Friday, June 10, 2016

New Site, New Future: Goodbye Google

Oh boy..has it been almost a month already since my last post? 

Well, we can all thank Google and their wonderful software team. My primary source of blogging was the through Google’s “blogger” app. Well, with iOS 9 and the 6S Plus in my current list of devices, Google no longer supports what I have unless I go through a computer. Well, I am a mobile individual. I never use wifi and I am always on the road with my phone. I can blow through 30 GB of data in about 3-4 days. Needless to say I am on an unlimited data plan through Sprint. Don’t laugh because while being on Verizon’s unlimited data plan since 2011, I am more than happy with Sprint. It is actually faster and more reliable than Verizon was. Yeah. Believe it. 

So, I found this website, I set it up and they have an updated application for my mobile day-to-day life. I am a happy guy. 
So, expect more opinion pieces from this conservative mind and expect more anti-left writings because right now the socialist world, whether in Venezuela or a European country, is falling due to an imperfect idea that the imperfect man has created. 

This bit is short because I wanted to update you on what’s going on. I’m back with a new app, still ad free (I hope. I’m still trying to figure this new site out) and still full of Americanism. 


You can find the new blog here:
Don't forget Twitter:

Also, Facebook: 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Which Bathroom Should I Use?

America, one hundred years ago, was facing a world war. Teenagers were fighting for a future they probably wouldn't be able to see. Teenagers today need the government to tell them which bathroom to use. 

I'm sorry, but when did it become bigoted to say, pardon my French, if you are born a penis you're a boy. You use the men's restroom. If you were born without a penis, you're a girl. You use the woman's restroom. When did a person become a bigot if they agreed with these statements? Are we really at this point of 'equality'?

If you were born with a penis, you're a man. If you think otherwise, you need mental help. Furthering such an issue can and will lead to more mental issues. Think of it as somebody who is an alcoholic: if a person is an alcoholic, they have a serious mental issue going on. You don't treat them by allowing or praising every time they drink, you tell them to stop, you confront them when ever possible about the issue, you take them to an AA meeting or you set up an intervention with close family and/or friends. You never allow them to keep going with it. You need to stop them as soon as possible so they can be helped as soon as possible. If a man feels love for another man, I call that temptation. It's a sin, in my humble opinion, but if a man feels tempted enough to do stuff like that I really don't care. I'm not going to judge them, I will except them into my life and hope they except me into theirs. But when a man thinks he is actually a woman...that's not a temptation. That's not a feeling towards something or somebody. That is a mental disorder. 

I'll be the one to say it. If you are Trangender, go to a mental hospital, seriously. I am helping you. I'm not being rude, mean or a bigot, I am actually wanting to help you because you are what you are born with. Get some help and cure the issue. I'll say some prayers for you as well. You are sick, you need some help. Sick meaning, ill, not psycho. 

Next thing, Obama does not need to say anything on this issue. He has no constitutional power to act on what's being done in North Carolina. He cannot do anything. Therefore, congress should not allow him to do anything. Nor, Trump if he is elected president. He agrees with Obama in every way on this issue. This is a big issue, do not be fooled. States rights, the tenth amendment, is being tested. We must not fail in protecting what little rights we have. 

We cannot allow the personification of We The People's anger, take over. We must stay individual, independent and constitutional. 


Monday, May 9, 2016

The Republicans Are Acting Like Communists

Gather behind Trump. 
Support Trump. 
Rally behind Trump. 
We must unite behind Trump. 

Otherwise, you're for Hillary. 

Boy, have I been waiting to comment on this. Like I said on Thursday, I believe this is a repeat of the '76 election. I think it's very clear at this point. Not only has Trump decided to back off of his Tax plan, his minimum wage thoughts, he believes men should use women's restrooms, his immigration idea really isn't that conservative and who knows if he will flip flop on his open carry plan. This is a man who joked about shooting people on 5th avenue. He openly joked about domestic terrorism and we did not even blink an eye. 

Well, actually 53 percent of us have. As constitutional scholar Mark Levin points out, there are 53 percent of the republican voter base, that did not vote for Trump. I, being one of them. Yet, because he is the last man standing, we must rally behind him or we are for Hillary? All of this talk about how bad we are if we do not unite behind the republican nominee..he isn't the nominee yet. I say that after he has already flipped on some major issues the past few days. So, it doesn't matter what his policies are, no matter how liberal they are, we must come together behind Trump because we are republicans. 

This sounds like the Soviet Union to me. 

Since when is the Republican Party, party before country? The communists are party before country. The democrats are party before country. Since when has the republican base stooped to such a low? 

If we unite behind Trump, we might as well call ourselves communists, with this respect. 

It's not that I'm for Hillary or pro Bernie, it's that I'm pro-American. Trump is already showing his true colors. He is dancing in the end zone with a flag called by the ref, in my opinion. Ted Cruz, although he may not come back, only suspended his campaign. He didn't pull out all the way. He, technically, could jump right back in. I doubt he will, unfortunately. 

Some people will say that a third party run could hurt the republicans, that is why we need to get behind Trump, to beat Hillary. I say BS. I thought Trump was drawing in democrats? Democrats, independents, everybody was part of his "movement" because of him. If he truly is bringing people from all over, a third party ticket would, and should, split the divide pretty evenly. There are more people in the anti-Trump movement than there are those supporting Trump, and with Hillary, Trump has claimed time and time again that democrats are moving over to his it should be interesting if it could be the 8 percent he would need to win the majority. I like to think an individual with principle trumps (no pun intended..okay, why not?) an individual with no principle. 

We conservatives must not rally and unite behind Trump otherwise we shall claim to be party before country, communists. I believe he is no different than Hillary and I am tired of always being on the defensive against the liberals, both in and out of the Republican Party. It's time we unite with ourselves because we refuse to put party before country. 



Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Year Is 1976... establishment pick and a B Movie actor were up for the count. A man who was not a conservative and a man who would define modern conservatism. Counts started coming in at the convention. The man they would pick would be the establishment pick. With an impromptu speech, the crowd quickly realized they chose the wrong man. The establishment pick would go in to lose.

32 years later. 

A man who is far left than any past president is elected after an establishment pick and a conservative from Alaska lose. The Alaskan conservative said "it takes a Carter to get a Reagan". 

8 years later. 

A man who is loved by establishment and a constitutional conservative battle it out during the primaries. The establishment candidate bests the conservative.

The Conservative suspends his campaign......

Let that sink in for a moment. A brief history lesson from the not-so-distant past can be learned from. It's happening again. Instead of the impending '1984', we have 1976 happening all over again only this time the crowd doesn't realize, quickly, they chose the wrong man. Now, you're probably wondering why I didn't write about this yesterday. I wanted to collect my thoughts on this because I was one of the ones who quickly gasped. Even though it took me a moment to truly understand what happened, I do realize how monumental that event was. 

We will not be able to replace Scalia in the Surpreme Court. We will not be able to escape the clutch of the IRS. We will not be able to secure eminent domain; our private property. No more, will the threat of a nuclear war disappear. No more will the economy explode with vibrant ideas. Men, women can share the same bathroom in public. We will not be able to secure the blessings of liberty for our children and grandchildren. The constitution as we know it now, will be torn into more pieces from here on. 

When Cruz dropped out, the choice is clear when it comes to the future of this country: populism/progressivism is in. The history of the world will begin now. 

Trump will lose to Hillary Clinton. I firmly believe this. 40 years later, history IS repeating itself. However, I do have hope. 

As an Alaskan Govenor once said: "It takes a Carter to get a Reagan". 


Monday, May 2, 2016

America Needs God

What must a society come to when it's morals are based off of humanities reasoning and not from a higher power?

I'm currently reading two books: 'The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' by Edward Gibbon and 'Second Treatise of Government' by John Locke. In the early chapters of the former, it paints the picture of a militaristic people who exercise the phrase, 'speak softly but carry a big stick'. The latter exclaims the rights given by a higher being and equality through justice. Obviously we know what happens to Rome but we don't know what happens to America. Simply, the end hasn't happened yet. 

Obama joked the other day saying "The end of the republic never looked better". Three things: what does that phrase mean, why now does he define this country as a republic instead of the commonly used democracy and I believe a sitting president has never joked about this subject. A man who has stated he would "fundamentally change America" laughingly joked about "the end of the republic". We do not have a strong military from this president, we do not have a constitutional system anymore..I mean, seriously, the people are so angry at "the system", they are about to get a candidate for president who personifies that anger. This is some scary stuff!

There are people who fight for "equality" and there are people who actually care about equality. Equality in the sense of how the constitution originally defines the word. "All Men Are Created Equally". This phrase seems to be overshadowed by the word 'equally' but I think we should focus more on the word 'created'. Not only does this signify the relation of a higher being above us and our 'rights', but it shows us where those rights come from. If another human being has to give us rights, such as healthcare because that human is a doctor, they have to give up their rights for you to have your healthcare because you should have it anytime you want. How is that equality?

Man can create a thousand different empires and countries. But we need to know where the power comes from. It does not come from you or I, but from the thing that created us. 

If we do not believe in a creator, who's to say what's right or wrong? Who's to say it's okay to be nice and it's not okay to be mean? Men are by definition imperfect. We cannot hold the perfect card when it comes to deciding what's wrong vs right. We need a being who can tell us the difference. What must a society come to then? A society will fall. It will become a broken, depressed, barbaric, anarchy driven group of individuals. We are almost to that point, America. 

We have a small group of individuals who don't even know what gender they are, when all they have to do is look between their legs and get mental help. And we have the audacity to think we can separate the right and wrong?


“History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”

Excerpt From: Gibbon, Edward. “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.” iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:


“Second Treatise of Government”

Excerpt From: Locke, John. “Second Treatise of Government.” iBooks. 
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Cruz-Fiorina Ticket

I like this plan of action. Here's why:

Fiorina has a tremendous amount of knowledge of the world and its leaders. For foreign policy, this was a great move in my humble opinion. I've said that before, even back when she was running for president. However, the HP disaster is still up for argument. When it comes to business action, she doesn't have the best record. But, either does Trump with that regard. How many times has he filed for bankruptcy? Trump is a risk taker. 

Trump is also an idea maker. He can spit out ideas left and right. I know a few people like that, personally. The problem with those kinds of people is that while they may create a lot of ideas, that's all they ever are: ideas. Ideas are not based off of anything, hence the word idea. We need principles. For instance: tariffs. Trump thinks that it is a great idea to raise tariffs on other countries. We know this will actually harm us in the short term and even more so in the long term. Yet, the idea is being sold as 'this is part of placing America first'. It won't work. It never worked. He doesn't know this, so it's an idea. Cruz realizes it doesn't work based off the human experience from the last century and longer, so he refuses to raise them. It's a principle not an idea. 

Both Cruz and Fiorina know the world is in a world war state. They both recognize the constitution is important. Shrinking government, lowering taxes, building a strong defense and yes: building that wall. Remember, back when Cruz was trying to defend the border in 2012, Trump was helping Rubio, McCain and the rest of the gang of 8. I guess you could say Cruz was for the wall, before it was cool. 

A Cruz-Fiorina ticket also brings this into light: females despise Trump. What a better person to vote for, now, than a Cruz-Fiorina ticket? It's not playing the sex card, it's filling a void the Trump campaign doesn't/can't fill. Picture this: two gas stations. One serves the three normal ones, and the other station serves those and diesel. If you need diesel in you car, which one will you go to, to pump your car? The one that serves diesel. If you are a female republican voter and you have a choice between a guy who has 'made sexist remarks in the past' versus a guy who now has a running mate who is a woman, and that's something you really care about, which candidate will you choose? There's only one choice. 

Like I said, I like this plan of action. Instead of talking the talk, we have a candidate who is actually walking the walk. 

We need to get back to the constitution. If we support a tryannical position for our side, how is that different than if there is a tyrannical position on their side? Tyranny is tyranny. The constitution is the law of the land. We don't need a risk taker with limitless ideas. We need a principled conservative who understands the constitution. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ted Cruz And John Kasich

Oh, the establishment!! How dare they conspire against the almighty Donald Trump. 

Let me say something: last night's win for Donald Trump was expected. He will try to claim it was a massive victory, which I see it as a massive victory, but it's not very surprising. New England, in nature is left minded. Only a few have a constitutional mind and that goes back to the "New York Values" comment where Trump politicized 9/11. That was a great disrespect to the families and the many who died that morning and the days that followed. The "New York Values" comment Ted Cruz made were about whether a person is a socialist or a conservative. And it's true: not a lot of conservatives come from Manhattan. And this was controversial!?

I digress..

The Cruz-Kasich "team" is nothing but a way to win the presidency for Cruz. Kasich cannot and will not win the white house. Cruz needs Kasich to drop out but he won't. So, I dare say: they struck a deal. Let me get this strait: making deals is a great thing for America, only if you're Trump. Is that correct? Trump can make deals with the anti-constitutional democrats, but when Ted Cruz decides to make a deal with a republican the whole world needs to call them establishment? If Ted is pro establishment, why on earth do they disgust him then? Why does the establishment say over and over again that they would rather have Trump than Cruz? And Cruz is now part of the Establishment?? Can you guys actually think this through for one moment? You guys, my readers, are much smarter than that. I know so. 

Meanwhile, I'm not sure how I missed this, Obama said about a month ago that capitalism is not that much different than communism.

Is this guy thicker than a boulder?

This thought process is scary. What's even more scary: people voted for him. 


Monday, April 25, 2016

North Korea And Nuclear War

World War 3 is here. It's happening. It's a repeat of the 30's all over again. What did we do back then? The same as we are now: nothing. 

NK launched a missile from a submarine this past weekend. Did you guys even know they had submarines? For a country that finally got rockets into the sky, I guess it's surprising. Maybe only to me...but having the ability to launch a rocket from a submarine? That's just crazy. Why and how did we as a world leader, allow this to happen?

We have a president praising the open borders of the EU. That's why and how. He isn't driven by common sense, rather ideology. History is repeating itself. Common sense would tell us waiting or holding out, doing nothing does not work. Open borders? That's in the communist manifesto. It's explained because the communist believes when there are no more borders, you have no more wars; world peace. We know this is anything but the truth because attacks like Paris and Brussels still happen. When an American capitalist decides to say it's because of open borders, the communist calls us racist, xenophobic..everything else in the book. Even in the Quran, Muslims are supposed to lie (deceive), and call the truth speakers liars and other horrible names before they take over that land/country/you-name-it. 

We have radicalized Muslims saying one thing, communists saying another, and capitalist-conservatives saying something that truly is common sense. 

Pick up and read The Communist Manifesto. Read the first few Suras of the Quran. Read about 1928-1941 and the imperialist Japanese and the Nazi's. Read about tariffs and how wrong Trump is on this issue and so many others. We deserve better. Learn and educate yourself. That's what I do. :)


Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Weekend

Trump is still acting like Trump, Cruz is constantly playing defense...because of this week, I honestly don't know what to write about. There is still crap going on in this world we live in, not much has changed since the beginning of the week.

ISIS is still expanding in the Middle East, Obama is still pursuing his Marxist ideology, some people think it's okay for men to use the women's restroom, gun laws were passed in California that limit the ability of its citizens to protect themselves...the United Socialist States of America is here. What's my take on it?

Let's take full advantage of the tenth amendment. Let's take full advantage of the first, second, third-every bit of the Bill Of Rights we have. Let's grab it by the horns and plow through this communist agenda being pursued by the left. If a man thinks he is a woman, he needs mental help. If a woman thinks she is a man, she needs mental help. They are not transgender, they are what they are. If you have male genitalia, you are a man. If you have female genitalia, you are a woman. That's it. If you believe otherwise, you need to seek mental help as soon as possible. It's no different if you think your arm is not your arm. It is your arm, you were born with it, it's yours. Your brain controls it. It is a part of you. If you want to get it cut off, it's still your arm. It's still what and who you are. Why is this such a controversial issue? 

Mr. "Anti-PC" Trump believes a man should be able to use a female restroom. Tell me, folks: in what ways outside of building the wall, is this guy a conservative? In what ways is this guy worthy of what you believed in all your life? In what ways is this guy worthy of your republican vote?? This, along with the government subsidies, eminent domain, bigger government, expanded healthcare..I could go on and on, these are important issues for me. The constitution is important to me. It's not important to Trump, so why vote for somebody who you cannot relate to on such crucial topics and principles?

In what ways is this guy worthy of the republican nomination? I honestly don't see it. We don't even talk about the fore-mentioned issues anymore. We talk about how Ted Cruz has cheated on his wife or how big Trump's genitalia is. We talk about how he is a liar and how he stole delegates from Trump. Such a load of crap. 


Monday, April 18, 2016

Equality For Everyone!

It seems like everybody wants equality these days. We have a republican candidate for president actually going about saying one person=one vote. On the "other side" of the field, we have an out of closet socialist explaining people need to pay their "fair share" in taxes. I promise you, it's more than just taxes. 

Let's just play for a bit, though. If equality can be translated to "same", "equality for everyone" should mean everybody should be the same. Hear me out. Should we all pay equal taxes? A "flat tax" like Cruz's plan seems to be the most "equal" in my opinion. How about equality under the law? Okay. Justice speaking, fair enough. The US Constitution is the best document in recent times to grant such a staple in the world. Equal cars/emissions? Going green is very popular amongst youth today. We shouldn't drive that far to work. Should we all have the same car? Why not get rid of emissions all together? Since we will be working so close to home, a bicycle will do just fine. After all, Denmark is the new model for Bernie Sander's world. Having been there, I should know how many bicycles there are in the capital, Copenhagen, alone. 

Speaking of work? Should we all do the same work? That wouldn't be logically possible. Everybody can't be a plumber because who will fix the bicycles of a tire is flat? Who will build the houses? Will we even have houses? Land? If everybody is equal, we should have equal property, too, right? Trying to cram everybody so close to work would be difficult if they wanted "land". I think community housing would do just fine. Not apartments, but multiple families in the same living quarters where they can bathe, eat, play and converse all together. Water! If we are all equal, and we are going emissions free with bicycles, we should conserve precious water, too. With so many people living so close together, how will we ration the difference between cleaning ourselves or drinking it? Only a gallon per family I think. No matter how big or small because with Obamacare, everybody gets free condoms. It's your fault if you don't use one. 

What about food? To assure we all get equal food portions, it will have to be collected someplace public. A food line works well. Every day or so, one member from each family will get a pre-portioned food amount. In winter months, since we will have a wall around this country and will be "isolationist" like our socialist brethren North Korea, we will have to use those portions more sparingly since the weather will most certainly impact farms.

Equal school or learning. Since electricity will be equal to every house and building in America, computers will only work for so long before that building's amount is met. Books, given for free by the government, will ensure everybody has an equal opportunity for self-education. For schooling, the schools in cities today will have to change. Equal grades? Equal questions? To make sure everybody has an equal opportunity in the classroom, teachers must teach a government issued script where no questions are asked by the children. If a question is asked, it could ruin the flow of education for the other kids. For equal grades, no tests will be given. We must teach the kids about the greatness of the New America and its equality. Equality will be assured from the start.

I could seriously go on and on with this equality crap. Where will it end? Which of these ideas are supported by the constitution, outside of equality of justice? Equality of education? Nope. Equality of healthcare? Nope. Equality for work? Nope. Equal/minimum pay? Nope. Equality for food? Nope. Equal votes/one person=one vote? Nope. 

We need to get back to the constitution. We have been trying these socialist ideas for 100 years, more so the last 8 years and look what it has achieved! The "pay gap" has increased! $15/hour won't save that. Like I said, I could go on and on. I should, but this whole "equality for everyone" crap that's going around lately, is not worth it. 


Saturday, April 16, 2016

ISIS, LGBT Bathrooms and The Constitution

If I remember back to my old high school days, a lesson was taught about a major difference between democrats and republicans. The republican "slogan" was along the lines of "you can do it with hard work" and the democrat's was along the lines of "hugs and drugs". 

Hugs with a knife and drugs to dull the pain, if you catch my drift. 

Remember last year when we praised the Supreme Court for deciding the gay marriage situation for us? There is this movement of democracy and mobocracy happening right before our eyes. Sovereign states and representation is going away, at least to the eyes of the the "blind". It's not okay for states to decide on gay marriage, on militia, on immigration and now on bathroom laws. The communist manifesto talks about a society getting to a point of no return. It's at that point, government has no choice to intervene. Now, I believe it can be a full on revolution, or little bits of progressive takeover. We are not at the point of a full on revolution yet, although we have riots in the streets because of a broken justice system, because of a "racist" flag in the south... Heck, NYC was in a situation two days ago. People took over the MetLife building yelling, running up escalators on both sides, holding signs..they took over Grand Central Station, Fox News..for what? Leftist programs which, I'm sure, included $15 per hour minimum wage. 

I say get rid of it. Let's get rid of this Communist/Marxist/Socialist idea all together. It's already sparking this movement of revolution Marx talked about. 

Now, this bathroom thing. I'm sorry, but we can not accommodate people with restroom choice because of what that person likes to do with their genitalia. 

Now, this can be taken advantage of. No law will stop that and if we MUST talk about this, I have two things that have crossed my mind over this issue:
1) What if a person decides he/she feels like the opposite gender at different times of the day? Like "excitement"? There are different times of the day where a person can become "excited" and there are other times in the day when they are not "excited". Can this become an issue with the bathroom selection? Would that able to be held in court?
2) (Now, I don't normally do this but....) Let's borrow from Europe. In public restrooms in Europe, there's a "common room" with sinks along the walls and doors that lead to their own private rooms. Why not use this as an example for future restrooms in public? That way, there are no gender restricted restrooms. If there is a room with a door open, you walk into it. If we must talk about this issue, let's bring up some ideas based off of human experience instead of complaining and boycotting or even threatening to boycott a state or something? Speaking of which,

I am boycotting Coca-Cola because they have threatened to boycott North Carolina. I have given ideas to help this situation. They have not. They have immediately jumped to the side of the LGBT community and they have taken hold as well. But, Coke still does sales in places like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt..I could go on. Those three countries, and 79 other places in the world, they outlaw being gay. Some places kill homosexuals. If Coca-Cola really stood by the side of the LGBT community, they would two-face them on such a major issue. That's another reason why I am actually boycotting. 

You see, we, the people, can't decide whether or not men should go into women's restrooms, or vise-versa. We the need the oligarchy that is the Supreme Court to decide for us. We now have a presidential candidate, who is leading, who says they would bring their leftist, progressive family member as a nominee to that court. Or we can have a man who has taken hold of the constitution and held it to a respectable position it should be held to. That man is held by principle, not by money. 

I say we get the constitution and state sovereignty back. 

I say we destroy ISIS, I say we get rid of sanctuary cities and I say we take back our country.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Since The Whole System Is Corrupt...

...why not restart from this point?

Donald Trump keeps saying the election process is corrupt. Since Iowa, every state Ted Cruz has won, and Donald Trump has lost, Donald has been saying the election process is rigged and Ted Cruz has stolen those delegates either from Trump himself, or another candidate. So, I propose a resolution: restart at zero but continue the delegate process from here. 

The other delegates won by any candidate in the states so far must hold and will not count. I know, some people won't like that, but why not? "The whole process is rigged" meaning whoever wins, Trump or Cruz, will be illegitimate. Trump Supporters believe they will win, so what's the loss in starting at zero again? Ted Cuz Supporters say he will win, so I'm sure they, including myself, will say Ted will win. Kasich, he must drop out because even a restart at zero delegates he can not win. He does not have the national interest like Cruz and Trump have. 

If Donald wins, claiming the delegate process is rigged and corrupt, he cannot become the nominee because it will be illegitimate. The entire system cannot be "corrupt" on one side, otherwise it wouldn't be labeled as the entire, whole, you-name-it, process. 

Sorry Trumpsters: It cannot work that way.

So why not restart at zero? If you truly believe your candidate will win, why not support this? Heck, I'll even throw this in: Trump supporters want him to win even if he does not have the magic 1237 number. Since it will be impossible at this point with this many states left and starting at zero, I say let the candidate with the most delegates at the end will win the nomination. "Fair", right?

All because equality and political correctness rule the land now. 

Or, Donald can honor the people of states such as Iowa, Colorado... If he keeps treating the people of those states "Ted Cruz Stole" from him, do YOU honestly think they will honor him back, in November?

I don't think so. 


Oh, and by the way, I'll get to the bathroom law GA and NC passed a few weeks ago, tomorrow. I've taken an effort to boycott Coca-Cola because of their threats. More of that tomorrow. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Hey! ISIS Still Exists

Yes, it's a fact. They are still killing and raping girls and women and Christians alike. Donald Trump is going around talking about polls and calling Ted Cruz a liar while all of this is happening. 

Let's move on people. 

We need a president who will not make deals with people. What ever happened to the old saying, "The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists"? Obama's has done it, so why can't Trump? He's the master deal maker, don't you know. I want to know what other deals he will make. Even he has said that some things will be non negotiable, but will they really? Will the liberties given to us by God, be up for grabs? 

Right now, Donald Trump is calling Ted Cruz a liar and he is once again trying to politicize 9/11 by taking a position on the "NY Values" comment made by Ted Cruz. He talks about how he loves the fire fighters and the police after what they did. What does Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton and Michael Bloomberg have to do with 9/11? Seriously? How anybody can relate what Ted Cruz said about the "NY Values" and the leftist policies, is crazy. They don't have any relation, what so ever. 

I guess the zika virus is gone, and ebola is back. Isn't that interesting? 

Companies have been boycotting States like North Carolina and Georgia over recent laws that were passed. What laws, do you say? A law that denied transgender individuals the right to choose which bathroom they wanted to use. So, let's say that I decide to use the woman's restroom because I am suddenly transgender, or I say that I am. Who will tell me different? I am what I am, otherwise you are a bigot. I think I could argue that in court, as the woman I could have potentially raped tries to file charges. See, there's a problem here. People don't get to decide if they can use a bathroom one day, and use a different bathroom the next. Our rights come from God and this "right" to choose a bathroom is absurd. But, it's being labeled anti-gay and what not so companies and other state institutions are boycotting the States. Even, my beloved Coca-Cola. Well, I'm boycotting then as well. All it will take is one guy to take advantage of the situation and somebody's little daughter will be scared for life. No thank you. 

Oh and, the Republicans that Donald trump helped get into office, are not helping out debt situation. 


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Okay Kasich: It's Time To Drop Out

Look, you got 14% in Wisconsin. Some people might say, hey, that's not bad at all!! Well, in a three way race, he didn't even get 1/6 of the vote in that state. 33% being a near perfect third, he managed to get less than half of that. 

You cannot win. 

I'm still shocked he won Ohio, me being from Ohio! He cannot win the nomination. He got $700 thousand from George Soros. If you don't know who that is, I'll leave a few links for you. You can do further research. The summary: he has promised to destroy capitalism and, essentially, America. When a man willing to destroy America gives that amount of money to a presidential candidate, it's time for us to let him go. 

Now, Ted Cruz won that state but it wasn't long ago when he was doomed to lose. Times change and he won in a near landslide victory! I say let's do this to more States. There are still about 2400 delegates left unclaimed. I think it's time to take control of this election and really behind Ted. 

I call to you, #NeverTrump folks! I call to you, blue collar Democrats and Republicans alike. It's time to destroy trump and his policies that go along with him. Sure, his wall idea is great. Sure his nationwide open carry idea is great. Sure his tax plan is great. But when it comes to visas, the tariffs, the personification of the mob, his views on Israel, his views on healthcare, he plans to make deals as opposed to stand up for what he believes in. What does that tell you about this man? He doesn't have a firm foundation. You would never build a house on sand, so why have a president who acts the same? When looking at Trump with a more opened eye, he is in fact more liberal. We must realize this. 

There is only one man who has time and time again, and yet again last night, who can be rallied behind and who can bring conservative minded individuals, as well as Americans in general. 

That man is Ted Cruz. 


Oh, and Bernie won last night as well. Maybe that's a good sign for our socialists friends on the left. 

Two links on George Soros

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Democrat America: Karl's Dream Realized

This could be a continuation of "Communism In America" but I can't remember if that would make this blog 4 or 5 of this series so I decided to think of it as a spiritual successor of those posts. 

Minimum wage in some States is now higher than what I made in a long time. We can expect inflation to rise as well as unemployment. When did a man or woman stop dreaming of anything bigger? I would not want to work at Burger King for the rest of my life. I would not want to pump gas into people's cars for the rest of my life. I would not want to work as an intern all my life. At some point, I would love to not have to rely on somebody for my income. I want to rely on myself, eventually. But there are some who would. 

Why not strive to be a doctor, or an animal doctor, a painter, a famous singer? why not reach for the stars, literally by becoming an astronaut? Capitalists for years have said socialism, communism or marxism what ever you decide to call it, breeds laziness. This is becoming more true by the minute. 

We have gotten to the point where people are wanting a minimum wage of $15 per hour. Heck, we have people wanting a minimum wage! Forget the amount! The fact that people want to be paid a standard amount for any kind of work basically says: I can be as lazy or productive as I please and I do not have to worry about my pay getting lowered. Ever have horrible service at a store or eatery? Somebody is thinking what you just read. 

We have a group of people who are perfectly fine with not wanting to take the leap into higher education to make more money in life. 

Heck, now that California has $15 per hour, what's the need for a college degree? As soon as I graduate, I would have spent tens of thousands of dollars for a pay not much higher per hour. I might as well save the money I would have spent at school and just stick with the $15 per hour. Oh wait! We have a president saying he will make college free too?! Sign me up! 

This laziness is incredible. 

I've been to Denmark. 200 Kroner is $40 here in the US. Their money has a bigger number for a reason! It worth nothing. The people have nothing. That's why the crime rates are so low over there: there is nothing really to steal from anybody. 

One last point: I'm all for fitness, but I don't feel like owning a bike as my only mode of personal transportation. 


Monday, April 4, 2016

What Does The Word Life Mean To You?

That is the question of the day, at least in my world. 

It's a question I ask all of the liberals. You say that you are anti-gun because they kill, yet you believe it's a woman's choice to abort a baby, even though that's killing somebody or something. You also support 'black lives matter' while disagreeing with 'all lives matter'. What it it were a black, unborn child? Would his or her life matter? 

Some would say their life hasn't happened yet, so we cannot call them a living human being. It's a kin to what I call the lava vs magma situation. It's magma only until it hits air, and then and only then, we can call it lava. It's a fetus until it hits air, and then and only then we can call it a living, human being. 

Even with my analogy, making a case for something so absurd is, frankly, stupid. 

Let's look at what a fetus is. It actually comes from the Latin word meaning offspring. Who are ye children? They are your offspring! (yes I meant the ye)

Saying that the baby is not a baby, when the words originality means offspring, your fruit, your child, proves yet another point: the left changes words and definitions around.  My personal favorite is the bastardization of immigrant. There's a difference, a huge difference, between immigrant and alien. Let's play by their rules for a bit: we are a nation of immigrants, but we are not a nation of illegal aliens. People wanted to come here to live in the greatest country on the face of this earth. They thought America had gold streets! Isn't that amazing? 

I had a talk with a liberal teacher at my high school, back when I ran for mayor of my city. We got on the subject of nuclear bombs but the discussion was on technology. Just because we have the technology to do something like kill people, is that really a technological achievement? Should we be proud of that? More importantly: is it moral? 

So I raise this final question to everybody reading this blog: just because we can kill things inside a living woman, does that make it moral? Should we continue to do it? 

All men (women included) were created equal, justice speaking, in the eyes of our Constitution. The rights are not granted by any human but by our creator. Even if you don't think that baby inside the womb is a living human being, it was created. It does exist. 


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Okay. First things first:

It has been a crazy month in the world, hasn't it? Everything from Kasich winning Ohio, which I still cannot believe by the way, to the great Rubio dropping out, all the way to a perfectly timed sex scandal. Things that have stayed the same, Cruz is still a 'liar' and Trump is the victim. 

Four words to describe this past month: Give. Me. A. Break. 

Trump still refuses to go one on one with Cruz in a debate even though Cruz pulled an amazing April Fools prank yesterday. Trump has not sued Cruz yet. Even if he was going to do it for fun. 

Nearly 26,000,000 foreign born people in this country have jobs in this country. It's a new record. Meanwhile, Trump agrees that "talent" such as these foreign workers "should stay in this country". Or wait, has he decided against that for real this time? Nobody knows. It is a record that this country should recognize and fix as soon as possible. 

Ok. I know what you're thinking: CLINT!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? 

Well, I have some major news rot Elliot all: if you have an ad blocker up, you won't realize this but I have decided to go completely ad free. I've been talking to some other publications and other writers and such about the future of this blog and my writing. Thoughts like where can I take this and how will I take it to that next step. Some great things are in the future but for now, since I don't make that much off it anyways, I have decided to pull all of the ads because I think we can agree that ads are annoying. Right? I am trying to focus around you all, my readership. You all are first and foremost. You guys deserve a bit of relief from this crazy world. There are some major things that will be happening soon. I can't say anything yet but I am allowed to talk off the record on things, if somebody becomes interested. 

Let's all stay focused today, though. Read the Declaration of Independence today. I did and I do quite often. 

Our founders were suppressed and they lived under the iron curtain of tyranny. Let us never forget what they fought for. 


Today's Interesting read: 

This is up there with his Christmas ad. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

I Did Not Watch The Debate

Why didn't I watch the GOP Debate last night? Well, I know who I am voting for when it will come to my state. I am not undecided. I know Ted Cruz is the only one bringing up issues that I care about. I know who the liars are and I know what they will say and how they will say it: Ted Cruz is the liar, Trump is free to change his mind on whatever issue he wants, Rubio will let his ego stay in the way and he will continue to be a Mr. Conservative and Kasich will be saying he will win Ohio. 

Did I get it right?

I know who the Mr. Conservative is and I am sure you guys/gals know who it is as well. He was not the one giving money to the Clintons and the McConnell's. He was also not the one who expanded Medicare in Ohio and he is not the one who was a key component of one of the most amnesty friendly bills we have ever seen in this country. 

The Mr. Conservative is not the one who said "Conservatives got us into this mess we are in right now". Nor is he the one who lied to the state of Florida on his principles. He is also not the one who openly joked about terrorism, namely shooting people on fifth avenue. 

Who do we want in a president? Who do we want our kids to look up to, outside of ourselves? Would we want our kids explaining to their grandparents where they heard the P-word from? Do we want them to repeat such vile, classless actions? Where has the respect foreach other gone? Do we want our kids to see that it's okay to say what and where to say it-play the mob?

I think, looking into the March 15th primaries, we need to look to an individual who has class, who has respect for the American citizen. One who realizes that he is no different than any other common man. He is the president, not a God. Bernie Sanders said a while ago that the "right to healthcare comes from being a human being". 

Last time I checked, the framers noted that our rights come from God, because who are we to grant such permissions toward one another?


PS: "All Talk, No Action" man, Trump, STILL has not sued Ted Cruz. Day: 49 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Here's A Personal Post

No politics today. I've had a lot on my mind with personal stuff. I won't go super public but I need to vent this. I'm sorry. I appreciate the reading in every single country, all over the world. It's pretty incredible. I cannot thank you enough for you all. 

I moved from Nashville, TN about 4 months ago. Nashville was my dream and I was so blessed to live there for 5 years. I moved when I was 19 with no family within 500 miles. Looking back, I do not regret it at all. Do I regret moving away? Not really. Is it still hard on me mentally? I'd be lying if I said no. Lord do I miss that place. I had "planted my roots" to quote one of my uncles. I had a church, a job, another job, great friends and a beautiful living space right on the Cumberland River, just far enough from town but just close enough to where I could go there anytime I wanted. 

That place was my home. Heck, even my fiancé and our dog loved the peaceful area. We'd wake up and hear birds and the water. The sun would shine on the little yellow house, it was a slice of heaven. 

Although I have never been clinically diagnosed, I'm sure I have depression. I rely on pictures of loved ones and music to get me out of it. I do not want to really converse with anybody. In fact, that's my nature. I've been told I'm lazy and easy going. Both are true. I can get along with anybody and everybody but only if I want to. I've been told I would never make it in the music industry. I proved them wrong with many different situations. I'm very proud of my endeavors. I have traveled to 9 different countries, traveled to 45 of the lower 48 states here in the USA. I have traveled from one coast to the other and from one side of "the pond" to the other. I have friends all over the world I can call or text at any given moment. Again, I am very blessed to final of this before I turn 25!

Some people would kill to have my life. But, honestly, I am not happy. I never thought I would say it but I am completely miserable. I do not know why. I know I am homesick but even that isn't the true reason for my unhappiness. I have no idea. I feel that is a problem. I should know why I am unhappy and happy, right? I wish I knew of a way to escape this sadness. The rain outside, here in central Arkansas, is not helping either. 

I miss my dog, my mom, my dad, sister, my brother-in-law and most of all my fiancé. I do not have a home right now. I left Nashville and all of my belongings are in a trailer. I miss home, wherever that may be. I guess that's a reason why I haven't found my happiness...I haven't found my home. 


Thank you, again. It's just one of those days. There's more I could write but I don't think you guys care much for it anyways. After all, this is primarily a political blog. So much is on my mind, I had to release it someplace. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

BREAKING: Conservatism Is Dead!

That's the main argument of a Trump supporter I had this past evening. Did you know, it was so? I had no idea. 

How can it be dead when the falsehood of liberalism is fading away? Look at the voter turnout of the democrats vs republicans. Republicans are coming out to vote in numbers we haven't seen in...a lifetime! Rubio is failing and falling into the abyss. He's not conservative. So, would that mean a success for conservatism? I thought it was dead?

Jeff sessions endorsed Donald Trump. Okay, Harry Reid likes him as well. So does Jimmy Carter. Jimmy went on to say he is "more malleable" because he doesn't have a strong platform like Cruz. Trump supporters will say he isn't. That's wrong because just this week, he was against H-1B Visas, at the debate he switched to supporting it saying "we need to keep the skills" here in the USA, but then he released a statement in his website saying he reversed course again! Now he's against it! The Trump supporter said the question was "asked wrong". So now it's the unfair medians fault? The same media that gives Trump more air time than any other candidate? That same media?

What does Donald Trump stand for? Tell me. Comment on this blog. Send me a Twitter message at @TheMindOfClint on Twitter. Shoot me an email. Tell me: what does Donald Trump Stand for. I would prefer for a comment down below (you can do it anonymously if you want) so that everybody could see and either agree or disagree with each other's argument. I want to know what he stands for because so far, he is flip flopping worse that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. You don't think they will use it against him, if he becomes the nominee?

I want to go into something else that caught my attention earlier today. Iran is threatening to walk away from the, now infamous, Iranian Deal that gave them $150 billion! Will we get our money back if they do that? Probably not. Did Obama and Kerry want this all along? Probably. Obama, the man who said right before the election that he was going to "Fundementaly Change America", defiantly knew this would come. He wants to see this country fundementaly different and boy, has it! The people are angry at the DC establishment. People are angry at our 'represented' folk. They say Cruz is an insider and Trump is an outsider. Where was Trump when Ted Cruz gave his 21 hour filibuster? Where was Trump when Ted Cruz was fighting the gang of 8? Where was Trump when Ted Cruz openly spoke against senate majority leader Mitch McConnell?

I'll say this again: I want the anger I have at DC to be represented, not personified. 

Trump personifies the anger. What good can come out of it?


You can watch the video of that H-1B visa question here:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The RNC Brokered Convention

I'll say it here: this brokered convention talk needs to stop. 

What's the point? I mean, come on already. The Americans are frustrated and angry at the establishment anyways, so they are planning I doing this? Do they thing it is going to help their image? Do they care?

They are planning this because they believe government should rule over the people. They don't care about their image and they don't care about the American people. So, I have an idea on how to combat this brokered convention crap: call up the local representative or congressman/congresswoman and explain to them how upset you are at the talk about the convention. Call up your state senate and any other higher local government. Explain how fed up you are. Will it help this situation? If one or two do it, I'll say no. However, if we can get a mass of people to call and explain that they need to cut the crap, they will have to listen. I believe they care about their job too much to not listen. 

We need to call them like the militia we are. They only get so many times to screw us over before we explode. I think we are pretty close. 

Now, obviously, if you are represented by a democrat, there's not much hope for you but I say call them anyways because they talk across the aisle. Even if it's a slight mutter, word will get around about fed up we are. Let's explain enough is enough! I am getting angry that they are even attempting to sabotage the convention! Aren't you? Never in my lifetime has the Republican Party been screwed up by the establishment in DC. 

What do you say to them besides enough is enough? Tell them, "no more sabotaging. If you want to talk smack about a candidate, be it Trump or go never, don't just sit there. Endorse somebody!" Romney is hinting on running for president based on what I've heard and seen from different bits of information, otherwise, why would he have made that speech last week? I don't know about you, but I am done with people running for president and coming tints the race. Romney, stay out or endorse somebody. I said it last week, Rubio is finished. If the establishment doesn't want to rally behind Trump, let them rally behind Rubio. Let the two of them fall together. Let the people stand with Ted Cruz. 

We need somebody to represent our anger, not personify it. 


Monday, March 7, 2016

Reagan, Trump and Liberals

Today is another sad day in America. Yesterday, Nancy Reagan passed away at the age of 94. It didn't take long for the liberals and all who think against Mr. and Mrs. Reagan to speak their joyous words towards each other and on the Internet. 

My guess is that this anger has always been there, only now we have a medium to publish the anger to. Anger, sadness, happiness or any other thought can now be expressed across many platforms and has the ability to reach millions of people within a few seconds. That's very incredible. Now, I'm not giving them a pass on this. Saying things like "F*ck that C*nt" and many other choice phrases to describe an honorable woman is absolutely wrong. To be honest, you shouldn't talk that way about anybody. Doesn't anybody remember the golden rule? Why and how have we gotten to this point? I think it's because people think, other people care. I do wonder, though, will they say such words about a democrat woman? I thought the democrats were about "women's rights" and other civil liberties? I didn't see one hate phrase like this from a republican yesterday. If there are some, I wonder how many of them are Trump supporters? I only say this because Trump blames the problems we have in this country on conservatives. He said so in a tweet. I took a screenshot of it and posted it in a blog last week. Yup. It was only a week ago. Oh, how soon we forget. 

Trump lost ground this weekend on Suoer Tuesday. Cruz is now inching further and ever so closer to Trump. What is causing this? Could it be that Trump has criticized conservatives? Oh, he is a conservative? Why wasn't he present at CPAC this past weekend? He is not a conservative, he doesn't have a conservative mindset and he doesn't have a conservative history to run on. While we were fighting the angry liberals, he was funding them! Did you catch that? The angry liberals. Their anger was on full exposure yesterday. Just go to Twitter and type 'Nancy Reagan'. You'll see the hate speech all over. Trump likes to express how much he is growing the party and bringing people from all sides from everywhere and anywhere. The anger that Trump personifies is showcased with intensity at his rally's. The speech coming from his crowds...remember words like "P*ssy"? The republican conservatives do not talk like this. 

However, more people define themselves as conservative, they just don't realize they are. They believe the DC corruption as much as anybody reading this but the media pushes them to one side so they continue to vote that way. They believe in a local government or bringing the school systems back to the local control, hence the anger at common core. People believe in a government that pushes itself to a balanced budget. They see the debt rising and whether or not they know what it means, something inside them realizes it's wrong. 

That's why we need a conservative to represent that anger against the corruption and DC establishment, not personify it. 

Nancy's death is a tragedy and she must be remembered for the great woman she was. We can only pray on that outcome. 


Ps: Sorry about this weekend! Glad to be back out of the desert. Heading back east to NC. :D

Friday, March 4, 2016

Seriously, Male Private Parts?

The GOP debate was last night. I have just a few thoughts. And I'll touch on Romney a bit, too.  

I am angry. 

I am angry at what the GOP Debates and at what the election process has become. We have gone past the jokes about shooting people on 5th avenue. We have gone past the Dr. Ben Carson attacks about him being a psychopath, whether Ben wrote it and it was repeated. Trump is the reason why Dr. Ben Carson was so low in the polls and then Trump plays the part of being his best friend at the debate after Iowa? We have gone past the words like "Pussy". We have gone past the deal making and campaign endorsing and we have been led up to this: actually measuring the sizes of the male anatomy. I ask you two questions: Is This The Man We Want For Our Children To Look Up To? Is Donald Trump The Man We Want Our Kids To Be A Role Model For?

Rubio plays Mr. Conservative. Reagan 2.0, if you will. The fact is, Rubio sold out to the tea party and his state and the conservative movement as a whole with the Gang Of Eight Bill. This lie he manufactured about Cruz being part of that bill is appalling! Anybody can google search the Gang Of Eight and they will not find Ted Cruz's name anywhere near it. If they do find his name, it will be next to the people who tried to stop it! It will be next to the people who stood up for the American people! Rubio then says, "then we will find out what the American People are interested/want". I'll tell you what we want: we want the border secure, we want a wall to be built, we want the immigration laws to be exercised! 

I'll tell you what we don't want, too.

We don't want Karl Rove and people from his ilk to have a say in our election process. We do not want another Romney, a McCain, a Bush, a Graham, a Christy, a liar, an establishment player... We want somebody who is hated by the establishment. Isn't that the truth? Don't we want somebody who is willing to fight for our beliefs because their tremendous love of country is just that: tremendous? Don't we want somebody who will represent us, instead of govern us? I want our anger to be represented, not personified. 

We have a presidential candidate who is a governor. Stay in Ohio. If you love your state, stay there. If you love your country, stay there. We have a presidential candidate who is a senator not running for reelection. It's not because he is confident he will be victorious, it's because the people in Florida will not reelect him. I said it in yesterday's blog post: he will lose Florida because he is a sellout, a liar and he is the establishment. If he wants to be a 'somebody' instead of a "nameless face in history", he must drop out and support Cruz. The establishment is dropping him for Romney, he's that bad! If his ego is so massive, he can change his future by playing the long game. He must realize he will not be president this year, but he must look at 8 years after a successful Cruz presidency, he could. We have a presidential candidate who is treating this campaign like a play or a tv show. It's all about ratings and polls. The truth is: his TV Show, "The Apprentice" is failing! I can't remember the numbers off the top of my head, but I wrote a whole blog post about it just last week. Business people always look for something new because any press is good press. "The Apprentice" is a dead show. Trump realized this but he needs to be in the limelight. This is the perfect "show" in his eyes. He is on tv more than he's ever been. His face is everywhere. He also gets to help out an old democrat friend. He says he "hasn't gotten to Clinton yet." He then tells us to "believe him" when he says he will destroy her. The same guy who says Ted Cruz and other "politicians" are "all talk, no action" has us waiting on his "no action" with the lawsuit against Ted Cruz's citizenship for nearly 50 days. Are we that stupid to "believe" him that he will attack Hillary Clinton? So far Mr. Action, has been Mr. All Talk and I don't expect it to change. 

And then we have Ted Cruz. A senator who won a huge majority of Texas because the people in that state said 'yes. You did keep your promise to us. We know you will keep your promises to fight for us all the way to the white house and we are here to support you'. He has been fighting against Rubio's Gang Of Eight Bill. He has been fighting against Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, two people Trump has helped with campaign funds. Two people who have spoken with liberal immigration laws Ted Cruz has been fighting and now, all of a sudden, Trump is "so strong" on immigration? Really? Ted Cruz has stood by and with the American people on The Bill of Rights and has won with cases relating to religious liberty and guns and state sovereignty. He and only he can say his and debate with his track record, because it's the most "Reagan" in any candidate I have seen in my entire 25 years while being on this earth!

People: think about this. Who do we want to be our president? Romney is the establishment's next hope. Even I didn't see it coming. Rubio has to see the writing on the wall, he has to see the final nail in his coffin. He needs to drop out and support Ted Cruz. I think he will because his ego is so massive. If Romney wants to run a third ticket or become the nominee at the convention, how about we make it not happen. Let's stand behind the only person who has fought time and time again. Whether you disagree with me or not, Ted Cruz is that man. We need to do something about it fast. 

Time is running short for our republic. We need to forget about Romney, we need to forget about the establishment and take control of our country and our party. 


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

We Prayed For A Conservative So What Happened?

I'll tell you what happened: the establishment happened and somebody has a big ego. 

Fox News is dropping Rubio-as they should. To quote Trump: "he is a loser". He won one state so far in the primary process. Cruz is the only person who has beaten Trump, not once but 4 times! Back to the establishment, they despise Trump and they despise Cruz. Marco Rubio is their only guy left outside of Kasich. The establishment is betting Rubio to win Florida and Kasich is hoping to win Ohio. Let me tell you something: Kasich will not win Ohio. What he has done to the state is more than enough proof that he won't win it. Same with Florida: they view Rubio as "sellout". He won't win Florida. Why do they continue to wait then?

There is a big rumor going around and how Cruz and Rubio should join forces. I would be in favor of that. Rubio has no place left to go at this point. Fox News is no longer supporting him and the establishment will see, if they haven't already, he won't win. He cannot win unless there is a brokered convention. Rubio isn't going to wait to be betrayed by the establishment. I do think he will drop out and support Cruz because he wants to be president. If he stays, the establishment could turn on him and go with somebody else. He will not become the nominee at that point and if he were to run again in 2020, because of his failure this time, and because he will become a nobody since he will not have a senate seat after this year, he will be a forgotten face in history. If he sides with Cruz and becomes the VP nominee with Cruz, he will remain in the public eye until 2020 or 2024 giving him a greater chance of becoming president after the success of a Cruz presidency. 

However, his ego is really, really big. He may think the establishment is still on his side. I think ego will play a huge part in him staying. Trump will become the nominee and Cruz and Rubio will be left in the dust. Again, Rubio, not having a public seat, will become a forgotten face in history. Here lies a question: does he still have faith in the establishment's promise to him? That they will back him until the end? Is he stupid enough to still think that they will? Ego is a funny thing. 

Even though he is not the constitutional conservative we wanted, why is he still getting the third place percentage? Why is Trump in the lead? Cruz is our guy we have been waiting for all along yet, we think he cannot win. Well, he has and he will continue to win! The media tells us otherwise but we must realize this and think for ourselves. Cruz can win. Rubio must realize the establishment will only run against Rubio in the end. That's my belief. I do not know who they will back. Maybe Trump? I still think the establishment likes him, Trump just knows how to camouflage it better than Bush did, than Christy did and than how Rubio does now. Each establishment type shows their contrast to Obama because the establishment sees Obama as the end game. They brand themselves as the anti-Obama because they think the people are upset at Obama. While that is true, they are upset at the government as a whole. Yet, some people support a candidate who crafted The Gang Of 8 Bill?

Rubio must realize he cannot win and unless he joins Cruz, a la Reagan/Bush style, Trump will become the nominee. There will be no brokered convention and Rubio will become a nameless face in history. We finally have a Constitutional Conservative. What happened though: we haven't embraced him yet. 


Super Tuesday Revisited

This is a short blog today because of Suoer Tuesday. 

Yesterday I wrote about the history of the populist party and the ideology they covet. I explained a little about the relation between 1893 and 2016 and how the parallels comparing the anger of the people, mirror very close. The economy was a big deal back then and low and behold, the exit polls for yesterday talk about anything money related being the bigger issue than any other issue, including immigration which in Georgia was in less than 10% of Georgian minds. 

The economy/jobs issue plays into Trumps hand beautifully. He has a successful business, despite what many say. Sure, he had lost billions of dollars and has filed bankruptcy four times, or something like that, but when you're playing the penny slots in a casino, you aren't going to lose big. In order to win big, you have to be ready to pay big and be prepared to lose big all while keeping your eyes on the prize. That's what Trunp does. But, going back to 1893, during The Panic of 1893, the US market lost millions of jobs and stocks crashed, foreign investors were pulling out and we the people were fed up with the people in Washington. Who was our savior? The populist party. They were our hope for a better future. The market did turn around by the election in '96 and we as a people grew sober from our hostile, youthful mentality. We grew into adults and realized what we actually needed was an individual who stood on principle, not somebody who played the mob. 

It cracks me up, Rubio, who finally won his first primary said Ted Cruz had a "bad night". He is our savior when it comes to we the people. He will win in winner take all states. Oh really? Where were you this whole election process? You finally won a state! And Fox News puts it this way: "First we have Trump who won seven states, then we have Rubio who won one state and then there's Cruz who won two," and then they go off on who knows what like its nothing! Actually, Alaska just came in at the time of this writing and it shows. Ted Cruz win Alaska. Making him the only person who has been tested to win against Trump, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times! And "loser" Rubio has the nerve to say "he is the only one who can win" in winner take all states. Rubio has the nerve to say Ted Cruz had a bad night. Fox News has the nerve to act as if Ted Cruz's victories are not important. Give me a break. What have become of you, Fox? Faux News sounds pretty good right now. 

Rubio is a sell out to his own Floridian people and to the United States citizenry. Rubio will not win Florida because the people of Florida know what I am talking about. It's the same reason why Kasich will not win Ohio. Now, he never sold anybody out-if you don't count the Ohioans! I was born and raised in Ohio and even my liberal friends think he is a joke. He claims to have a surplus and and balanced budget in Ohio, yet after he is gone, the state will implode due to what he did with Medicare and Medicade. He is wasting votes from whomever it may be. This election needs a statesman, not a man from the state. 

Seriously? Rubio cannot even beat Kasich! It's time to #GoAwayRubio

Oh, and about that fundraser Trump held during that one debate: some vets have NOT received their money yet. I thought I would bring that up again. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The History Of The Populist Movement

Let's take a look at the history of the populist movement because on a Tuesday like today, it must be talked about somewhere. 

The year is 1873. The United States was a different country back then. "Secret" societies like The Masons existed as well as a group called The Grangers. The latter worked with the farming industry and groups associated with such individuals. The country is fresh out of a civil war. Tensions are still high and the country is trying to figure out its economy with the lack of slave labor. Farmers are demanded more and more. The country was still on the gold standard back then. People could not elect the senators directly, there was no such thing as a Federal Reserve and "Rockefeller" was not a household name. Farmers were in debt and with the help of the Grangers, pushed to evolve the gold standard and push it into inflation. The idea was simple: if inflation happened, $1 could become $2 or $3. The farmers could sell less for more, making the debt the carry become less and non-existent. They needed to personify their beliefs into the whitehouse. The Grangers could make that happen. 

There was a party known as "The Greenback Party". Their idea was to create a method of money that was not backed by gold, thus advancing the rate of inflation. Well, nothing became of that. They could not collect the amount of people to like the idea but like all radicalized agendas, they do not give up. They re-branded themselves as the Greenback-Labor Party. Then, later, called themselves the Populist Party. What was their goal? Inflation, but they had a laundry list of ideas such as: having the people elect senators directly, a graduated income tax and a reform dubbed "initiative". Initiative was a plan by the populists and it involved the people creating debate, directly to the legislative process allowing the people to vote on bills directly-without the need for representatives. A man named James Weaver was announced as their candidate. He only got 22 electoral votes and just one million popular votes but the populists saw this as a victory even though they weren't even close to a win. The populist movement was now being talked about across the country. The seed, if you will, was now planted. 

In history we talk about about many things. One of them is The Great Depression. There were actually a few in our history before and after that. I'm going to focus on what became known as "The Panic Of 1893". After a 'failed' populist election in 1892, the populist were more determined than ever. The nation was talking about it more and anger brewed against the government was boiling. The Panic of 1893 did not help the government at all. Bank loans failed and the stock market crashed. European investors started pulling out of America and nearly four million became unemployed as well as thousands of businesses had closed their doors. The people realized the leadership was not well for the country. A new century was approaching and with a new century, a new beginning of leadership became a clear objective in the eyes of Americans. 

The populist side, echoed into the Democratic Party. In 1896, an attorney from Nebraska named William Jennings Bryan was what I would call, a slick talker much like Barack Obama or Marco Rubio or even Donald Trump. Bryan is quoted as being "one of the best speakers" of his time. The Farmers from twenty years prior wanted a monetary system not backed on gold alone to bring in inflation. Bryan promised "free coinage from silver". William McKinley, from Ohio, had the support of a wealthy Cleveland industrialist named Marc Hanna. Marc, just like many in the republican field, believed the free coinage of silver would destroy America financially. In his eyes, McKinley had to be elected and he later won 271 votes to 176. 

The economy had recovered by 1896. Farmer's prices were going up, slowly but surely. The election of 1896 could have meant the beginning of the populist presidents, but the party fell apart shortly after.

What happened to their ideas? Well, they still exist today and some have been amended into our constitution. Not by the populists, but by what we know as, The Progressives. Like all radicalized ideas, they never give up. They continue to push their ideology until they win. They promise to win for the sake of all people. They succeed but we the people are hit hard for it. Income tax, secret ballet, initiative, direct election of senators...these populist ideas became and were succeeded by the progressives. 

The populist is not a conservative by nature. The history proves itself. So today, Super Tuesday, do not vote for the populist because history proves they do not represent the constitution. Vote for the anti-populist. Let's allow history and the election of 1896 repeat itself once again. We may be angry at the government but let's all think with sober heads. 


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