I will cover with tomorrow's blog. 

It's easy to forget the history you block out intentionally. Let's be smart people and not buy the product Trump is selling is. After all, isn't that the purpose of a commercial: to sell whatever IT is to you, no matter what the cost? 


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