Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Right now, there is a political battle going on. The reason: Your Privacy.

Sen. Rand Paul is doing a filibuster of the PATRIOT Act that was passed last week.

As a society we have grown into an acceptable society. We have grown into saying 'it's okay for the government to spy on my emails' or 'it's okay for the government to spy on my phone calls'. All while we stand against the government physically going into your homes and onto our properties. Why is one more acceptable to the other? I hear folks say, 'I have nothing to hide'... That shouldn't be the justification. The old beggar down the street has nothing to hide, either, so why don't we search him in the name of security?


Such a word should not be thrown around so lightly. We say we want security. From whom? The people with guns or the government? The Tea Party or the Communists? How about from everybody! I don't want anybody looking at my emails. My emails are not going to protect the american people because there is nothing of state security within them! Why is it okay for the government to search my emails, then, in the name of security?


We all have the right of privacy, to an extent. Obviously we can't go raping people in the privacy of our homes, but we should expect to have a privacy on our password locked computers and phones. Still, does that mean the government should spy on us? Do my emails rate equally as raping somebody in my own home? What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

In the eyes of the government, we are all guilty until proven innocent.

Support Rand Paul in this filibuster not because he's your candidate (he's not mine) but because 'I have nothing to hide' shouldn't be an excuse anymore.

Watch it happen, live, thanks to Breitbart and CSPAN HERE

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