Friday, February 26, 2016

Trump: All Talk, No action

It's quite hilarious the man who says he know politicians better than anybody on the debate stage, claims they are "all talk no action." Let's take a look at your "action" then, Donald. 

January 18, 2016 a report came out on explaining an event earlier that week with the quote from Trump: "I might sue Cruz over eligibility". The eligibility to run for president based off of his birthplace. Today marks day 41. Today marks day 40 since the article was published. Have you seen Trump sue Ted Cruz yet? Unless we missed something, we have not. It's because it's pointless. Donald knows this yet his supporters are strong and first to say he will get things done in Washington because he will act. It's day 41 and he has not acted. "But there are people suing Ted Cruz now! Trump is saving his money. Trump is being smart!" the supporters say. He has $10 Billion dollars. He is not worried about money. Do you know how I know?

I know because on January 23, 2016, not ancient history, he asked himself if "he should sue Cruz for fun". It's a game to Trump, the birther issue. There's no reason for it while Christians are continuing to be murdered and killed in the Middle East by radical Muslims. No reason at all. He does not care about money. It could cost him $1 billion dollars to sue Cruz and he would do it anyways because it would give him press time. Money is no concern to Trump. 

Donald likes to talk about his accomplishments. One of them is a TV show called "The Apprentice". It's an award winning show. Trump hated to leave but "he wanted to Make America Great Again". I decided to look up the ratings on the show. Since its beginning, it lost over 75% of its viewership. Season 1 in 2003-2004 have over 20 million views and over 28 million for its finale. By 2011, that viewership dropped to 4.7 million viewers and a measly 4.5 million for the finale. Who knows what it has in 2015-2016. Trump knew it was a failing year-over-year project. He needed something else to get his "popularity up". 

I mentioned in yesterday's blog about how every time a Clinton runs for president, they hire a multi-millionaire or multi-billionaire to run for president as well. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump spoke last May before Trump decided to run for president. What was that phone call about? Sure we can speculate, but we honestly do not know. Trump says he will build a wall, yet at last nights debate he answered the question saying "the wall just got 10-feet taller". How? How? And How? You give no explanation. All talk, No action. 

Ben Carson said a great closing statement. He said, "What kind of leader do you want and what kind of person do you want your kids to emulate? Think about that."  Yeah. Think about that. Do we want our kids to emulate a man who calls everybody a liar or do we want our kids to grow up humbled and respectable towards others? Think about that. 


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