Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Weekend

Trump is still acting like Trump, Cruz is constantly playing defense...because of this week, I honestly don't know what to write about. There is still crap going on in this world we live in, not much has changed since the beginning of the week.

ISIS is still expanding in the Middle East, Obama is still pursuing his Marxist ideology, some people think it's okay for men to use the women's restroom, gun laws were passed in California that limit the ability of its citizens to protect themselves...the United Socialist States of America is here. What's my take on it?

Let's take full advantage of the tenth amendment. Let's take full advantage of the first, second, third-every bit of the Bill Of Rights we have. Let's grab it by the horns and plow through this communist agenda being pursued by the left. If a man thinks he is a woman, he needs mental help. If a woman thinks she is a man, she needs mental help. They are not transgender, they are what they are. If you have male genitalia, you are a man. If you have female genitalia, you are a woman. That's it. If you believe otherwise, you need to seek mental help as soon as possible. It's no different if you think your arm is not your arm. It is your arm, you were born with it, it's yours. Your brain controls it. It is a part of you. If you want to get it cut off, it's still your arm. It's still what and who you are. Why is this such a controversial issue? 

Mr. "Anti-PC" Trump believes a man should be able to use a female restroom. Tell me, folks: in what ways outside of building the wall, is this guy a conservative? In what ways is this guy worthy of what you believed in all your life? In what ways is this guy worthy of your republican vote?? This, along with the government subsidies, eminent domain, bigger government, expanded healthcare..I could go on and on, these are important issues for me. The constitution is important to me. It's not important to Trump, so why vote for somebody who you cannot relate to on such crucial topics and principles?

In what ways is this guy worthy of the republican nomination? I honestly don't see it. We don't even talk about the fore-mentioned issues anymore. We talk about how Ted Cruz has cheated on his wife or how big Trump's genitalia is. We talk about how he is a liar and how he stole delegates from Trump. Such a load of crap. 


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