Sunday, October 11, 2015

Can't Sleep?

I can't.

I have been up since 9 AM Central Time, Saturday. It's now after 3:30 AM, Sunday.   I am sleepy, but I cannot close my eyes a bit. So what have I done while awake?

I read Google Plus, my usual news sites, some Facebook, I went to Gig Finder, I even took time to redo this blog. I hope you enjoy the new look. I think it's full of pop and excitement. I have had the same design since it's I figured it was time for a change.

So, why must I go to sleep now?

I have church in the morning, first off. My fiancé has to work in the morning. Since we live so far apart, I usually call her to make sure she's awake. I don't know if it helps since I'm usually falling asleep on the phone haha.. She puts up with me.

After church, I need to do yard work. It's what I have been doing all day. The painting is going great. Time flies so fast..I really do enjoy it.

Let's see...I'm fed up with Obama because he is politicizing gun control. Fun fact (without going too deep): Oregon has the most strict gun laws in the country yet there was a shooting there. When was the last time you heard of a shooting in a gun filled area? All of these shootings are happening in gun free zones. does control make people more safe exactly? I love Trump's idea of a nationwide open carry. I promise you, the deaths will go down. The amount of mass shootings will go down because the bad guys won't know who is armed and who isn't armed. I say do it. Let's give it a try. Why not?

Ok...I think I may go to sleep right now.

Oh, download City and Color's new album. It's freaking awesome. If I was still heavy into my album review blog, I would say it's brilliant. You won't regret it. I wouldn't lie.


Friday, September 18, 2015


Boy oh boy was this an exciting evening (if you live in England, day/morning if you live in the US). The game literally just ended. Here are my thoughts on the game. 
What the heck is wrong with you Fiji? You had so many chances to score and keep it going. The defense wasn't that good, hence the high score against them, and I'm not sure why you guys can't kick. 
I think there were 4 missed opportunities in kicks alone. The game wouldn't have been as bad score wise. 
And about that score?
England: you did not deserve that try at the end. There was a leg in the way blocking the ball from going over the white line. I understand that you really wanted it but if you didn't cross the line, you didn't cross the line. The leg just happened to be in the way. 
Honestly though, I could not have done what happened here tonight. I'm not obese but I'm not athletic either. These guys played their heart and should out. I mean, one try that was made, a team member was laying the ground in agony because he has been running and tormenting his body for about 60 minutes. I mean, holy cow!
These guys in this tournament are the best when it comes to the game. Every player is better than anybody in the world. Having the chance to play in an event like this is a true dream come true. 
It's the first game of the month long tournament and let me tell you, I am super excited even as this sport has yet to really catch on here in the states. 
Speaking of which, in pretty excited to see how many viewers this game had in the US. I wonder if the syndication of Universal Sports and NBC has helped grow the sport to a broader audience. I think it can only help it. 
I don't have tv but I have Sling TV on my phone. With the help of Verizon's Unlimited data, I'm still golden. At least for now. 
If you have any time for an hour or so, or even time for a small glance at this event, take it. 
Rugby has changed my life, I know it will change yours. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The U.S. Constitution

Today we celebrate a document. A document who is like that one kid in school who everybody knows, but decides not to go to his party for whatever reason. He's in all the lunchroom conversations. He's never looked at, talked to or really, truly, acknowledged though. 

Some people may look at this signature above as just another signature. It's only when you look closer, you realize the letters start to make sense.
In school, I've read about Paul Revere. I have read about Thomas Jefferson. I have read about George Washington. I have read about Samuel Adams. They were all just names to me. Names in a story. 
That changed when I took a trip to Boston, Massachusetts a few years back. 
Here I was, 21 years old (at the time) and I was walking down a road that wasn't fit for a car or a horse and carriage, for that matter, anymore. I look to my left and I see a sign saying Paul Revere's house. 
I now had a name and a location. 
I continue to walk down the old road and I see a church steeple over shadowing some trees. This is the church with the light. I realized at this moment why he was chosen to do the 'British are coming' ride. He lived so close. I had another location. I looked around at what he saw all those years back. 
After walking for a long while I saw a cemetery. That cemetery is where I saw a final resting place. The name written was Paul Revere. 
This guy wasn't a name in some story I've heard all my life. This was an actual guy who actually did something to change history. It was more than voting for the black guy so I could be part of history to elect a black president. Like, this guy actually did something. He actually lived. He actually did exist. 
I know it sounds silly, but when I saw that grave site, everything changed for me. It hit me at a deep level. 
That same feeling resonates with me today. I know that, since he existed, George Washington existed too. I know that James Madison existed too! It's so exciting!
That signature above is from the hand of George Washington. I look at that and I am frozen in its awesome sight. If this document could talk in more ways than it does..
If it had eyes to explain, in detail, what they looked like on that room. If it had ears to explain, in detail, or even just a slight bit, of what it heard when they walked up and grabbed that quill to score on its face. 
I look at this document and I see a perfect document who was designed by men from different backgrounds. But they all understood what the future of being an American meant. The idols and inspirations from all the men came together in it's simplest and complex forms. They created a document of checks and balances. They created a document that would be meant to be a living, breathing document that would stand the test of time. These men were smart. They new human history and how humans worked and realized the methodology of men ruling men and how it progressed. They new a people, United, would fight together to keep this going so they created ways to limit government while at the same time, empowering liberty to we the people. 
On this Constitution Day, read it. There's a constitution app with easy to read typography. There's even helpful historical references. 
Read the notes from the framers themselves. Read the federalist papers. Read the anti-federalist papers. Learn from history because I can tell you, the names that we've read all our lives actually did exist. They lived under the iron fist of tyranny.
They made sure to protect the future generations from such oppression so we would be blessed in not having to feel that fear. 

Thank you again and Happy Constitution Day. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Great American Spirit

We live in the greatest country in the world.
I'm not saying that because I am an American, rather because I know it to be true. 
Our daily lives, however, are at a risk. We our blind by stupidity, or blind by ignorance/choice. We refuse to look and see the lessons from
History being repeated, time and time again. 
We look to people such as Bernie Sanders because free college sounds good. We look to Barack Obama because free healthcare sounds good. We refuse, more so, to hear the ideas of right wing artists and spit on them as if they are the waste of the earth. 
These people, say warnings, not from thin air but from what history tells us. 
When a country is gaining power and says death to a country, we must take them seriously. We must not appease them. The average person doesn't know the countries Hitler destroyed and took over. They just know it was Europe and it was bad. They also know we (The U.S.) kicked his butt. 
We not only did that, we also kicked Japan's butt, too. 
Fighting two major powers and winning is something that we used to be proud of. We created world peace by strength and unity. And we have people in power who lack strength as they continue to divide us.
What can we do to keep the republic alive?
We can speak our minds. We can continue to preach the word of the constitution. We can continue to say what we should and attempt to keep people educated. 
I think there's a fine line between keeping Liberty, and having tyranny. As Reagan said it, we are only one generation away from losing Liberty.
One generation from losing what we have..or had. 
10 years ago, racism wasn't that big a deal, in fact, it wasn't even brought up as often. I remember in school, they were just average people. Just like you and I. Now, from what I heard and read, black families are having conversations to let their kids know that white people, specifically police officers, look and judge them by how they dress and act. 
Back 10 years ago, the threat of ISIS or Al Qaeda was virtually non existent. Now, along with an open southern border, we know they are in this country, waiting, sleeping if you will, for the right moment. 
Why do we have this problem today?
What happens to this country?
Yes, the unemployment percentage is down, but not because the the economy is getting better but because people have stopped looking for work. They have left the work force. 
Yes gas prices are low, not because of some Iran deal, but because demand isn't as high. 
Yes, more people have healthcare, but have they tried using it yet? How well do they like it after one or two visits?
We have school prices higher than ever. We have a debt that tops $20 trillion. 
I read, the United States government took over $2 trillion last year in taxes. The left always talks about raising taxes. People think this is a good idea. Do you know how much $2 trillion amounts to? Around $19,000 per citizen. 
I don't know about you, but that's a years worth of money for me. For people who make $30,000 a year, that's 2/3 of your income. Try living off of $10,000 for the year. Now try to imagine living off  of less than that. That's what I mean by the government wants to take more of your money away from you. How can one not be angry?
The truth is: we are. 
People like Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the polls for the presidency next year. 
They aren't politicians! They've never had any kind of governing or legislative power before! How can this be?
The simple reason is because the American Spirit cannot be taken down so easily. The human experience and condition hasn't changed in over 200 years. Why do we have people saying the constitution is outdated and old, if the writing of the founders and the framers are still true to this day? 
Government is known for growing. It is up to the people to keep it small. And we are doing that right now. 
The American people are strong. We are a proud group of citizenry. We do not quit when placed against a wall. We continue fighting and revolting against those who want to oppress. 
The American doesn't quit when faced with a problem. 
If we give up now, how do we tell our kids without disappointing them on how we failed to keep this republic free?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ruby World Cup

The Rugby World Cup is in, like...6 days. I am so excited.

The USA is doing quite well, actually. We are 15th in the world right now. For a sport not that popular in this country, that's a huge deal and we should be pretty excited about it.

The US Eagles team is probably one of the best we've had. Both of them. The seven's and the fifteen's are doing great. We are going to be in the olympics next year which is a huge deal for us, and I predict we will do well there as well as this year at the world cup.

Where can you watch it? On NBC or Universal Sports here in the states. I think BBC and Sky in a few other countries. I'm sure you guys know which channels they are, too haha.

Great stuff. The World Rugby youtube page has videos up getting you up to speed on what's happening leading up to the big event and they are even doing a countdown timer on the website itself as well as stats, and highlights from past World Cups...It's truly exciting.

If you have never watched a rugby game before, You should. It's a blast. It's a cross between the brutality of Quidditch and the intensity of an MMA fight. Remember when American football players didn't wine over a sprained pinky toe or a call they felt was illegal? Rugby doesn't do that. A player could be injured, they still play! Clock keeps going, game keeps going. And most of time, they are bleeding and they just patch them out and send them back out to play. Yeah. Testosterone up to the max.

Just watch one'll be hooked. I promise you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Twitch Page!

I Stream online a lot. I have been playing Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain, Call of Duty, Grow Home, Anything.

It's a fun place where I connect with you guys at an even more personal level. I do swear a little bit, so it might offend some people, but when you have Explosions left and right like I do, It's friggin' awesome!!!!

Seriously though, Check it out....heres the Link:

Talk soon guys!

My New Job! much has been happening the past few months..I'm not sure where to begin..

First: Hello!!!!! I'm back! Glad to be writing blogs again.
I can't sleep, I'm hungry, my teeth hurt because I think I didn't floss right, my back hurts from my new job which I now paint and do interior remodeling. I kinda like it. The day goes by fast, it's kind of fun...I don't know. I'm praying about it because I'm not sure where God is leading me on this one.

I want to run for a public office again.

I ran for mayor of an Ohio City back in 2009 and I didn't get very far. The city is opposite of what I was running as so not really a surprise there. It has been on my mind, lately with all of the stuff happening. It's pretty exciting.

Music is keeping me busy as well..

And SHE SAID YES!!!  I'm engaged as of June this year...I still cannot believe she picked me. :)

Not a whole lot. I'm Excited by what Apple has announced today..I'll write about that for tomorrow. I really enjoy Apple Music and it's For You section. I've also been using iOS 9 Beta and I love it. The News App as well as Siri stuff..It's really nice and solid. Excited to see where these new announcements will further the world forward.

That's it. Boy has there been a lot on my mind...You can read my Trump Post from yesterday night Either down below this or to the most read posts of this month on the right. I like him. I like Cruz. I also like Ben Carson. Who Knows what will happen.

I look at my Constitution I have up on the wall every day, multiple times. It's such a perfect document. I love it's genius. I wish more people would take time to learn about it and it's philosophy..

Donald Trump

I like him.
Why do I like him? Here's why..

HE'S NOT A POLITICIAN!  He has money. He loves money. He doesn't need help fact, he's not raising anything. He's using his own money, therefore, lobbyists and their brother cannot bribe him into doing anything. Unlike Jeb and Bernie Sanders along with others..That's why I like him.

More so:

He speaks his mind. Liberals don't like him for the sam reason they didn't like Palin back in 2008. They are speaking their mind (so far nothing said has been wrong) and it's resonating with a huge majority of people. Palin didn't rally have the polls like today because she came in the race pretty late when she became the running mate but now we have actual proof that The American people like what they say. They like what he's saying.

Why should I spend money and go to school, only to find myself competing in a job market where illegals are also present? Why should I even attempt to go to school and get a job working $12 per hour when I can go flip burgers for $15 with a high school diploma or even a GED?

I want a president who will strengthen our military because there is an impending arms race coming up in the middle east. I want a president who will make us rich and get good deals.

He just signed a contract with the GOP'ers (screw them) saying that he won't run as a third party candidate. BUT, did you know that he made sure that he could get out anytime? He put ( I would call it a clause) within the document saying if there is any kind of disrespect against him from the GOP, he can opt out and the contract will immediately become void making him eligible of running as a third party candidate. It's no coincidence that Jeb as well as others are agreeing with him on stuff this week. What pansies they are, and what genius Trump is.

If he can treat the country as his baby, just as he does himself and his business, this country will be in great hands.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Right now, there is a political battle going on. The reason: Your Privacy.

Sen. Rand Paul is doing a filibuster of the PATRIOT Act that was passed last week.

As a society we have grown into an acceptable society. We have grown into saying 'it's okay for the government to spy on my emails' or 'it's okay for the government to spy on my phone calls'. All while we stand against the government physically going into your homes and onto our properties. Why is one more acceptable to the other? I hear folks say, 'I have nothing to hide'... That shouldn't be the justification. The old beggar down the street has nothing to hide, either, so why don't we search him in the name of security?


Such a word should not be thrown around so lightly. We say we want security. From whom? The people with guns or the government? The Tea Party or the Communists? How about from everybody! I don't want anybody looking at my emails. My emails are not going to protect the american people because there is nothing of state security within them! Why is it okay for the government to search my emails, then, in the name of security?


We all have the right of privacy, to an extent. Obviously we can't go raping people in the privacy of our homes, but we should expect to have a privacy on our password locked computers and phones. Still, does that mean the government should spy on us? Do my emails rate equally as raping somebody in my own home? What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

In the eyes of the government, we are all guilty until proven innocent.

Support Rand Paul in this filibuster not because he's your candidate (he's not mine) but because 'I have nothing to hide' shouldn't be an excuse anymore.

Watch it happen, live, thanks to Breitbart and CSPAN HERE

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and The Rule Of Law

A man and his brother were walking down the road one morning. Not just any morning, but a morning where a major running marathon was taking place in Boston, MA. Thousands of people, from all over the world run in this marathon. It's fun, heart healthy and it becomes a sense of community. When these two men drop two separate backpacks on the ground and walk away, leaving the backpacks intentionally, nobody thought that this day was going to change for the worse.

One explosion. A few seconds later, another explosion a quarter mile away. People injured, people killed, destruction to private property... All for what?

For murder.

For death.

For a radical ideology.

Now, a story that has unfolded turned into something great.

I was asked on Facebook if Jesus would have accepted the death penalty. I believe yes. You can read many instances where he acknowledged the writing of The Old Testament and such instances occurred. But, Jesus was a lover of life I hear. How hypocritical I was for thinking and how hypocritical Jesus was! Well, He actually favored not just the death penalty but rule of law. Yes, every life a sacred, therefor every life has a right to be judged in front of a jury here on earth. There should be proof that this person should be stoned, hanged or killed in the name of justice.

Today, the community has come together in the name of justice. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty and punishable by death because he brought death to people. This is what justice is like, my friends. 

Now back to reading The Constitution and the Communist Manifesto. We must be educated.

Oh, and it has been over 31 days since Hillary has spoken to the media....

Monday, May 11, 2015

Google Plus Collections

Man...Google has it down.

I am an avid G+ user. I am not as sophisticated with it, though. My only wish is that they would get over whatever they are angry at with Microsoft and create apps on Windows phone again. I mean, come on! I digress...

Google has introduced this thing called Google Plus Collections. I guess it's kind of like pintrest. That's an app that's pretty popular here in the west. It's not bad, I guess. I don't use it. My girlfriend could tell you, though. She's always 'pinning' stuff. I wasn't too sure about it, first.

G+ already has a pretty solid way of grouping things together. They call them circles. I have about 7 or 8 circles. I have everything from friends to technology, so I didn't see the need for Collections. That was, until, I looked a bit further. It's not just a "circle" it's a blog type thing..I guess. If I post something, for instance I created a collection about the 2015 tour season of the group I'm in. As we do more shows, I'll post them there for everybody to see. It collects post that I want to collect together. It's like a circle for your posts. It's pretty neat.

So, so far I have one collection. It's the one I mentioned above. You cannot, however, view collections from the iOS app, as far as I can find. So, that could make it a bit difficult until they figure it out..or until I figure it out. Haha!

Today, was a basic day though. I finally bought up with my laundry after a few weeks. I still need a hair cut. My girlfriend mentioned it to me the other day. She's so amazing.

nota whole lot..I guess Isis is here in America as they stated last week. Let's hope and pray we don't get attacked again..but with an open southern border, I don't see us being safe for too long. It's sad..I just hope it isn't too serious. Hopefully nothing will come out of it.

What can you do, though? I'm getting prepared the way an American should. MRE's and Shotgun shells.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Political Debates

Hey everybody..have I been busy!

In the two or three weeks I have been absent from this blog so many things have been on my mind that I have not had the chance or time to write it out. First off, what have I been doing?

Well, I have been working out in the yard. Spreading mulch, planting flowers, picking weeds..the usual. That has been the most of my work.

Second: I went camping. My boss and I went to a bluegrass festival in Eastern Georgia. I had no cell service, no internet connection and even if I could have all that stuff, there was no way to charge my devices. 

Third: I have been so tired and not a whole lot has been on my mind.
I have been debating writing a book about Communism in America because the posts on this blog have gotten tremendous attention from all over the world. I've also been wanting a book about my life so far. Not that it would be interesting but it's funny how things have happened. The way they have worked out is pretty amazing. 

But I wanted to talk about what I just saw on TV. I'm currently house sitting and I have the opportunity to watch real news. I noticed that the democrats have limited the debate number to 6 debates. I remember that the GOP wanted to limit the amount of debates. So I ask: how is this a good thing? I don't know about you, but I want to hear the candidates. I want to know what position they hold on topics that are important to me. I want to know everything that is going on in their mind. How can I do that if we don't let them have a chance to debate each other?

It's so stupid how these debates run. Please, no Bush this time around. No Clinton for that matter. 

I saw that the conservatives had a huge election in England this past week. That's exciting to hear. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Google's Project Fi

Hey! Really quick: not a whole lot going on in my head lately. Nothing. Seriously. I've been kinda moping around and watching Netflix. Yet, something just happened!

I'm on Google Plus and I come across a post about Google's cell network, thing. It's called Project Fi. I wrote about it last week when it was still in the rumored area of the internet. I mentioned prices and how it could be can read it all HERE but now that we have actual data from Google itself, lets take a look inside my head.

It's not good. Basically, they are doing what Walmart does with it's cell service. It's essentially a piggy back service. It uses towers from Sprint and T-mobile to give you your cell service. What does that mean? High prices. Now, I'm still fortunate to have my unlimited Verizon Data from 2011 on my iPhone 5 that came out in 2012, but let's say I didn't. Let's say I have Sprint's Unlimited data for $80 a month.

Google's offering does a per gigabyte plan. For every gigabyte you want, you pay $10. So 3 gigabytes of data will be $30 per month. Now, 8 gigabytes would be $80 a month. Now, why on earth would anybody switch to a limited data plan when they can get unlimited data for the same price? I don't know about you, but when I'm not burning data just because, I go through about a gig and a half a day. I'm never around wifi and with all of the security breaches venerabilities, I'm happy I'm not using it. On top of the limited vs unlimited data, it's the same cell coverage since it's piggy backing off that network anyways. Why aren't they offering a service like Google Fiber where they have their own infrastructure? Too much money? They are willing to photograph every inch of the world by car, yet they aren't willing to build an infrastructure?

Imagine having an unlimited service that's unlimited. That's more international friendly. Not this limited to 2G crap. Seriously, have you used 2G cell data recently?

Now, you do pay for what you use. For instance, if you pay for 5 gigabytes and you use only 4, you get $10 back. That's pretty cool. But, still, no unlimited plan in this day of data.

They get many things right, but fall too short of what could be an excellent service.

And did I mention it only works on the Nexus 6?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Verizon Unlimited LTE Data

Yup. I have it still. Right now I am using it to steam a 24 hour local news station. It's the same thing every hour, but it is constantly streaming into my phone. It's even HD, too. Why am I doing this? Because I am sick of limited data.

I am blessed to pay $30 a month for unlimited data. Data I can use however I feel. If I feel like just casually surfing Safari, I can do that. If I feel like streaming HD video for the heck of it, I do that too. I think I have used about 10 gigabytes so far in the last 24 hours. I love it. If I had wifi to do so, I would. But, I don't. Why should I pay for something when I can just do it on my phone for little money a month? T-Mobile and Sprint have unlimited data but its throttled. So it's not Unlimited in the sense it's consistent. You don't get great service all of the time. Only up to a point. My Verizon Unlimited Data is the only true unlimited data package. It's a service Verizon hasn't offered since 2011. I plan to use it forever.

So, I'm using data just because I can today. How much data do I actually use? Do I actually NEED the unlimited data? Well, yes. I use about 30 gigabytes a month. Sometimes about 35 a month. I have YouTube and safari websites along with Netflix and this news app so I can stay up-to-date with local news. I never use wi-fi. That's why it's so important to me.

What I don't understand is the use of my unlimited data. I have it, yet I cannot use my mobile hotspot feature. If data is data, why can't I use it? I pay for unlimited data, after all. I can't. For those not on unlimited data, though, can use all the tethering they want; up to their paid data amount. So, Verizon recognizes data is data. It doesn't matter if it's tethering or not tethering. Yet, I am cheated out because I pay for unlimited data. Yet, even I am limited in my data usage.

There are first world problems, I know. With all this talk about Google working on their own network at a per gigabyte plan as rumored, that would be great. I want unlimited data at a low price. I want to use my data anyway I want, tethered or streamed. I want it international. I want to be able to use my phone in Germany, as I would in Canada or here in my home of America.

Data, is data after all.

Monday, April 13, 2015

On My Mind: 4.13.15

Life can be funny in many ways. I am back in Nashville where it is expected to rain all week. I'm not looking forward to that. I just paid my taxes. Mailed it out today, that's no more a thorn in my life..till next year. Spoke with my mom for a bit. All good things.

Every once in a while I will I will send an 'I love you' text to my girlfriend. I do love her. I never have a set time to do it, I just send it to her. I love to write poems and songs for her. She never has an idea when or what I will send her. Living so far apart has it's ups and downs..a lot of downs. But it has made our relationship grow so strong. If we can make it through 500 miles apart, we can deal with anything. She sends me 'I love you' texts too. She is amazing. Everyday, I fall for her. I love it.

Hillary announced her presidency, you read about it here:

You'll read my take on it..

I have over 630 views in my bog so far! It's only been 3 weeks. That's over 210 a week. Very impressive. For a blog that is pretty new, I'm super excited for it. Thank you so much! I never know what is or will be on my mind, but I'm happy you're reading them.

It's raining, I have a stuffy nose and I am hungry. Marco Rubio is running..isn't he the guy that caved in and gave in to the democrats? People actually like this guy? Rand Paul is an ok guy, but do we want a guy who can't do an interview? Ted Cruz is the only person I see worthy. The Constitution: check. American Freedoms: check. Respect to Israel: check. There are so many other things..But i'll stop there.

Do we want a person who had a concussion, possibly a stroke to be our president? I remember folks saying John Mccain is old. In 2008, he was only 70 years old. How old is Hillary? She is 67. That's only a three year difference. I promise, though, you won't hear any word on this. She's three years younger, AND is already having major health issues as of 2 years ago. Let's not forget he husband is a perverted individual who accepts BJ's from younger secretaries. She can't even focus on her emails..

No thank you.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton

Heading back to Nashville later today. It's going to be about a 16-18 hour drive. I guess Lee is expected to drive the whole way, in one go. I have done something like that before and it wasn't that fun. I was so tired when I got back..

Duluth has been a great time. Last time it was so cold up here. So cold, Lake Superior was still frozen! Weather aside, though, it has been so much fun. The people who are in charge of this even are amazing to work with. Great, good ol', salt of the earth people. It's always a pleasure. The people up here, in general, are really nice anyways. It's good to have down home hospitality.

I am excited to go to Nashville, though. I think I will do some spring cleaning. It's that time of year. I do have to pay taxes, still. I got them done a week and a half ago, I just need to send in the check! I'll do that tomorrow. I'm not worried because as long as I get the mailman to stamp it before the 15th, I'm good. No worries there. I hope there will be a flat tax implemented so I don't have to deal with this anymore..

Not a whole lot on my mind. Hillary Clinton is expected to run, at the time of this writing. I cannot see her getting far. I picture it will be about the future, and naturally, the middle class. It's the same thing the democrats have been saying for over 8 years. Well, when will the 'middle class' ever get ahead when, in the past 8 years, wage numbers have gone down as well as people within the work force? I imagine she won't talk about how great America and it's Constitution is. She will not run with her full ideology because it's, by nature, socialist. She even said she was a socialist! She called herself a new age progressive. If that's not a socialist, I don't know what is. Is she trustworthy? Has she told the truth on Benghazi? She says: "At this point, does it really matter? Who cares!" THAT alone should be enough not to vote for her. I care! I know a majority of the American people care.

There is one answer to these questions I ask. Americans died in Benghazi. As they did in New York 11 years prior. Who cares about 2001? How come we don't feel the same about the 2012 attack? There hasn't been a lot of media coverage because it has been attempted to be snuffed out and forgotten about. The reason: There is a HUGE cover-up. Where was Barack that night? Where was Hillary that night?

The American people deserve to know.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chinese Food

Walking around Duluth Minnesota, the weather is much better. It felt good to get some fresh air. Growing up in Ohio, I kinda got it. We used to travel up into Northern Michigan and that's where the fresh air is. Not a single town for nearly 12 miles. That is craziness. Here, though, the air reminds me of Michigan. Heck, the whole scenery reminds me of Petosky, specifically speaking. There's a hill with churches, restaurants, people walking around, antique shops and pawn shops. The water is clear and cold. Fresh breeze coming off the Great Lake. It's nice here. Along with these gems, there's a little one that I usually try to find, or rather it finds me.

A local Chinese Restaurant. I found a place just down the road from Duluth Trading Co. and it is! I usually order some General Tso's and this General Tso's is delicious. The chicken tastes like actual chicken, the fried outside, is actually fried outside and the sauce is amazing.

Don't get me started on the fried rice. It's actually fried. Not that yellow stuff you usually get. There's bits of chicken in it. It's amazing. There are little bits of onions too. They just add to the flavor.

I got two egg rolls too. They are your standard egg roll, but even the outside is a bit different. I recumbent going to this place. I don't want to give out the name, but if you ever find yourself in Duluth Minnesota (might I suggest going between now and september) make sure you stop by this place. It's across from the casino right in downtown Duluth.

I have to go. We play two shows tonight. It's about a mile walk to get there. I'll write more tonight.

Have some chinese food if you can. Why not? Have some tea or some coke with it. Or just water or even coffee. It's all good together.

You won't regret it.

Friday, April 10, 2015


Love. It's a funny thing. It's a sad thing. It's a personal thing.

I can love a special kind of food or a genre of music. I can love a place thats scenic or warm. I can love a woman. I can even, be loved by God.

I am loved by so many people. I am blessed.

I remember the first time I stared into my girlfriends eyes. They were beautiful then and even more beautiful today. I remember seeing her smile. I even remember the first hug. That was long before the first kiss, which I obviously remember. I remember feeling a sense of happiness. Peace. I remember feeling a sense of, home. Right there, she was it. My heart knew that she was 'The One'.

We are taught that we will know when it's the one. I never truly believed it but by God, is it true. I KNEW she was the one.

God has taught me to love. Guided through my parent's teachings, I learned to care about people who were close to me. I learned to nurture and think things through. I learned the right words to say, which I still have a problem knowing from time to time. I'm learning, and the Lord knows that.

Over the past year, I have grown closer to my faith. I have my girlfriend to thank for that. The Lord does wonders. He brought us together along with a million other things. I know he wouldn't leave us hanging now. I pray for people who don't know him. I pray that there will be healing in their life. I pray they find success through The Lord. God is amazing. I'm sad for people who don't know his love.

I sit here in my hotel room. It's going to be 64 degrees fahrenheit tomorrow. That's about 18 degrees celsius. I am excited, since it's been 32 or 0 degrees this whole week. As I was saying, I sit here in my hotel room and I am so thankful for all that He has given me.

I am very blessed. I pray to you guys, you are as well. :)

Apple Watch Thoughts

Apple just released their new device for preorder today. And, surprise: it's sold out. It took 6 hours to do so. There are so many reviews saying everything and anything. They talk about the screen, they talk about the OS, they talk about the apps...but they are not talking about the most important information. The fact that it can tell time to an amazing degree.

Really, you may overlook this feature, but it's incredibly important. We as a culture rely on time. We don't just meet for lunch, we meet for lunch at 12 noon. We don't just watch World News Tonight, We Watch World News Tonight at 6 pm. We don't just go into work anytime we want, unless you're Tim or someone really cool, we have a set time when we must be there. Since some of us use watches, we naturally rely on them. For the other part of us, we rely on our phones. Why? It is because the time is precise. It's accurate. We never have to worry about it. The fact that there is a watch that is this accurate is pretty awesome.

I travel all over the place. I constantly change time zones and I can tell you it's a pain in the butt to pull the crown out, spin it, match it up and then push it back in. If I'm lucky, the time won't change. Sometimes, though, my finger spins and it causes the hands to move ahead or back by 5 or 10 minutes. So I have to repeat the process, hoping the hands don't move due to my faulty motor skills. Even if I get it right, it could be a minute off or so. All of this could be avoided, though, by having a watch that sets itself. And it's perfectly synchronized with the rest of the world. No worries. If you think one minute isn't that much to worry about, picture this: if you are a big fan of The Walking Dead, try missing the first minute of a new episode. How about the last minute of a new episode. Yeah..I bet it's pretty important now.

Sure the watch isn't round like the Moto360. It may only work with iPhones. It's a watch and nobody wears them anymore. Even Tim Cook said a few years back that there is nothing he could do to make a teenager wear a watch. That's why they are not targeting the teen. They are marketing this thing as a high end watch. People are saying '$350 for a smart watch? pshhhh' It's not just a smart watch. It's a High end time piece. That's how Apple is marketing it and that's what it truly has. No other High end watch does what the Apple Watch does.

For this, I am excited about. I may or may not get this generation. I wish there was a leather band for the sport black model. I wouldn't get anything else because I have such bad luck with watch faces. The sapphire screen would break in a heartbeat for me.

Really though...this this is first and foremost a watch and it it does it brilliantly.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fox News

All of these bad reports on Fox News being "too far right" or "too right wing" could be correct. Let's say they are.

Is that really a bad thing? In a world of left leaning CNN or MSNBC, isn't competition a good thing? If you were to look at this with a business mind, having one or a few different options are a good thing. Let's say you want to start a photography company. There's a few in town that are really popular, some most than others, but they all take photos in black and white. You want to start your own company, but with colored photos. The next thing you know, your business is taking off because you offer something different. You offer something not being offered in studios. Naturally, you take business away from the studios with black and white pictures, so your company grows at a much faster pace. Now change the vocabulary in this idea.

You are a tv channel. Other channels offer left leaning news. Fox decides to be more right leaning. The next thing you know, business is taking off and in this case, you become the number one cable news network.

With both stories, it's only natural that the other companies will start to become angry. The reason: you are taking the business away from them. What they say: it's because its all "right wing". My question again is, is that really a bad thing?

If you like the colored photos over the black and white photos, should you be dammed? Should you be dammed for only liking the black and white photos over the colored? I believe that's a fair question.

I, personally, like Fox News. Not only because they can be "right wing" but that they treat me like a human adult. Not a dumb monkey.

And what is "right wing"? Talking about Liberty? About Capitalism? The greatness of America? Honoring the Constitution? The Rule of Law? Bringing respect and dignity throughout the world?

If these are Right Wing, consider me guilty.

Over 500 Views!

Over 500 Page views, 10 different countries, over 20 posts later, all in just under 3 weeks!


This is more of a thank you post more than anything. It's been such a success, I cannot thank you more than enough.

These are actual numbers. People like you returning back, day after day, reading my Blog. I want to send a big 'Hello' to my friends all over America! A Hello to my friends in Russia, a hello to my friends in Belgium, a hello to my friends in France, a hello to my friends in Portugal, a hello to my friends Brazil, a hello to my friends in Chile, a hello to my friends in Germany, a hello to my friends in the U.K., and last but not least a hello to my friends in Italy!

Again, Wow! Thank you!

My top posts for the week are on the left side of the screen. The most read 'series' is the Communism In America. I have heard that many of you agree with my view. Those who do not believe, I am not making this up. You can read it for yourself in The Communist Manifesto. It's all right in it, ready to be read. I'll explain why we in America, as well as the countries on this world, why Communism is so scary, if you think it's 'for the people'. Don't be afraid to educate yourself on these issues. If you don't like to read, listen to a free audio book or podcast of the book. They exist and you can listen to it while you work or go about your day.

There really isn't much to talk about tonight. I just want to say thank you. I am so thankful to have you guys reading this.

I have a twitter, it's  You can follow me on there to get the latest news and other social aspects of my life!

Thank you again. :)


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Duluth Minnesota

It's freezing here..I can see the Lake Superior from my hotel room and there are white caps on top. So, it's snowing and there are white caps on the water. That's how you know it's cold.

I'm in my hotel room and it has free wifi. That's a good plus. I love working on my iPhone, but typing all of this out on the mobile app can get pretty tiring and difficult. I do not have an iPad, just a MacBook Pro and my iPhone. It's a 2011 so no super fancy stuff in it. It does, however, have a CD drive so if I want, I can use it for CD's and DVD's if I need it to. I don't use it often, but it does come in handy when I need to use it.

Going back to my hotel room, I have a pretty cool view of the water as I said. I have free wifi. I also have a corner room. I can see right down to the corner of the street down below. I also have a heater in this room. I don't have one in my house, so this is awesome, and I guess you need one for up here.

If you don't know where Duluth Minnesota is, find a map or pull one up on your phone. Go to America (for my international readers) and go to the hand shaped area. It's called Michigan. You see the different lakes there. You have Lake Ontario to the east, Lake Erie to the west of that, slightly north you have Lake Huron. Just west of that lake you have Lake Michigan. Now, look to the most northern lake. That's Lake Superior. Duluth is to the far west corner of the lake. You'll see it's right in the pit of the water. You can't miss it. It's where all of those Duluth Trading Company commercials are from. In fact, I am only .5 miles from the main store. It's pretty neat. I might have to stop in just to say I have been there. Did I mention its cold here?

In my hotel room, I am watching Fox News. I prefer it to CNN or anything similar because they talk to you like an adult. They don't go "baby" on us. Now it's a commercial. I hate commercials.

A guy I listen to, named Mark Levin, has a podcast. I listen to that because there are no commercials at all. If you don't know who he is, he has a doctrine in The Constitution. Not just knowing what's in it, rather knowing how each amendment has been passed. What the framers were debating, what the Founders believed, where their influences came from. He knows so much, I could write a blog post about why you should listen to him...I may just do that.

Mark Levin Show is the name of the show..You need to check him out. You know, I think I'll call it a night. Go listen to his show. It's online on his website, a podcast app, or his own app. You'll love it. I'm also thinking that you'll become a fan like I did about 10 years ago.

Listen to his show, I'll do the same. I'll bundle up, too.

God Bless you guys. Thanks for reading this Blog. I do appreciate it. :)

On The Tour Bus

I'm on the bus and we are heading from Nashville to a place called Duluth Minnesota. It's right on the far western corner of Lake Superior. One of the Great Lakes. I am resting because I believe I have strep throat. My ear was killing me the past few days and It still is, just not as bad. My throat hurts to swallow, as well. I'm wondering, though, how am I supposed to sleep? Should I sleep down on my ear that hurts or should I sleep on the ear that is okay? My reasoning for sleeping on the ear that hurts is, if there is anything in my ear, it could drain out. It hurts, though... So should I sleep on the ear that is okay?

I decided to sleep on the ear that is ok. Half the night, anyways.

I sleep on my stomach. That's the best way in my opinion. There's something about it that brings a sense of peace.

This bus misquote comfortable, by the way. There are 10 bunk beds in here. We have a closet, a bunk for the instruments, one for the bass and a few for extra luggage. We only need four bunks for us.

Living on the bus is pretty awesome. We live out of a suitcase the whole time. No need to worry about losing anything because it is probably someplace close by. If you want to sleep, you can sleep. If you want to read a book, you can read a book. There are tv's on this bus if you ever want to watch a movie or any television show from the satellite. Naturally, too, you can sit on your computer and write out a blog to your international family! That's due to the reason that there is full internet wifi on the bus. It's pretty fast but because we are traveling ad it goes by the cellular network, it could drop out at any moment. That's never any fun. One moment you're watching a video on youtube and the next, you're looking at a spinning circle.

I have unlimited data on my iPhone still, from Verizon. That comes in handy a lot, I might add. I use that data to it's full extent, too. I go through about at gigabyte and a half a day. Yes, a gigabyte and a half. That's over 1,500 megabytes of data a day. I surf the web, watch videos, I read news articles, listen to music, watch the news..I don't know how anybody can use their iPhone without unlimited data. I would feel so controlled. I wouldn't be able to use my phone the way I want to. I like to do more things on it than just text or, more importantly, call people.

That's on my mind as we roll down the road. I might get food here in a bit. I should have a gift card near by. :)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Communism In America: Part 3

Everyday we hear about how the rich are stealing from the poor. We need to tax the rich because a successful economy doesn't work top-to-bottom. This so-called "trickle down economics" is hurting our America. Is it? Why all of this rich hating, anyways? Well, this is in the Communist Manifesto, too. It's called Class Warfare. How is this bad and how does this effect you?

Welcome to Part 3.

The communist believes the Bourgeois is an evil class. Bourgeois meaning capitalist. Citizens of the "free world". Let's say you get hired by McDonald's. Why did they hire you? The reason is they have the money to hire you. They are richer, so they hire you to do work since they have the money. Who hired them? Somebody who makes more money than them. The list goes on and on. This hatred against the rich is complete nonsense since it's the rich who hire the poor. Therefore, because you have a job and you are getting paid, you can go buy stuff, from other people. Your money, in turn, goes to somebody who can, because of the extra money, hire another person so they can work and get paid. This is how a Capitalist or Bourgeois society works. Rich people hire poor people, and they get richer, and they can do more. I don't know about you, but when I have no money, I don't buy anything. Now how does that help the economy?

Well, the communist believes it is its duty to take what you work for and everybody helps one other. You don't get a house that's your own. You can't work at McDonald's unless the government sees you fit there. It tells you where to live because it knows better than you. It knows your passions and dreams better than you. So, why do you need to own anything?

This is the mindset of the Communist: Trickle down economics does not work, but trickle down government does. Placing fundamentals with fundamentals, how does this make sense?

Now you could say that vise versa. Trickle down government works, but trickle down economics doesn't work. How does THAT make sense? It doesn't. The reason: YOU know more about your passions and dreams than the government does. You know where you want to raise a family, if you even want to raise a family. You know where you want to have a house someday.

Now, going back to hating the rich.

We hear this all the time: the rich has too much money so let's tax them more. Okay, well, you can do that, but how much is "more"? How about 70 percent of every dollar you make? Is that "fair"? Well, all of this is in part of the idea of class warfare. The government want's to make a disruption so bad, It has no excuse but to fundamentally change the structure so everybody can be "equal". Ok, well why not a flat tax? Make everybody pay a set amount. That's more fair than you and I paying say, 30 percent as opposed to 70 percent from the "rich", wouldn't you agree? You have to remember though, a government preaching equality isn't about equality at all. It's about control. The communist believes it knows better than you or I. True equality cannot exist because we are all so different. We have individuality. This is something I posted in Part 2. We cannot be equal because we are so different. We can, however, use this individuality to help society grow so great, we grow together. The "poor" now become "middle class" (which is also mentioned in the communist manifesto) because they have been hired by "the rich". The Rich can now hire more people because more people have money to buy stuff. Which increases wages because they can afford more.

Remember: a government preaching "equality" isn't about equality, because it cannot be reach due to our individualism. It's about control.

This is why "trickle down ecnomics" works. Just look at who hired you. I bet they make more money than you do. Thank God for that.

On my mind: 4.6.15

Today has been not a bright, happy day.

My girlfriend and dog left this morning to go back home. I live four-hundred miles away from there. That's 644 kilometers. It's a drive.. So they left this morning because she had to be back to school. The sun hasn't really been out at all. Nothing but rain..We think Nashville is crying because she left. I still need to eat..don't tell her I said that haha  

I have been drinking tea which is something I enjoy doing. And I played banjo a lot today. I got a banjo from our banjo player. He's letting me use it to practice on, since I'll be teaching it here next week, or so. I'm looking forward to do that. It will be nice to have more income coming in..

Tonight we leave for Minnesota. We will be on the bus for about a day or so. It's gonna be a long drive. I'm not sure how far but I do know it will take over 16 hours to get there. It's going to be crazy. It will be fun, though. We will play for 25 minutes a day. Once. That is all. Except for one day out of the five we play. Yeah..that's a tough job ;)    Last time we played was nearly a month ago, though. So much has happened this past month..It's crazy how time flies. It's already April!

I've been looking at the Apple Watch. Man, is that a sexy device. To be honest, I didn't like the square face at first. I wanted a round screen. The Moto360 looked so cool..but now it just looks, for a lack of a better term, old. The Apple Watch looks, sexy. It has curves that, just, flow.. It has a satin black color that I like. I would have gotten the Sport black model anyways because I go through watches like crazy. Only because the glass breaks. Sure, the sapphire won't scratch but it's brittle, meaning it will break easily. The black sport model will do just fine. I am pretty excited about it, but will I get one? Probably not. I'll wait till next year. I plan to keep my iPhone 5 for a while, though. But I plan on getting next years iPhone and Ill get the watch for that one. My 5 is working great, so no sense in getting a newer one anytime soon..

News wise, nothing new, I guess. I haven't been keeping track because I have not been reading the news. I was with my girlfriend all weekend. I loved it..I love her. It sucks we live far apart, but it's made us grow so close. Since day one, there hasn't been a doubt in my mind that she's the one.

It's true what they say about love: when you know, you know.

It's crazy like that. :)

Back! Hello Everybody!

Hey everybody! What a weekend it has been..

If you read my last post, you know that my girlfriend had surprised me with a trip down from up north. She stayed all weekend, for easter and for "our" time. I love that woman.

So, what did we do? She came down April first. That day is a strange holiday where it's known as: April Fools Day. You basically play pranks and jokes on everybody, and they are ok with it! She surprised me 100%. She had me go to buy some flowers and a card for easter and made a scavenger hunt to a dog park where she and our dog were at. Didn't even know it. and the weather was perfect..I still can't believe she made it and surprised me like that..

Day two we went and drove around while going to church for holy week. I am in the praise band, so I had to be there for practice and play during the service. It was pretty awesome :)

Emily started feeling sick, turns out her doctor misdiagnosed her and she had it worse that what she was told. So, we got her medicine and then left to go to a pet store. We bought a few more things for our dog.

We watched Law and Order: SVU on Netflix. We love that show. We fell asleep to it on a few nights. I even played my guitar for her..she likes that. I love that she likes that.

We drove around downtown, had ice cream and saw some sights. Bought some old time soda, went and did my taxes, got a thing pulled out of my ear with tweezers. Emily pulled it out..I was scared but she did it and made me feel a lot better because of it. My ear still hurts but I'm not sure whats up with it..

We then went to another dog park where our dog actually found friends and played with them. Our dog thinks she is a small dog but, she is actually a 60 pound, big dog! She was so scared of the bigger dogs, but made friends with the little chihuahua and miniatures..she even chased one in a circle because it was tied to a leash and running away from our was hilarious..

It was so nice to see her.. It won't be till June when we see each other again..I love that woman.

I will marry her..soon. I cannot wait for that day.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Break

Well, my girlfriend surprised me this weekend. She lives up north about an 8 hour drive. I had no idea she was coming down this weekend. So, all of my posts will be on hold till Monday. I will talk about what happened this week.

I'm sorry. I will see you guys Monday morning New York time!
Enjoy the weekend and have fun. Talk soon :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


It's that time of year again. All the people who don't normally go to church, are gonna go this week. That's awesome! But, how come they don't go every week? Is it really that difficult? I don't know, You could have a really busy schedule and easter and Christmas are the only two days you can go in the year. But what about your family? Why can't they go the other days of the year? I wish more would come out. That would be really cool..It would make the world a better place, I believe.

So, yeah...This Communism In America "Series" has really exploded on my blog. It's now being read in over 10 countries. Not just one view, rather, a lot of views..It's pretty crazy! Thank you for reading The Mind Of Clint.

I never intended this to be informational. I want this to be a short, thoughtful blog. Short, because most thoughts are short and thoughtful, because thoughts are..well...thoughts. Go figure haha.. It's pretty cool though. I get all my info strait from The Communist Manifesto and I apply it to today's political ventures. The first post I really didn't get too in depth, because I wanted it to be short. But Last night's Part 2 went a bit more in depth. And, it shows..Already climbing my top 5 articles. It's a valid look at how the communists never truly went away..rather changed and appealed. It's scary, indeed. I'll go more in depth at a Part 3. I don't know how many parts this will have because there is so much to get to. We will have to see. Thank you again for reading. You can read Communism In America: Part 2 here,

I slept with the windows open again. I love it. I did Yard work all day yesterday and I managed to get 24 hours of work in the past 4 days. I'm beat, but with money I got from selling my keyboard, I only need to take out around $20 from my bank for rent this month. I'm proud of myself. The yard work was hard work. The yard looks good again, though. I feel like I need to tackle the broken stairway leading into the river now. I feel like I could, too.

Thank you again for reading this. I am truly honored that you are reading this blog. I have this idea on where it will go, but I don't really want to stray from the current formula. My thoughts are my own, they are what I think. This is an opinion blog, from my mind to your computer.

No question this time. Just a thank you. I hope to hear from you guys in the future. Remember, anybody can comment. I encourage it.

Go to church this weekend..even if it's been a while. The Lord will rise this week (if your christian). Passover is this week. Lent is coming to a close. I haven't had a single soda since it began and I think I can stick with it even till after lent is over. Be responsible, and I hope to see you this Sunday. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Communism In America: Part 2

The Minimum Wage

Yes. This is part of Marx's vision of Utopia. The minimum wage is, as Marx puts it: "requisite to keep the labourer in bare existence as a labourer." Meaning it's there because it has to show that you exist. It's for the State, not for you or your company's benefit.

The minimum wage goes much farther back than Karl Marx, but the idea it's not one's capital (what turns one's stuff into your stuff and your stuff only) rather it be, everybody's. You don't work for what is yours. Everything you make is for 'the betterment of society'. If you have a fruit farm and are growing oranges. Let's say I want that orange. I should be able to take it off the tree and eat it right then, and there, right? Why, then, would you be growing these trees if it weren't for the betterment of society? Well, to make a profit, quite frankly. You put hard work into that tree. You used fertilizer, used water, carried that bucket of water to water the tree, you searched each tree to make sure the fertilizer worked and that there are no bugs in your tree. When somebody comes out and decides to take an orange from your tree, you should expect them to pay for it. You in turn get money for that orange, so somebody else can sell you some more water or fertilizer. You're helping society by trading your money for something else that you want, so you can make a profit. The conservative understands this, but the communist does not. Money, or capital, is not good. You don't deserve to get that money. You should pass them out for free.

Now how about hiring somebody? Shouldn't that price of labor be put on how good of a job they do? If you go to a concert and the music is so bad, are you going to ask for your money back? Any sane person would. So why should a person who does less work, get paid the same amount as somebody who is breaking their back? The answer is: uniformity. The communist sees us as workers, as numbers, as a tool to grow the utopia. The Conservative sees the people as an individual. We all have dreams. We are all not workers. We like to do things, see places, go to concerts and shop at malls..We all look forward to the weekend. Shouldn't we be rewarded on our hard work? Why should that hard work be standardized by the government? The answer is this, again: the Communist sees the people as numbers. 

Again, thought, we are not numbers. Numbers are perfect. 2+2 will always equal 4. But a musician and a musician might not put out a musician. A basketball player might arise. We all have dreams, because we are all individual. When we are set to a standard form of income, we are limited in the demand for our service. If Gas goes up in demand, the price will rise. If demand goes down, the price will fall. It's the law of economics, or money, or the market. So, why shouldn't one's pay be based on the same law?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Late Night Video Games

Well, as you know, it's super nice out in Nashville. So, I have the windows open during the night. Well, the birds are coming out and there was one that was just plain loud. So loud that my buddies who were on Skype with me were also complaining. It was quite impressive.

We were on Skype because we use that to talk to each other when we play games like Call of Duty. It's a ritual of ours, however, we have been getting bored with it we might be trying to get a different game. Last of Us is one we were thinking about. I might add they already own Last of Us..I'm the oddball. I may get it..I just have to pay my taxes still. But! Good news: My Yard work is expected to be about 24 hours this month. that's $240 off my rent. I sold my keyboard that I never played for $65 earlier this week, so that leaves the final debt owed: $18. I can do that over a $323 rent bill after electric is added. Pretty awesome.

I have been playing guitar more lately. After cleaning my house, car, the dishes and after the laundry, I have more time to do the stuff I want to do. Best of all, I don't feel like I am behind on anything. Just Taxes for now. Behind meaning, I need to get my stuff together for the appointment. I do love to play guitar. I play the finger picking style. I took what I learned on the banjo and put it on the guitar. It's a bit different than most, but it's still finger style. My girlfriend loves when I play it for her. I'll play any requests but she likes everything I play. I will pick a few that are her favorites, but she is always so sleepy when I play, so when she tries to sing with me, she passes out. It's adorable. I love her. I miss her too.. She is so amazing.

She has brought me into such a good light and inspired me through her faith, my faith has grown and I thank God everyday for her. She makes me happy, and I guess I make her happy. She has yet to say otherwise. She is the one. There hasn't been a doubt in my mind these past few years. Makes me excited. :)

But, it does make m feel good to finally have everything in order here at the house. I will have to post photos and such on here so you can see what I get to see everyday. I am such a blessed person in many ways, and this is one of them. But, a clean house feels great. The only thing, though, I wish I had more dresser space for my clothes. I'm running out of space. In fact, I don't have any more left! lol

Ok, my arms are killing me. This MacBook Pro is digging into my forearms. I should have gotten a MacBook Air. It's small at the I see why my friend Kenny was telling me about it..The edges on this thing are sharp! I do plan on upgrading this thing eventually. I want to get an SSD inside it and I want to upgrade the RAM to 8GB. It's at 4 now. Once I do that, I'll be se for another 6 years or so. I plan on doing that after I get a new TV. My girlfriend wants a better TV in her room, so I told her I would give her mine. It's a nice TV. I love it..althogh I found out yesterday after a few years of owning it, it only has 60hz refresh rate. I thought I bought a 120hz. I still don't know why I bought it even though it was a 60hz. Oh well. It's still a great TV. I just want a bigger one lol

But, isn't that the end game? Always trying to get a bigger TV?

Tidal Music

So, there seems to be this new music streaming service. It is called Tidal. Like a tidal wave. I wonder if his name is chosen on purpose because they hope to come in like a hurricane and blow away all of the other competition services?

At first thought, a streaming service sounds like a good idea. You pay a set amount of money, monthly, and you get a ton of songs at your command. The idea seems to work for services like Spotify and Beats. It's only natural the market will start to follow, creating competition and driving down costs. I, however, stopped using music streaming services as of last year. Two years ago I started to use Sony music unlimited. It is a service that has since been changed as of this past month or so. I got a super great deal that ended up being only $50 a year. So naturally, I took it. I used it for a while, the rest of the year, and enjoyed it. I wasn't going to sign up for another year because the price is going to go back up to hundred and $120 a year. So I decided to use a free month of Spotify. I didn't use it that much. To be honest, I didn't like it. I wanted to listen to my own music. So I decided to switch to iTunes match. I love having all of my music on my phone, whenever I need it.

So I am wondering how this will work. Will a bunch of people tried out for a few months and see if they like it better than Spotify or iTunes radio? Hech, even Pandora or the new Sony music service?

I am not much into streaming music and less it is off of a iHeartRadio app, or my iTunes radio or iTunes match service. Just because I have my own music to listen to. I like to know the fact that, even though I don't own a physical copy, it's still mine. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Communism In America

After reading the Communist manifesto oh, one thing that seems to catch my eye is this: why our Washington Congressmen and women trying to push this open borders idea? I.e.: amnesty.

The communist believes to rid of all borders between two nations. Or more, if there so happens to be. Why is this, you ask? The reason is based on a belief where any kind of disagreement or war between two such countries will disappear. Giving a "peace" to the world. You can see such an idea being practiced with North Korea. They do not believe there is a such thing as a South Korea. They believe there is just, Korea. And this is pretty scary.
Not only are we creating an open border society, but we are turning the illegal aliens into subjects that become part of the welfare state. As Milton Freeman once said, you cannot have an open borders society with a welfare state. The people here do not want to help or a simulate into our culture in anyway. The reason why they're coming here, is because they want freebies.

So my other question is this, how come there isn't a conservative running for president making this kind of case? Just because we are not being invaded by the Communists with guns and tanks and bombings in such an idea like in the movie "Red Dawn", that doesn't mean the enemy isn't here. They are taking over from within. This idea of communism or socialism or Marxism, isn't from here. It is a European idea. Yet, there are some people in this country who just agree with it. They say, "yeah, why not? They are here anyways…".

So again, my question is, how come there isn't a conservative seeing this, stating this fact?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Miracle From God

It can be so funny sometimes. Today has been such a good day and I'm not saying that because it involved me. In fact, this has nothing to do about me.
At church today, for praise band practice, I was told a person who is very dear to me was cleared of cancer. He was scheduled to have surgery, but two days before he was told that it was gone. It just disappeared. That is unbelievable. I guess in a way, it is believable.
We like to think that miracles don't happen in our day of age. We like to be told that they do not exist anymore. Jesus isn't here giving site to the blind in making the lame talk. Where did the cancer go? The only thing I can think of is God took it away. It was early just disappeared from his body. I asked if he felt the same, he said that he does not feel the same. He feels better than he has in many years. I mean, come on! How cool is that?

God has blessed me in many ways. I have an amazing girlfriend who has help me with my faith in more ways than one, he has given me a family and a group of friends that I can ask and go to about anything. He has given me not a lot of money, but he never leaves me struggling. He has given me a talent of music, some folks would say better than most, but trust me: I'm still 'getting by' :)

What is on my mind tonight? Faith. God. And after finding my US Constitution again, my country. I am very optimistic in the future. You should be too, because there are many miracles happening all around us. We just have to take notice and share them to the people around us.

Friday, March 27, 2015


I hate taxes.

Right now I'm sorting, or trying to anyways, my stuff for last year..I'm behind, I know.
This year, in the U.S. anyways, the healthcare overhaul is in effect now. So we have to bring all that info. I'm not even sure if I even have that laying around. I have to find that soon. I have an appointment next week. I wish there was a flat tax.. My readers in Russia: how do you like the flat tax? I am a personal fan of it. Imagine no more sitting through hours on end trying to use turbo tax or going to your local tax professional and having them figure out if you missed anything.. Yeah. That would be great, right? Well, a flat tax would do that. No more waiting around, you pay a set tax and that's it. Pretty awesome...when it comes to paying taxes, anyways..paying them is the bad part.
I've been good though. I, being a musician, can deduct quite a lot, surprisingly. So, I have to take all that into account.

I am currently watching House of Cards on Netflix. It's not bad. Production quality is pretty decent. The acting too, but it's such a strange story. I dunno... I'm watching it because season 3 just came out so I figure I must watch it haha. I'll give an update later in the show.

Yard work was a fail today. My body is recovering quite well. My girlfriend told me to take a cold shower since I don't have any ice packs..and boy was THAT cold! It was freezing..but I do feel better...she always knows better. :)

But, it is cold for what we saw earlier in the week. in the 40's fahrenheit. It was about 80 two days ago. Yard work should be better when it's not this cold.. But I do feel better.

Church practice is tomorrow. I like to play my fiddle there in the praise band. I'm close to my faith and I have my girlfriend to help me out with that. She's made me closer to God than anybody. When I'm in the church, I feel happiness and love as if I'm right where I belong. Everybody is so nice too. It was the first church I walked into, when I first moved to Nashville. It was the only church, as well. I never left since that day.

Not a lot on my mind today except this. Pretty boring day, when it comes down to it. My mind has been pretty blank. It's been a good week. I pray your's has been as well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Obama let go 5 terrorist for this guy? Why can't we charge Obama for treason?

We knew Bergdahl was a deserter from the soldiers who were in his same camp, yet Obama did not listen. I am in awe...

In just a few months, the 5 terrorist will be out in the public, unsupervised and unmanaged. Iran has ICBM's and announced "Death to America", yet we condone Israel to a point of evil because they spy on us. Maybe they would have to 'spy' on us if you kept your word of transparency Barack.

I had to post this quick thought..I am in awe. We have an open border with 5 terrorist about to be on the loose, we have Iran growing all over the Mediterranean with the ISIS...

God bless us and help us in this time of need.

follow this link:

On My Mind: 4.25.15

My body is sore from yard work. My legs hurt from lifting them because I have to lift and walk up onto a ledge to get to the flowers and such. From that, my thighs hurt because they are stretching...which makes my butt hurt. And my back hurts from lifting stuff...and my arms hurt from squeezing trimmers open and close..which is why my hands hurt too. If it sounds like complaining...that's because it is. This is my blog after all lol. I can write about what I want haha
It's gonna be raining tomorrow, so thankfully I have a day to rest before I have to work again. I'm a fiddle player, so my body isn't used to this kind of beating. All I have to do is get up and stand for 45 minutes, while playing my instrument. That's a different kind of work. Still, my body isn't used to using these muscles. I'm eating fish and other healthy stuff to heal faster. I should ice..but I don't have ice to ice with. A shower will have to do for now.

Another thing that's on my mind is music. there is this amazingly talented lady named Greta Isaac. She has a new song on youtube and an EP coming out...Man, she's right up my alley. Check her out. Amazing vocalist and finger guitar player..which I need to get a high E string for mine..I forgot. But right now, I'm listening to rock songs, done bluegrass style. There are some great stuff out there...and some not so good..but, I'm not a fan of all artists, it's a different kind of art that isn't my kind of favorite. Still, impressive though.

Ok, now theres this ad on's about 5 minutes..what the heck? I'll wait because I want to see this video of these guys do a bluegrass version of...heck, I can't even remember anymore...It's on Facebook, so I can't refresh the page otherwise I'll lose it forever..hmm... I'll wait another..well, it doesn't say how much time is left. Goodness, this is a huge first world problem..

My hands hurt while typing and this ad is taking forever..

I've been so busy today, but I can't stop now. I still need to eat. What should I have? I'm thinking pasta...should I make something with it? Stairway To Heaven..although it's not really bluegrass'm kinda angry. I will listen to this 33 version of Jolene by Dolly Parton instead. It's like a classic rock version. It's pretty awesome actually. What do you guys listen to?

I imagine all the stuff going on in the world and then I think about the 7 billion people..we al have different problems, lives, situation...we are all so different. We will never know all the problems that other people face in the world. There are people who don't know what the internet is! Or about radio..That's a crazy thing to think about. It's crazy to think we have been to the moon and back, yet some people don't know how an airplane works.

Something to think about..That's what's going on in my mind and what I'm thinking about. Go listen to Greta Isaac and tell me what you think. It's pretty awesome.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Living in the South

It's 75 in Nashville. Not a cloud in sight. I'm currently taking a break from yard work. I'm listening to my favorite radio host on his podcast and I just ate soup and drank some water.

Why am I writing today? It's 75 degrees! In March. It was snowing in Ohio and Michigan yesterday. That's so funny. It is times like these where one can feel free to brag and resonate ones happiness about the sun. So, I am doing just that. I am feeling for you guys up north, though..I saw a post on Google+ and the snow was taller than the guy in the picture! That's crazy...I think those in Canada are gonna have snow on the ground till August! Haha...I wold hope not, but it's an interesting thought..

All this talk about Global Warming, or Climate change..or I think it's Climate Disruption now...All this talk about it makes me wonder. Where did this all begin? It has it's roots in a Global Cooling cause from the 70's. I could go into it further, but I would be typing the same thing over and over again..and I'd rather leave that for a different day...Right now I'm enjoying this sunny, partly cloudy, 75 degree weather.

My iPhone battery is nearing death. So, it's on the charger now. I love how Apple products can simply work together and I can accept calls from my mac without any issue. I can send texts and receive FaceTime calls without any issue. And then some...It's pretty amazing. I'm looking forward to the Apple Watch. It might be only a niche product, now, but my gosh, it has superb potential! Just already, unlocking your house, walking right into your hotel room, checking your car's so much more than a wearable notification center...But even Apple hasn't figured it out, 100%. They, do, have a decent idea of what it could is just the inhibitor of this area of interest. Who knows what else will come about from this.

This weather...The squirrels are out chasing each other. The river is flowing ever so smooth. Birds are chirping and pecking at the ground, a slight breeze kisses my face and I can close my eyes and feel peace.

No matter what is going on in your life at this moment, remember: peace is on this earth..don't let anything get you down so far to where you think you won't be able to get back up. You will...we all go through a slump sometimes. Stay strong and stay positive. :)

On My Mind: 4.24.15

It's night number two for sleeping with my windows open...I love it.
Right now I hear the bugs and crickets chirping and frogs croaking. No birds are out this late but I suspect them to be up bright and will I. I feel much healthier than I did 12 hours ago.
I live right along a river. It's pretty during most of the year. The only thing I don't really like are the spiders. Here in Tennessee, there are tons of spiders. You have to make sure that you check your shoes, your shirts, pants..everything, all before putting them on. There could be some brown recluse spiders hiding within them. I am not a fan of spiders. And boy, do I see my fair share of them living along side a river.

Across the water, I see a boat landing. Plenty of people drop their boats and take off throughout the day. It's pretty cool. It reminds me of when I used to fish with my grandparent's up on Lake Erie.

What are some things I hear besides animals? I hear planes flying overhead toward Nashville Airport. I will occasionally hear the helicopters flying, I'm guessing, towards Clarksville Military Base. Those get pretty loud. Much louder than the crotch rockets I hear riding on the near-by highway.  It's peaceful here. There is a strange calming sense all around.

That boat landing is a good guide for how high the water is. It's up there, now. We had some heavy rainfall, on top of some snow and ice. It should be receding guess is by this weekend.

So..this blog. Thank you to everyone who reads it. I love the comment's so far..(3) I am being read in 5 countries so far. Very awesome. I want you to spread the word about this blog. It's important that you share this blog to all of your friends and family so they, too, can enjoy raw, unedited, quick, easy to read thoughts from a random guy. It's kinda cool.  I hope you share some same interests of mine..or if not, that's okay too. If you live in a different country, I have a translation tool in the upper right hand side near the top so no matter what language you speak, you can read this blog. I can speak german and some russian, too. (A plane just flew over head) So, I am always willing to know what's going on in your world...but if not, that's ok. Haha
My mind is always willing to give out some two-cents worth of entertainment.
I wonder why they call it two-cents for a thought..? That doesn't even make sense...

Well, I'm off to bed. Windows open, frogs croaking, river flowing, blogs blogging..... Crap I gotta pay taxes still...

Wait! What should I listen to for sleep? I am thinking a more electronic feel tonight. I fell asleep with some music that was more acoustic the other night...Maybe I'll do both. Heck, I think I will choose some piano music instead. I'm not much on Classical, but some solo stuff-- I'll listen to some Organ Music tonight. Yup. That's it. to bed....for real, this time.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Feeling Sick

I should be doing yard work..but I feel sick.
I had a week of a week last week (yes I know) that included being on the road for 24 hours (16 were nonstop) and then lack of sleep along with lack of food and I kissed my girlfriend because I wanted to. She works at a daycare. Babies come in all the time with all sorts of sickness..and I kissed her since it was gonna be a while before we would see each other again.
The things I do for love. ;)

I should get some food...
I ate pasta at 8 pm local time and it's now going on 1:30. I haven't drank or eaten anything since..maybe that will help this thing pass too.?

It's 70 degrees outside and even though there is a pollen alert here in Nashville, I don't care. I want to sleep with my windows open. It's too nice to not do it. Plus, I love to hear the birds chirp in the morning when I wake...which leads me to the other scary issue in my neighborhood:
A coyote is in our midst.

My landlords have told me to make sure to keep the gate closed because the coyote could eat one of the cats that are around the house. I don't know if they can figure out ways to get in houses like other animals and such, but I don't want to find out.

What should I have today? Pasta or soup? Like actual soup...I might have both...pasta is getting a bit old because I don't really have that many recipes to make with it. But it's quick and simple when you add butter and parsley. Haha

For a drink, I usually make tea. I go through a pot and a half a day when I'm drinking it. I should start that up now. It takes about 5 minutes for the water to boil. Living in the south I love sweet tea, but for times when I'm in my PJ's and playing video games, regular tea works just fine.

Other news, Ted Cruz's bid for the White House is in full swing. I'm exited and feeling happy about America. I feel hope again..and now the hunger is setting in. Speaking of which, my stomach never really growls unless I'm super hungry but I feel as though I should get food in my stomach because it seems like the right thing to do...I need to do yard work tomorrow. Nice weather like this is hard to pass up this time of year.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Ted Cruz

So he could be announcing his run for 2016 tomorrow...or today depending on where you live at this current time.
Am I excited? Yes. Here's why:

When it comes to the budget (what we tax payers have to pay for by working and paying taxes) Ted has voted against a number of issues for spending. He is voting to make sure we don't have a massive debt..however, the democrats and rhinos keep voting yes.
He never voted to raise the debt limit.
If you want to join ISIS, he voted to make sure you are no longer a US citizen. Because why? Because if you want to bring this country down, you have rid yourself of citizenship right then and there...we don't want you here.
Don't like Obamacare? He stood on the floor in a filibuster for, what...21 hours?
When it comes to immigration, he believes in the laws we have in place now..not this amnesty crap.
He voted against raising the minimum wage because all that does is make our dollar worth less because of inflation.
He is pro life.
He loves the second amendment--and the rest of The Constitution!
Like more money in your pocket? How about paying less taxes with lower taxes? He supports that too.
Women, this one is important to you: He voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2013.

This guy is a modern Reagan if I've seen one.
He believes in the 'Miracle of America'. God, that sounds amazing, doesn't it? He believes in the American people..not some Government involvement with everything.. Even to the little things: if you want to eat burritos all day and get fat, why should the government tell you otherwise? Is it the smartest thing in the world to do? Probably not..but who is the government or anybody to tell you different?

Wow..I'm super excited. If you want to know where I got this info, just listen to his speeches. Go on youtube. is a great website.

Yeah...that's on my mind tonight.
What are your thoughts?

This blog has open all you closet folk can speak anonymously... ;)

He is running. He sent out a Tweet.

Police Officer?

I know plenty of people who are or who have some kind of work in the police or patrol life and sometimes I wish I could have the ability to give tickets.
No, I am not a perfect driver, but I don't write a journal on my steering wheel while I drive. Yes, I just saw that. I mean, come on...why must you write something down like that, right then and there? If anything, get our your phone or any kind of recording device and make a video or sound file of what ever is on your mind and write it down later. It's much safer, I would say. I would also say, I would give you a ticket.
Another thing that bothers me: Turn signal usage. I realize I'm going slow. That's why they made multiple you can pass the 'slow' drivers. You don't need to get around me and then almost hit my bumper by a mere inches, and not use a turn signal...that, sir, is rude.
Or, how about those people who take forever at turning into a parking lot or something... GO! I probably couldn't give you a ticket but I wanted to rant about that. Lol
And the people who don't know how to merge into highway traffic...Turn your signal on and floor it. Unless you're in Massachusetts or something where you have to yield, your license plate says Tennessee and you're in Tennessee so book it.
I think that is all I can think of.. How about you? Any drivers you find annoying? Any you would give a ticket to?

I just want to say it: I am not anti police..I am probably the most anti police guy you will ever find. I always thank them because they have what I don't have: guts. That's why I play with a fiddle and not with a badge. I know there are a lot of news stories burning the reputation of police and military so I want to say this: Thank you, in many ways than many..times a billion...trillion... Thank you.

But I would love to give those drivers mentioned earlier a ticket so bad.....

And don't even get me started on loud speakers that shake everything as if Godzilla was about to pull a tail whip..

On My Mind: 4.22.15

Ahh...what a day it's been..

I'm on a bus heading up to Nashville, TN. It's been my home for the past 4 years. It's nice there. I like it.
I have traveled all over the world, from Denmark, U.K., Alberta CA, California USA, Bahamas, and Nova Scotia, Germany and everywhere else in between. Pretty cool.
I remember being in high school wanting to do what I do now: Play fiddle in a bluegrass band and tour. I've gotten to do that this whole time. what?
Well, for starters, I want to have a family. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years, and we have been talking for over 3 years and we have known each other longer than that. She is amazing...I cannot imagine my life without her there. She is my second half. What she doesn't eat, I will. What she thinks is cool, I do too....Heck: She loves and rides horses, I play bluegrass...what can be more country than that? Needless to say, our wedding will be pretty awesome and country themed..
But, what about after that? I wan't to have a family..and sure, I guess it would be possible to tour and have a family, but, I don't want to miss out on all the firsts: baby;s first steps, first word, first time doing anything awesome.....That isn't fun to me.
Will I even have a chance to do that though? If there is a draft for a major war, I'm screwed. I'm 23 and will be 24 this year. I still need to make it 3 more years before I'm 'safe' from being drafted. Could I do it, though? I guess anythings possible. I am doing my high school dream. I think I could. It would be scary though. Just like what is going on outside: It's the 1930's all over again.
Speaking of outside, it is dark at the time of writing. I usually stay up late when I'm on the bus. Not a whole lot to do this late at night. The bus is roomy to where we can do stuff and not feel 'close'. I am writing this while listening to Coldplay. It took me about 45 minutes to find something interesting to listen to. I play bluegrass, but I never listen to it..well, not as much as I should, I guess. I do need to practice more, though. I would like to get better at my bow technique. But, I have a recent musical endeavor. I want to play the piccolo. Instead of lugging around a guitar or something, I could bring a piccolo and take it out of my pocket whenever I want to jot down a musical idea. I can then place it back in my pocket when I am finished. That is brilliant, no? Maybe I can get one for cheap later..I owe taxes. That is gonna suck.
This blog, in case you had no idea, is pretty free form. I never have a topic, it is just what I have in my head at the time of writing. I had an album review blog but That got too 'formal' for me. So I quit..and not only that, but it was hard work. I was listening to 3 to 4 albums at a time and trying to get a good review was very difficult. So I quit. I had an idea to bring it back, got a cool twitter thing going, but that lasted about 2 hours.. lol
So I am hoping this will work out.
I'll talk about politics and other random stuff.
PLEASE WRITE YOUR OPINION. I want to hear it. Or, see it since it will be in typing haha. I believe the only cause for misunderstanding is because there is a lack of communication. So, wouldn't it be cool, if there was a communication that was direct and strait forward, with no middle man? Yeah. Me too.
So, I will be here. But, I won't post like only one a day, at 8 am central time, or twice a day, heck I may not even post one at all for a few days. It depends on how motivated I am. But, if there's something in my mind, like there is now, I'll be here, writing my mind.
Princess of china has a great groove.
Sorry, Coldplay again.
yeah..I guess that's it.  I will not proofread anything. Not enough time. I will check for little squiggly lines under words, but yeah...that's all.
Talk soon. May God bless you.
And yes, I'm a Christian. Tough it out.

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